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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    1 Year Out And More

    Thank you for sharing this.... I am looking forward to hearing about the other part too..... I will be focusing on eating proteins from here on out to avoid regaining some of my weight..... I know that I am addicted to sugar so this info just reaffirms that avoiding all the foods like breads, pastas, rice, and sugars will help with keeping the weight off....... HUGS to you for sharing!
  2. Sending healing energy your way! At least your at a safe place. Hugs!
  3. Ms skinniness


    Don't panic, just focus on getting your fluids in at this time. The weight will come off. This is the time that your stomach is still healing from the trauma and your your bodies energy is working on repairing the stomach. Not a big deal. The weight will melt off, it will take time. So take a deep breath and exhale a few times and walk as much as possible......
  4. Ms skinniness

    Constant Grazing...is It A Problem?

    I agree with proud grammy. Stop the grazing and stop eating chocolate.....Chocolate is your enemy! I would also highly recommend that you increase your water intake. Sometimes when we don't get enough fluid in, it is mimicked by hunger. So increase your water intake. If you struggle with water, mix it with some gatorade or crystalite. Avoid sugars at all cost. Sugar is addicting, I am addicted to sugar and now I have to detox to get it out of my system. That helps stop the cravings......
  5. I agree with food not being your friend. I also agree that you need to wait longer than 3 days to return to work. You will be a little weak at 3 days out......I went back to work at 1 week out and I was in a fog. At three days out I was taking care of me. I suspect your already sleeved by now and about to wake up. Now's the time to begin your new journey to skinniness! Yep, I said skinniness!! LOL Welcome......
  6. Ms skinniness

    Omg Today Is The Day Im Getting Surgery!

    Today is the beginning of your new journey! CONGRATS! See you on the other side sitting next to us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  7. Ms skinniness


    OMG, December 20 will be here before you know it! Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! CONGRATS!
  8. Ms skinniness

    Bit-Sized Portions Perfect For Sleevers

    These foods look really good but not much nutrition. Thanks for sharing.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    50 Pound Mark!

    Wow you look great! Keep it up!
  10. Ms skinniness

    2 .5 Months Out

    Can you tell us a little more about what your eating, quanity, how often, starting weight, current weight? It would be really helpful for us.
  11. Ms skinniness

    1 Week Post-Op And Think I'm Dehydrated

    I would definately focus on getting more fluids in, even if it's soup and broths. Fluids first then some protein shake. It really sucks to be dehydrated.......So at all cost, get your fluids in...........
  12. Ms skinniness

    Below 200

    CONGRATS! Let's celebrate! Dancin in the rain!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Loved My Scale This Morning :)

    CONGRATS! There's more to come your way toooooo!
  14. When I go out to restaurants, I typically order off the side menu something that is protein. If I order a meal, I generally take a couple bites of salad, eat 2oz of the protein a perhaps a small bite of rice or baked potato. No one has ever said anything to me that doesn't know about my sleeve. In fact, I forget I have the sleeve and know that my eating habits are normal for me.....Sometimes if I'm a little bored I will move stuff around on my plate just to keep busy...
  15. I can eat anything I want, I work hard on choosing healthy foods for the most part. I am a sugar addict and I am struggling with this at the moment. I eat a lot less now though....
  16. That is head hunger talking to you. This is something that we have to learn to recognize and devise a plan to not act on eating those crazy crackers. I am telling myself that just because I have this thought of M&M peanuts doesn't mean I have to act on it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work.....When i actually give in,it doesn't taste as good as I thought it would. This is my struggle till this day. LOL
  17. Ms skinniness


