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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Flying Home

    All you need to do is get up and walk around on the plane every 30 minutes if possible. Try to move as much as possible....
  2. Ms skinniness

    I Cheated.. Now What?

    Don't do it again! Keep focused and move forward! You are doing great and it shouldn't interfere with your surgery. we have all cheated in some way. Forgive thy self.
  3. Hey Coops, I feel you here. I have a lot of soft spongy stuff in my torso area too. I think it's fat, but when I asked my surgeon, she said it was skin.....Somehow, I have a hard time believing her.... But I am so tired of all this number on the scales too. I have had a very long Thanksgiving here where I had a lot of sugars. Now it's back on track and i am going to keep working at getting a few more stubborn lbs off now. No more sugar for me. You have been stuck for 13 months and have had a lot of trauma's that caused you a lot of emotional dilemma's. When our body is stressed, the body releases cortisol that causes us to hang on to our weight and causes additional hunger. now that things are calming down, maybe your body will start letting go of those pesky unwanted, uninvited lbs off your body. BTW, you are one hot sexy woman! Perfect in my eyes. "HUGS!" :wub: some day I will come over the pond just to meet you........
  4. I think that you need to do some research on your own. I believe (I'm not a medical doctor) that your pro's and con's list is totally inaccurate. All the research I have read reports that the sleeve has a lot less complications than the RnY. It is one of the safer wls out there. From my understanding the RnY is not reversible and people do regain their weight because their pouches stretch. In fact for individuals that are extremely obese, they would first do the gastric sleeve before the RnY procedure. I have a friend that had an RnY and she regained 40 lbs of what she had lost. Other people I have spoken with have had weight gain too. Plus there's a lot of dumping and malabsorption issues with RnY. Your friend has good intentions but is grossly misinformed....... Please do the research.... I love my sleeve and would do it over in a heart beat. BTW I have had no complications from my surgery. My problem is my head hunger and sugar addiction. If you have any questions, please ask.....
  5. You are doing really good girl.... Fluffylibra is right, I might add calling your doctor and asking him/her if you can take a PPI (prilosec, tagamet, tums, omeprazole) to help with the stomach acid. Stomach acid mimicks hunger. Keep up the good work...
  6. Ms skinniness

    110 Lbs Gone In 5Mos :)

    This is such a wonderful transformation. There are so many wonderful things to come your way. Please don't close the door to allowing new and exciting things into your life.... Keep it up and look forward to hearing more about your transformations...
  7. Ms skinniness

    Feel Like Giving Up

    I like that your building muscle because that will help you burn the fat a lot quicker! That is a big benefit of exercising....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Leg/calf Muscle Pain

    Shayv123 I wouldn't wait until tomorrow, I'd go to urgent care and have them check for blood clots. It is life threatening. Mean while start drinking a lot more water and some gatorade. It could also be dehydration. Hope your feeling better.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    Quick Question...

    We are all so unique in every aspect of ourselves. The thing that scares me the most is when I put things in terms of my excess weight being gone forever. I know that this is false and that if I go back to eating the way i ate previous to my sleeve, then I will gain that weight back. I have to always be vigilant and stay on my healthy eating habits and keep portion sizes really small. I will always work on eating protein first then veggies. But there are times I just want sugary stuff and that is my addiction. So i have to real myself back in and insist on everyone living in this house not bringing that stuff here...... So beware, this is hard work but the benefits are fabulous! Keep it up and remember this is for life.......
  10. The hardest part for me is dealing with my head hunger and staying away from my food addiction that involves sugar. Everything else has been relatively easy. I did find myself sitting with a friend in a bar and looking around at all the alcohol and carbonated drinks and deciding on having some cheetos. The bar tender kept questioning me on needing something to drink and I would give her a little info that I can't drink while eating and that lead to more questions. I finally just explained that I had wls and she then stopped. I just wasn't interested in talking about my surgery. That was the first time.....Next time I will just order water. It's really been hard getting into exercising. I do it, and then I don't do it.....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Omg No Longer Obese!

