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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    Wow that sounds really good for your little tummy.......The most important thing to work on is getting your fluid intake in. Your protein drinks are also counted as liquids at this early out. When I was 2 weeks out, I was getting about 300 calories in, and most of it was from my protein shakes.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Mad at myself

    I know from my recent experience this Xmas that I must keep focused and work on making healthy food choices. It's a learning curve for me. Now don't beat yourself up, just get back on track and work on making healthy choices habitual......You can do this and so can I.
  3. Ms skinniness


    Just focus on getting as much fluid as you can. Your protein shakes count as fluids also at this point. No biggie, you are doing pretty good.
  4. Ms skinniness


    Welcome to the hormone roller coaster..... This will pass soon..... CONGRATS!
  5. Happy New Year's Day everyone! Make this the best day of the year....

  6. Ms skinniness


    My surgeon wanted us to wait for 6 months post op. I don't really eat lettuce any more because of the lack of nutritional value. Plus I know that the dressings have a ton of calories that i don't even want to think about. So I look for the nutritious veggies at the salad bar and take just a dab of dressing...... However, raw veggies are a no no for 3 to 6 months out depending on your surgeon's and NUT directions. Honestly, y the time I get done with my protein, I have little room for the veggies anyways.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Go for a hike

    I couldn't find sleeve 4 me in the members. So strange, I have never had this problem before finding her. ??? Confusing
  8. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I know that you have worked very hard to try and get to your surgeon's goal and nothing has worked. I know that I have an urge to get at least down to 135 lbs but am stuck at 144 to 147 lbs. Plus I have been really terrible this past few weeks. I found my favorite See's Fudge Recipe and had started eating sweets. Part of me does feel like I've gone back to past habits. So as of today, I will be eating mostly protein and veggies. Now, I to am looking at maintenance. Yep, I look really good right now and I feel really good too. So this might just be my set point. It does make it easier when our partners are jumping on board and wanting to lose weight too. My DH is diabetic and his blood glucose is way out of control. So now I have him eating a high protein diet with much smaller portion sizes. Yes, he does grumble about it, but I just remind him of the side effects of his diabetes and he becomes quiet. Your DH is quite awesome too. When I look at you pick with that beautiful dress on, I'm like wow! Woman you look hot and skinny!
  9. Ms skinniness

    pain after sex

    Lizzy ~ this is a supportive site, some people just want to make sure that the OP's are aware that it is important ti get medical tx whenever needed. Please don't hesitate to ask and keep in mind that we care a lot about you and sometimes forget that you know that you are aware of the need for medical advice and already have an appointment with a doc. Please ask and don't hesitate.
  10. Ms skinniness

    pain after sex

    Try alot of lubrication and foreplay.... you may not be completely aroused and have some dryness so I suggest astroglide.
  11. Ms skinniness

    What do I tell my clients?

    I am a Marriage and Family Therapist and I told all my clients. They were all very supportive and really didn't ask any questions....I told all my friends and they do were very supportive. No shame here, in fact the ones that are judgemental are the ones that aren't really my friends anyways.....
  12. Ms skinniness

    HEY FAM!

    HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy the last day of 2012!
  13. Hi, I have made my Premier protein drink a permanent item I drink everyday, no matter what...On a daily basis I take a vitamin B complex. vitamin B12, Multivitamin, iron, calcium, co enzyme, krill oil, biotin, and silica. The biotin and silica helps with the regrowth of my hair and boy, is it a rapid growth, in all places, even where I didn't have hair. LOL. I had come to point where I was sick of protein, but quickly came around and just excepted that I needed my protein. I really love my body's size and want to not gain weight so I utilize my fitness pal to calculate what I eat. You are doing a great job and have come to a great place to ask questions.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Get together with my Brothers

    You look fabulous! And look at you, a great big smile too!
  15. Ms skinniness


    Why not drink some Martenelli's apple cider drink. It tastes really yummy and is safe for your tummy!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Don't let anyone.....

    This is the hardest thing we will do in our whole life span. This is just a tool that helps us eat smaller portions but it still depends on what we put in our mouths that will keep us slim and healthy. I know that I struggle with head hunger and at times emotional eating. This is all hard work and will be a life time journey for us. We can do this. At 14 months out I'm realizing that I don't need to eat just because it's there. I'm learning about my triggers to eating like smelling the aroma of baking, visual cues, and environmental cues. I guess it comes down to saying in my head that I don't need that! Eat healthy colorful fruits and veggies after I eat my protein. Congrats to everyone and have a wonderful New Year's Eve. !
  17. Your stomach is not ready for the foods you are eating right now. Go back to basics of a broth and slowly work up to yogurts, sf puddings, sf jellos', cottage cheese and then to pureed foods when you stomach allows it. Then to soft foods and then regular. this is a process and it sounds like your stomach is still swollen. Treat it like a baby stomach and it will adjust. If it doesn't, then talk with your surgeon and NUT.
  18. Ms skinniness

    78 lbs down 20 to go for 100 lbs

    Family are so funny! What's happening is that your changing and when you change, the whole family system has to face their fears and adjust too. It could be to a healthier life style also.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Go for a hike

    This sounds absolutely wonderful.....The only concern I have is the cold weather. Burrr! Perhaps I can shake it off. I have been thinking of looking for a hiking group to go too for the exercise. Can you let me know more about the hike like the distance etc. It would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Yippppeeee! So glad I found this forum.

    CONGRATS on your success! Keep up the good work. Did the hospital give you a breathing apparetis to use to take deep breaths. Most patients have to use one after surgery to get their lungs clear.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Who's going to have this done soon?

    Isn't Dr Joya in Mexico....? Have a wonderful stay there and make sure you get your pain meds!
  22. Ms skinniness

    My first trail run!

    Lookin good! You have done a great job Rockin that Sleeve of yours! Keep it up....
  23. Ms skinniness

    Eatting Woes

    How about sf pudding, sf jello, yogurt? Those are really easy on the tummy. Or go back to the very basics like broths and increase the consistency slowly. Hope you get your tummy working better soon.
  24. This posting has been high jacked...... I believe that everyone here is concerned for the OP and the many complications that may come about from eating the wrong foods so soon after having this major surgery on the stomach. I believe that IGGY was trying to wake up the OP to the fact that she is putting great risk on her life. She talked about her feelings which I feel is appropriate and later clarified where she was coming from. I hope that everyone can let this go now and wish each other peace and harmony. This is a community that is loving and caring and devote their time to helping others as well as learning from others too. To the OP, please talk with your surgeon about your diet and be careful. We care about you and want you to heal quickly. :ph34r:
  25. Ms skinniness

    Discrepency in cost of surgery

    I hope they give. I know that I've seen where other surgeons are giving discounted rates right now. So it could happen... Let us know what's happening. Either way, this is a life changing deal

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