    I had an epiphany during my pre-opt and it was that I really don't need to eat that much food anyways. I actually started looking around at people in my community and the majority of them are over weight and my heart goes out to them. This helps me in making better decisions in eating. I don't eat at fast food joints any more, I haven't for at least 2 years now. I don't miss them either. I will always keep y portions at a smaller size than others. I love eating protein first, veggies and some fruits..... This is how I will eat for the rest of my life and I love it. Even going or have gone organic.... But I do get times where I have a small piece of candy or pie and feel so guilty. I'm working on that....... Happy Seasons to all!
  18. Maybe try focusing on protein, low fat, low carb foods. I believe that's what your already doing. You are at a period where your weight loss does slow down but should be coming off a little at a time......Also go see your nutritionist and talk with your surgeon's office. If you haven't had any blood panels done yet, call your primary doctor and ask them to order some for you. It will come off....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    tzepeda keep it simple and realistic maybe 1 lb a week for now is great......
  20. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Hey everybody! Glad to read your posts! Feed Your Eye i really love your pic, especially your Yorkie pup....So cute.... Coops I hear you and I love the fact your going to a concert in June! And your real hubby is going with you and your SIL! How great is that! :wub: I still believe that your sexy and hot and a beautiful Goddess! You to me are perfect in every way. You totally have a great heart! Swizzly I love your willingness to share and you have done a great job also We are all Goddesses here! Sorry for you fellows out there! You still Rock also! :ph34r:
  21. Ms skinniness

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I so love that you posted this! I just want to let you know that you are now responsible for how takes what they read. It's their stuff that gets in their way. I love how you take responsibility for your part. Keep it up....Oh and btw, keep posting....
  22. Ms skinniness

    Back On Track Thread

    Staying on track is one of the hardest tasks that we have. I know that at times I am a Emotional Eater because I eat when I'm not hungry when I'm stressed about something. . However, I am doing some restructuring of my eating patterns. I know that if I eat till I get full, then my left side hurts so I try to stop before I get to the full place. So now I'am incorporating some other things in like taking the first few bites really slow because that's when the food tastes the best. After those first few bites, I am just sticking it in my mouth because it's there. And I'm also starting to put even less on my small dessert plate or bowl also. I truly believe my limit should be about 5 bites. I have been getting in more than 5 bites. I know that I have a fear that I'm going to get hungry. Reality check is that if I get hungry then I can have a piece of fruit then. My fluctuation goes up and down on a daily basis. This is frustrating as all hell as everyone knows here. I love how people are very supportive and willing to give feedback and confront people when needed in a gentle way. :wub:
  23. Ms skinniness

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Coops here is the site for pure protein bars: http://www.pureprotein.net/. They are delicious. How is everything going for you today. It's damp here in California. I can't imagine they don't sell them in the UK. Glad to hear your back to kick boxing. I have been very very avoidant of walking and I know I need too. Today I will go to the mall and walk. That's my commitment to you..... I believe that for me, I am pretty much at a set point and it doesn't look like I will be letting go of any more weight. I still want to get off at least 10lbs but also know that it's not going to happen. I also know that if I wasn't able to hit my surgeon's goal, I would be so frustrated and angry and I would feel like a failure. But in reality, looking back, it's really not a failure, it's just where my body is for this day. I love your determination and persistence and have learned so much from you! You are my ROCK! I love reading your posts. T The funny thing is I watched "The Doctors" and they were saying that if we don't get our 8 hours of sleep, we will gain weight due to being tired. This is not the first time I've heard this. However, i am always waking up after about 6.5 hours of sleep every night. anyhoo, food for thought.
  24. Ms skinniness

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Mini keep it up a stay on course. Picture your goal and make a decision to eat only nutritious foods that are organic if possible. No processed foods if possible. The only processed foods I eat are going to be protein shakes and protein bars. I know that I need to get back to exercising and not making up any excuses to avoid exercise. I have to stop thinking about food and keep myself busy. My hardest time is when I'm at home not doing anything. I get bored and I think of foods that are unhealthy for me. I have learned not to take my DH with me to the market because he buys junk food that I end up eating. So no more markets for him. You can do this! I'm going to be successful with my goals too.
  25. Ms skinniness

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Coops I have a question. What kind of protein bars do you eat? How often do you eat them? I know that my protein bars have around 200 calories and up. I eat Pure Protein Bars that have 20g of protein, 6g fat, total carbs 16g, fiber 1g, sugars 2g, sugar alcohol 6g. They taste really good and are very filling. What would happen if you cut everything back to proteins and broths? There has got to be something that will get your body back on track and dropping those extra lbs........ I'm also stuck and am thinking that I need to start working the program and starting from basics again. I need to lower my goal weight to 135lbs. So, I'm back on the boat again. I am so looking forward to hearing you say you've lost a few lbs finally. That will be a celebration for us........HUGS across the pond!

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