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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Lunch ideas

    chicken salad, salami, ham, veggie's, soup.....
  2. Ms skinniness

    you are worth it now!

    We are all wonderful loving people and so worthy of everything to come.......We are all letting are skinny people inside us out.... CHEERS!
  3. Ms skinniness


    Too be honest, your memory of it won't taste the same now.... It's just a memory........it will taste pretty bad also...... Your doing great so just keep going....CONGRATS!
  4. Ms skinniness

    firming up... had to post this here!

    This is so funny!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Worried - Need Encouragement...

    This what we all doooooo. The key to this is to work on your issues that trigger the old habits and don't give in. I know that if I have junk food in the house, I will eat it. So I don't have any junk food. I have changed my whole way of thinking. Instead of thinking big, I've changed to thinking and believing that small is better......I have tried and I keep testing sugary foods but I always end up with some sort of ailment. So today, I'm working on sustaining from unhealthy foods and look at the triggers I am experiencing when I act on those triggers. This is the hardest journey we will take, but the best journey I will ever have. You can do this and change those self defeating behaviors if you choose to. It's totally up to you. CONGRATS! I hope to have you sitting on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH next to me! Thank you so much for sharing this....
  6. Ms skinniness

    This looks good!

    Love the porn! Yayyyyy! Thanks for the recipe.....
  7. This is not an easy journey at times but it is well worth it. Here's to a quick recovery and hope things get better for you..... CONGRATS on your weight loss.....
  8. Ms skinniness

    100 Pounds!

    That's fabulous! Keep it up.....
  9. The good news is, you will be able to get back to framing soon. It does pass and you will get stronger and stronger and able to endure more physical activities.
  10. Ms skinniness

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Congrats! I am also 5'6" and I'm down to 143 lbs. We have similar stats and I love reading your posts.....I use to think that I was large boned but discovered that I'm actually medium boned....Keep it up ladies and gentlemen. We are all success stories.....
  11. Ms skinniness

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    Bos123 thank you so much for sharing this. This is a journey many of us are on. We may lose our fat costume but we still struggle with the same issues when skinny. We are still psychologically dealing with undealt baggage from our past that lead to our eating disorder. It's fantastic that you recognize this and have decided to start shedding the layers of ourselves to reach a new level in our lives. to be happy with who we are and to be able to trust others is an excellent goal......Great job!
  12. Ms skinniness

    50 lbs. :-)

    Congrats! This is so exciting......and yet more to come! hyayyyyyyy
  13. Motochic: wow, I have heard and read about people gaining weight back but what we don't know is, what kind of foods did this guy eat? Wish I knew.....I do know that i am hungrier now than before, I can eat much more, and my calorie intake is around 1300 calories or less. Now my DH wants to eat whet free. It has helped him with his blood sugar levels. For the past few days, his glucose levels have been in the normal range.......Yayyyyyyyyyy. So happy for him.....He has even dropped some weight also....
  14. Ms skinniness

    progress photos

    Lookin hot !
  15. Ms skinniness

    Fishy lunch!

    This is toooooo funny! Lol
  16. Ms skinniness

    Maintaining and snacks

    NtvTx: I love that you have surpassed your goal weight......I want to lose just a little bit more..... I am going to work hard at accomplishing it, but if not, then I will be ok with where I am.....I do love my skinniness. I'm more afraid of gaining weight.....whewwwww! This is a lot of worrying.... LOL
  17. Ms skinniness

    Maintaining and snacks

    NtvTx; my typical day starts with a Pure Protein Chocolate shake, 1 fried egg with cheese, tuna salad (no bread), chicken salad (no bread), rib eye steak 2oz grilled, 1/4th baked potato, salad, veggies (3 bites) and 2 bites of salad...... 3 bites of fruit...Today so far I've had a shake, protein bar, scrambled eggs with diced ham and some fruit. for dinner I will have a taco salad minus the tortilla.......meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato's. Before bed 1/2 of an apple or pear....... You can add me as a friend on myfitnesspal.com address is dorrierobles2003@yahoo.com..... I do eat a lot of peanuts and nuts too......I'm kinda loss without my crackers too......
  18. Ms skinniness

    "Bougie" size?

    My surgeon's office all use a 32. Bougie. It's what they feel comfortable with.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Such a good feeling

    This is one of the best NSV's ever! Keep this snapshot in your vision.......Beautiful pic!
  20. The liquid vicodin kept me awake for 3 nights I finally went in to urgent care and got a prescription for Tylenol #3. I also learned to crawl in bed and not use my stomach muscles. I'd put my knees up on the bed and then lower myself down. It truly made a big difference. Here's to a speedy recovery.....
  21. Ms skinniness

    Maintaining and snacks

    Fiber one brownies give me gas! Not a little but a lot....... Oh and I can eat quite a few of them too........
  22. Ms skinniness

    Maintaining and snacks

    How about a small piece of fruit? I have been eating nuts as my snack and I agree about the calories being too high......So I too am looking for some snack foods. I'm on a little more difficult of a journey starting today. I'm cutting out all the wheat and processed foods......I do love hearing about your experiences and look forward to hearing more from you..... Can I ask what you eat throughout the day and if you are on myfitnesspal.com? thanks
  23. Ms skinniness


    this is so normal it takes a while for our heads to catch up with our body size........Try and sit back and enjoy the journey.....you will be learning a lot about yourself in the time to come......
  24. Ms skinniness