    I love hearing this! Before you know it, you will be in the normal weight BMI and then the celebration continues.....
  12. Ms skinniness

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    I am in! CW 146 lbs, Xmas 140 lbs + I will stop eating all sugar like candies. This stupid addiction is horrible.
  13. This is the perfect time to seek counseling to help deal with these demons. Time to get back in control with eating habits.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Font And Color

    So when you read this color font, is it hard to read? Just curious and would love the feed back.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Turkey day everyone! Today my son is cooking a fabulous bird with all the fixings and we are having double cream blueberry pie or New York Cheesecake. Yumm Yumm, It well be delicious as always and i will have very very small bites, mostly protein and a tiny sliver of pie. Let the game begin......LOL! Happy Thanksgiving and I am so thankful to all my friends on this site and also my family that have been really supportive.
  16. Ms skinniness


    This is so scary and frustrating...Are there other surgeon's in his office? If so, maybe you can be placed on their schedule.....Praying for you.....
  17. Ms skinniness

    Aneimia Concerns

    Are you taking iron supplements currently? If not, this might be a good time to start, but check with your doc first. Or worst case scenario, you would have to postphone the surgery, but you might not get a refund on your plane flight. So do the best you can and bring the iron level up............Let us know what you decide.....
  18. Ms skinniness

    Help! This Is Not Working.

    Hi Wendy; It's time for a reality check........You lost 24 lbs in less than a month, is that correct? Wow, that's more than you would of lost before getting sleeved.......It's working big time.....before you know it, you will be buying new clothes because your current cloths won't even stay on your body.....Yep, that's right, new smaller size clothes. Please try to sit back and enjoy the roller coaster ride your on. Learn how to change the old habits that contributed to your weight loss. You will be a big success at this! In fact, you already are a success! Keep it up, your doing great.......
  19. Ms skinniness

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day where we give thanks instead of gorging ourselves on food.......Picture yourself with just a little bit of this and that on your plate....It will be delicious but you will be really full and satisfied. Love your body..... Happy Turkey Day! :wub:
  20. Want to wish you all a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :)

  21. Ms skinniness

    Losing Weight No Exercise?

    We all lose at a different pace. If your exercising than you have muscle that your building, your sister is not and she may be losing her muscle mass. I wouldn't put too much into it because in the long run, you will most likely be more successful at keeping the weight off because your changing your negative eating patterns. You will sustain weight loss longer and permanently where she is giving into her triggers and eating the foods that are calorie condensed with no nutritional value. So don't worry too much about her and keep doing what your doing, at the end of the journey you will be very happy....... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
  22. Ms skinniness

    Can I See Meals/portion Sizes Please?

    At a year out I can eat more, but I work hard at keeping the portions down. I eat 2 eggs with some cheddar cheese, but 1 egg will do me just fine for breakfast, lunch I will eat 5 slices of dry salami or order a child's portion of teriaki chicken and eat about 1/2 portion. I will order a Carl's jr Biscuit with sausage, egg, and cheese and throw the largest half of the biscuit in the trash. and even then i can only eat about 3/4th's of it. For dinner maybe 2 oz of steak a couple bites of baked potato, and a couple bites of salad at the most. I skip dessert. Picture a dessert size plate and only the middle has food on it. Half the plate is protein, 1/4th of the plate is veggies, and the other forth of plate is maybe a carb (I usually skip this part). I stay away from breads, pastas and rice.........
  23. Ms skinniness

    Weekly Success

    I am confused as to how you are referring to your "reformed digestive system"? As far as i know, my digestive system is still the same, just use to smaller portion sizes......I so love my sleeve because I know that if it wasn't for the sleeve, I would be putting weight back on..... Jana ~ 20 lbs loss is awesome.....Keep it up and eat healthy......Just keep it flowing....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Best Recipe Website Ever

    I love the lasagna and taco cupcakes....delicious....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
