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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I just finished reading an article in the Los Angeles Times discussing the benefits of not eating wheats....... So today, which isn't hard for me, I will not be eating anything that has wheats in it. The person it will be hard for is my DH, bc he doesn't read labels, he thinks he just has to give up breads.......so we shall see.....I will look further into marks site. I do eat a lot of nuts.......I love them......It's just that I can eat a couple of hands full without constriction. I'm so anxious about whether my stomach can stretch or not.....heard so many different stories from so many so I really don't want to take a chance....Now it's up to us....I don't really plan on getting rid of the nuts, they are my go too...... Happy Sunday everyone.......
  2. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Escape Pod I'm right there with you. I've had a month and my weight has also fluctuated up 2 to 3 lbs and then down to the same #. I have also seen that my appetite has increased and I can eat more which scares the pants right off me. I had 1 day where I ate way too much and was totally feeling horrible. Then the next day I got back on track...... Just recently I did get down into the 143's. I'll take it, but this is totally hard work. I started back at the gym 1 day and then got sick with a really bad cold and haven't been back since....Tomorrow I start up again. I do reckonize that when I eat carbs by weight goes to it's highest bounce. I know it's water retention form the carbs and salt. So this past month I have switched to checking all labels and getting rid of the products that add sugar to the ingredient labels. I believe that has helped a lot in losing a couple of ozs..... I am working on planning my meals and sticking to it.......Good Job! Coops this is frustrating.....to be at this set point......and our DH's eat clean and lose weight on the same diet.....I do believe that your weight hasn't moved but your physical health and moods have changed and that's a big bonus point. Your body is being very stubborn right now by holding on to that weight. I have been attending a diabetes class and the one thing that stuck out for me was that the RN instructing the class said that if we don't eat enough food, our body won't let go of the weight. So I am so tempted to eat more veggies (if I can physically) and test her theory. She said that she had stopped losing and talked to her dietician and the dietician told her she wasn't eating enough. She reports that she's lost 5 lbs since and has 5 more lbs to lose. I do admire and love eating clean.......
  3. Go for it. U won't be sorry!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Almost half way to goal! - Pics included

    WowZa! Lookin good.
  5. This is so awesome. Keep up the hard work.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Hair loss

    I take 10mg of silica daily.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Sharing some NSVs!

    Now this is real growth.....realizing the time we had spent in the past obsessing about what we were going to eat.......Sometimes I still do though....but not as much....
  8. Ms skinniness


    Looks delicious.... I'd like to know how to make them.....Thanks for sharing.....'
  9. Ms skinniness

    Reality check..... Knee high boots

    Take them back because basically it's just throwing your money away.....Soon you will be in much smaller boots too and so you wouldn't be able to wear them anyways.......This is such a journey....
  10. Ms skinniness

    Low bmi at goal

    Cheers to you! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! May we all be this successful!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Depressed a bit

    Love this thread. U all are so funny.
  12. Ms skinniness

    I'm Cured!

    My PCP says that my diabetes is in remission and it makes me so happy. I still watch what I eat and enjoy every minute of it. CONGRATS.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Hair loss

    Hair loss is from wls. I take biotin and silica and it helps my hair grow back faster. It didn't stop it from falling out. But now my hair grows 5 times faster.
  14. Ms skinniness

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    You are so beautiful!
  15. There is so much drama on this post.......I'm going to back out of it...........give yourselves some peace by not posting replies.... the stress your causing yourself and why are people reacting so much to this.....so what if it's accurate or not, look inside yourself and discover why it's affecting you so much......this is a life long pattern. Bye everyone see you on other posts......
  16. Looking good! Keep it up Patrick....... Miss ya here...
  17. Actually, upon reading all the posts here, this site is truly a support group. In a support group, it is not only necessary to have people that are supportive to the OP, but is is also necessary to have people be honest and up front and confront OP's on the content of their posts. This creates a balance. Hopefully the person that is confronting is doing it in a loving caring manner.....We all deserve that...... Peace to everyone......
  18. It's so sad that you are going through all this.......Hugs!
  19. Ms skinniness


    This is such a sad reality when we find out who are our friends. It sounds like you have given yourself to the others and the others don't really care. Don't rush to answer their calls, take a couple hours, they're figure it out. Let them miss you so they can see what they're missing. I don't believe it is your responsibility to coddle them. It's time to take care of your needs and only your needs. From today on, only hang with people that are loving and caring to you and screw the rest of those negative a**wipes..... You are important......It's YOU time, so now ROCK that SLEEVE of yours......
  20. Ms skinniness

    A new picture of me and my 2 boys

    You have you 2 best friends on your lap! You look so healthy and happy......Maybe you could find some meetup groups around where you live. they're fun and a great way to meet like minded people like you...... You are a great role model for your children now.......
  21. Ms skinniness

    Gmanbat and wife, B&A pics

    OMG you both look fantastic! With all the stressors from 2009, you both are doing remarkable! Keep it up! :wub:
  22. Ms skinniness

    Gastric Plication Surgery

    In the case that it's folded and sutured, is there any risk of something getting stuck in the folded stomach and needing surgery? This would have been scary for me.... My surgeons didn't even offer this option. I still would have went with the sleeve....
  23. Ms skinniness


    You are actually normal in your weight loss surgery. this is the average that I have seen, read about, and experienced myself....You are doing great so keep it up. Remember, you are not a slow loser........
  24. Ms skinniness

    Gastric Plication Surgery

    I have the Vertical Sleeve Gastretomy. I'm not too sure about the Plication. How does it work for you and do you know the long time result of plication? Congrats on losing 34 lbs.......

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