    Today - My 2 Year Anniversary

    This is amazing....I'd love to hear more about your journey with skinniness......
  25. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Thought I might get your opinion on this article so here it is: 5 Questions: Diet advice that goes against the grain Com Dr. William Davis is the author of the "Wheat Belly Cookbook," a follow-up to his "Wheat Belly" bestseller. (Dawn Davis) by Rene Lynch, Los Angeles Times February 2, 2013 You've heard about the "Wheat Belly" diet, right? Well, technically, it doesn't exist. Dr. William Davis points out that the word "diet" does not appear on either the cover of his bestselling "Wheat Belly" book published in 2011 or on the follow-up, "Wheat Belly Cookbook," which was published last month and already tops bestseller lists. And that omission is intentional, Davis said. "Wheat Belly" is about stripping your plate of a substance that contributes to heart disease, causes joint pain, inflammation, foggy thinking, bloating and much more, Davis said. Losing weight, he added, is simply a nice aside. The cardiologist believes wheat is the single biggest contributor to the country's obesity epidemic, in part because aggressive breeding methods and genetic manipulation have turned it into what Davis derides as a "Frankenwheat." One of its most troubling side effects? Triggering uncontrollable carb cravings, the doctor said. Why do you believe wheat is so problematic? The advice to cut your fat and eat whole grains is the worst advice you can possibly pass on to people. I say, "Eat more fat. Eat as little grains as possible." Grains really don't belong in the human experience. I didn't go looking to demonize wheat. I told my patients to stop eating [wheat products] as part of treatment because many were suffering from diabetes or were prediabetic. But they'd come back in three to six months, and they were 25 to 40 pounds lighter. And they'd say, "The pain in my wrist and shoulder is gone." "My [irritable bowel syndrome symptoms] are gone." I only did it for blood sugar. But I thought, "What in the world is in wheat besides its potential to raise blood sugar? Why would their asthma go away? Why would someone's food obsession disappear?" So many things happened. In the beginning I had no idea why. I had to see it thousands of time before it got drilled into my head. We are treating the consumption of modern wheat. Only we call ithypertension. Obesity. Arthritis. Acid reflux. … You take out the wheat, all that goes away. You could argue that wheat is perfectly crafted to exert maximum damage to multiple organs. Your books make ditching wheat sound like discovering the fountain of youth. I tell people just try it for 30 days. It's an exceptionally common observation for people to come back to me and say, "I feel 20 years younger!" For one, you'll have a dramatic increase in energy … and you experience what I call "youthful sleep." That's where [someone] can clang pots and pans and you won't wake up. People lose weight, they're more flexible, they're lighter on their feet. Memory improves. Skin improves. The puffy look around the eyes? That improves. When you lose the wheat, you lose several pounds the first week. Part of that is fat weight, but also Water weight. This is a lot for people to wrap their heads around. We've been told grains are good. What humans have been doing for 2 million years is consuming animal meat, vegetables, nuts, fruits and the like. ... When we added grains 10,000 years ago, more or less, there's an observation of dramatic downturns in health. ... We are meat-consuming omnivores who made a mistake by this detour into grains. Modern times made it much worse by changing grains on us. [And agri-business] has decided, "Let's just put wheat in everything, from tomato Soup to salad dressings." Why is wheat in tomato soup? When you make tomato soup at home, do you put wheat in it? No. I know this sounds conspiracy-ish, but I've got to believe that at some level some very smart people have realized [that wheat triggers binge eating]. How else can you justify that wheat got into everything? You say that many "Wheat Belly" followers feel a profound sense of relief — and not just because of the weight loss. We're told that Americans are diabetic and overweight because we're the most gluttonous and lazy people in the world. But that's not true. Many have just been getting seriously bad advice. They are exercising, cutting their calories, doing all the things they are supposed to do, and there is this destructive thing in their diet that they are told to eat more of. Not only is that advice — to eat more grains — ineffective, it's destructive. You have people who are saying, "I'm doing everything right, I've cut my fat and cholesterol, I don't eat junk food or fast food. I exercise an hour a day, or an hour and a half a day, and I've gained 18 pounds." … They are doing what appears to be right, and yet they are desperately frustrated. But they have failed to make that fundamental distinction. It's not about calories. It's not about fat. It's not about exercise. It's about this destructive, appetite-stimulating food in your diet. What is the hardest part about giving up wheat? And what should we be eating? There is so much to eat! Real foods. Vegetables, fruit, meats, organ meats and so on. And when you are eating real foods, you can eat all you want. The hardest part for most people is giving up bread. And it's not enough to just go gluten-free. I tell people, "You don't have to give up sandwiches." [The cookbook has several recipes for breads, including focaccia, pretzels, walnut-raisin bread, cheddar cheese biscuits, brownies and pie crusts, made with wheat substitutes such as almond, coconut and garbanzo bean flours.] I tell people just go cold turkey and try it for 30 days. What do you have to lose?

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