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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ghrelin is also produced in other parts of our body. Our hunger does come back later on. It does effect our body temp. but for me, it is well worth it.....
  2. "Above all else, go with a sense of humor. It is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lip is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life." — Hugh Sidey

  3. Ms skinniness


    This is totally normal. We all have these experiences...... I lost 80 lbs and yes I do see it. I went from a 1x to a size 6. But I had a lot less to lose than you have. So it will take longer to be so evident. But it will happen. My client lost 130 lbs and she doesn't see it until she looks at her picture on her phone when she was heavier. So that helped her see the difference too. But she saids she still feels the same. It will take time for your mind to catch up to the new body size and that's okay. we didn't get big over night and I did not realize how big I was...... Now I'm totally loving my skinniness and am eating a healthy diet......
  4. At my age (56) I won't be getting my boobs done, but I really want to get a face lift and a neck lift, and if I'm lucky, the cost for the procedure will be the same as just a face lift...... I have bat wings and my stomach could have a little bit of a touch up, but I can cover them with clothing. My body looks really awesome with clothing on, really skinny.....Love it..... I really don't want to pay a lot for plastics and tax refunds for medical don't count unless it's over $25,000. Happy trails to us......
  5. Ms skinniness

    Living in Post Op Hell

    Hopefully this will be done with soon....You will be on your way to good health and skinniness. It really sucks to be ill for so long..... Please keep us informed as to how your doing and the next course of action to rid this problem.....
  6. Ms skinniness

    I'm at a stand still

    This is so normal for all of us...... This is a journey and our body does fluctuate like that...... You will start to lose really soon. Your boy in compensating for the lbs losse. This is what my body did about the same point and weight loss really slowed down. Just keep eating healthy and stay positive. After all you have loss a lot of weight so far...
  7. Ms skinniness

    Hey all!

    Cheers! You are a success story! Yep, totally successful at losing weight now...... God speed with your recovery and can't wait to hear more as time goes by....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Back On Track Thread

    Escape Pod how are you doing. I believe I have lost a few more ozs (I'll take them), my bounce is at a lower # now. So now it's officially 80 lbs..... Yayyyyyy....This is the number I always new that I needed to loose. And I've done it. Now to stay on track for ever, which is a long time. went out to lunch yesterday and looked at the menu and told myself, "Why am I so determined to go out to lunch?, I can make better, less expensive food at home." For the first time, I really didn't want to be there, plus I could only eat less than 1/4th of the shrimp ceviche......So today is preparing my DH and my own healthy foods now.....I'm so thinking of all the $$$$$ I'll save too by not going out...If my DH doesn't want to share, then I'm not going out, he'll have to eat what I cook......There i have put this in writing......... :ph34r:
  9. "Creating your own reality is the richest gift you received at birth." — Deepak Chopra

  10. Ms skinniness

    In before the newbies take it over

    Hey BTB, I see your head shot, minus your body, and your bike's in the back ground...... Nice head shot....where's your body? Missing parts of you.....thanks for the pic.....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Why scales lie!

    Thanks for sharing this with us!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Compulsive Overeater

    This is a great book to read, It's called "no more overeating," by David Kesseler MD. It will give you a clear picture of why we eat a lot of the fast foods and restaurant foods. They're loaded with sugar, fats, and salt and it's totally addicting. I am a food addict and I have to work very hard to not get pulled back into this funnel of hell. I don't eat fast foods anymore and am cutting way back on eating out in restaurants. I just get really lazy and don't want to cook. It's frustrating to cook and not know who's going to eat it and plus, my DH see's food and will totally over eat. I'm trying to help him get his diabetes under control. It is getting much better by the way...
  13. Ms skinniness

    Worried about insurance approval....

    Many of us are older than you and there are some that are younger than you... no big deal, we can all help each other with our journeys.....Congrats on your decision to get sleeved.....
  14. Ms skinniness

    The evolution of profile pictures

    I have a tendency to love the colors in my avatar and yes, I am hiding bc I don't feel comfortable with my face yet. I have developed a habit over the years to not look at myself and just do what I have to do.....Now having put this out there, I have noticed that when I see my body in the mirror, I love it, it's just that I believe I need a face lift to get rid of the baggy stuff. This is what I will be working on for now on......accepting the aging process. So my question is, Is this an issue with our body images and how do we challenge our beliefs on body image? This is a life time process and there are no easy answers. I will work on taking another picture of my body and post.....That is my first step. Give me 1 week time frame, I'm recovering from a cold and my eye lids are swollen and itchy.....wouldn't want to scare anyone out there! LOL
  15. Ms skinniness

    How much weight will i lose?

    Jason, everyone's body will lose the weight at different time frames. Just know that the weight will come off if you follow the directions of your surgeon by eating healthy. Actually, the one great thing you have going for you is that your a man..... Men lose weight at a faster pace than us women...... So sit back and enjoy the ride and please take your weight loss on a day by day basis..... I know your going to rock that sleeve!
  16. Ms skinniness


  17. Ms skinniness


    I am a vet lol. Never thought I'd be happy about that. I am so happy we have this post. Thanks Susan. I agree on no complaining about stalls and the earlier process of our weight loss. I really do like hearing from others about how their doing when in maintenance and about whether they have weight gain etc. right now I'm doing food. I do look kinda baggy too. Noticed how skinny I look in the mirror and went wowZa. I do love my body. /)
  18. Ms skinniness

    Gastroparesis anyone?

    Did u tell ur surgeon?
  19. Ms skinniness

    How do i be thin?

    I had some anxiety about this and now that I'm skinny I find myself being confident and assertive in all situations. It feels really good too. Take it one day at a time and enjoy each and every day.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Vitamins and labs - Boy did I blow it!

    I am so guilty of this. but I have been very lucky and my blood work up has been really good. But I am more determined now than ever. Thanks for sharing it is a wake up call for all of us.
  21. Ms skinniness

    NSV six months out

    Sounds like a lot of fun.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Always hungry!

    Chimera thanks for sharing the info. I do know that I struggle with knowing if I'm thirty or hungry. So I usually drink water before I eat. Also stomach acid mimicks hunger too. I take imperative. It does help.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Back On Track Thread

    Cheri I love that your making your own healthy granola and the kids like it much better than the boxed....This is my goal from here on out......You are really rocking your world and role modeling for your youngsters healthy eating habits.....after all you and everyone else on here are normal.... Keep posting.....I love what you have to say...
  24. Ms skinniness

    Back On Track Thread

    Oregondaisy I do have to admit that I am constantly worrying about regaining my weight back. It is so frustrating to not trust that I'm not going to gain it back bc I know that it is possible. I struggle with letting my guard down because that's my pattern of the past......then regaining weight plus more..... So here's to being aware of where we are so we don't slip back to old eating habits...... Coops your doing really well and eating healthy which has trickled down to your DH and I imagine your daughter is eating differently now too! Added benefits for them. Looking forward to hearing more about your TT and other lifts...... This I call reaping the benefits of all your accomplishments.....Glad to hear your back down 2 lbs..... Now for me, I need to just stay on course for me with stopping the going out to eat Sh**......Can't eat that much anyways.....Who knows what the restaurants put in our food.....I know it's loaded with sugars, fats, and sodium, so now is my time to take control of what goes into my food. I don't eat processed foods at home, but I do at the restaurants..... So no more of that for me.......Will be getting better organized here.......
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