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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Typical days food intake for vets?

    My big struggle is getting out to exercise. I walk for about 30 minutes periodically but need to do it every day. This has been my big challenge. When I do walk, I feel pretty good after. So today I will walk. Am looking into some aerobics classes. I need to work on my core. My muscles are really loose. Fiddleman I so admire how you have stuck to a plan and have done really great. Really excited for the Mrs also.
  2. Ms skinniness

    May want to avoid this one...

    My stomach does get a little burning sensation when eating hot chili's. How I miss the old days......
  3. Ms skinniness

    1 year out-those pesky last 20 lbs-Vegetarian diet

    I take iron all the time, no problems here. My surgeon also recommends taking iron as well as the bariatrics department at Kaiser.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    My DH and I have switched to cutting out the wheat products and he has lost 3 lbs from it. His blood sugar has also become more normal on most days. We are also reading labels on processed foods and cutting out all products with added sugar. We have gone back to eating things that are none processed. It is so easy to come home, prepare some protein and throw some veggies in the microwave..... For me, I am struggling somewhat..... My niece was selling girl scout cookies and because I wanted to help her out, I bought 3 boxes.... On the way home I was hungry so I convinced myself that I could have just 1 cookie.... Right, it ended up being almost half the box. So I gave the rest to a friend so they wouldn't be in my house. I knew better, I will just give the money and let them have the cookie...Lesson learned. However, I am getting more into Mark's daily apple too.... Thank you swizzly and coops for the info, It's been a great transition for my DH and now I will be more stringent to following his plan....
  5. Ms skinniness

    Typical days food intake for vets?

    this has been one of the best posts I have read. I have been thinking that I eat too much and have been hungry. Typically I will drink a protein shake first thing in the morning then an hour later I will eat an egg with cheese and salsa. I will eat some Heat peanuts for snack. For lunch I will eat chicken, make 1/4th slice of Lavash bread made into a pizza with cheese and salami. for snack 1/2 of a banana For dinner 2oz of protein and some veggies or chili with cheese 2.5oz of chili and 1 tbs of cheese. try not to snack if so some nuts. I don't believe I have eaten 1 cup of anything except for the rare occasion when I've had flamin hot cheetos....Those go down so easy..
  6. Ms skinniness

    How Did You Celebrate Getting to Goal?

    Now I never set a goal weight so I find myself settling for 143 lb one day and the next day I want to get to a goal of 140 lbs. however I am struggling with wanting to revert back to previous eating patterns. Now I've been grazing and tomorrow will refocus to 3 meals a day and one snack. So let's do something to celebrate our success. I'm going to Las Vegas on March 23 and will make that my celebration. .
  7. Ms skinniness


    Interesting, I found the miralax took a few days to work for me, but when I took 250mg to 500mg of colace it was affected....Don't have any problems now thank goodness.
  8. Ms skinniness

    newbie needs Help

    I have never had 3 protein shakes in a day since being sleeved. In the beginning I could barely get in 1/2 of one. Just get in as much as you can and don't stress on the rest. If your able too, make sure you get your supplements in..... Oh and your fluid intake is more important in the beginning too. Dehydration really sucks big time....
  9. Ms skinniness

    The dam broke...

    Nothing like a good cry to let out all the angst that has built up in you..... Hope your cat is going to be ok. Your cat is a member of your family and it's very painful to have them sick of to have to lose them in any way...... It's ok to cry, it's healing for us... Thank you for sharing this....
  10. Ms skinniness

    Cheese burger....?

    OMG I love In n Out's dauble double cheeseburgers.....I still have one but can only eat 1/4th of it. It is so calorie packed and I had tried it without the bun but it was really messy. I hate messy foods when out. you won't be able to have a burger for quite awhile after surgery. You might not even want one either....However this is the time wo focus on healthy eating habits. Need to cut out the breads, pasta's and rice for a while. It really important to cut out the sugars in your foods too. I like to eat a lot of soups, nuts, chicken, beef (tender and juicy) and carnitas. Good luck it's very tempting to work at In N Out! It's yummy.
  11. Ms skinniness

    surgery date Jan9.

    There are no should's here. It is what it is and we work from there. If you had a low BMI then your weight loss is going to be slower. The weight will come off in it's own time, just remember to eat really healthy because every little bite you get needs to provide the most nourishment available. Your body is doing great. BTW what is you starting BMI and weight and can you add a ticker to your profile? That would help a lot in tracking your weight loss......
  12. When your urine is dark, it usually means that your not getting enough fluids in. If getting fluids in is really hard, try some G2 Gatorade diluted with water. It helps alot. Also your protein shake is counted as fluid also but more thicker and makes you full longer. So work on getting your fluids up. 64 oz is a good number to shoot for. Also suck on some popsicles that are sugar free also. Otherwise everything is normal. Here's too a quick recovery.
  13. Eat healthy, low carb, exercise and sit back and enjoy the ride. It does get slower now, but it does come off. This is a lifetime process and just because the honeymoon period is over, doesn't mean your not going to lose anymore. Just remember to eat healthy, no added sugars, and there is the LilMissDiva's Basic Bootcamp that you can use if you are really scared you won't lose anymore. It's pinned on the site somewhere......... CONGRATS on the 75 weight lose! That's truly a blessing in disguise.
  14. Ms skinniness

    orange juice

    I don't drink orange juice because is acidity and it's loaded with empty calories. I do eat a few slices of oranges and they are really good to. Satisfies that desire for OJ. It does irritate the stomach too..
  15. Ms skinniness

    Im having a moment of regret

    There are really good days and then really bad days. This is such a journey that we are all on and there's times I really want to eat and then I feel I'll. then I have guilt because I've been grazing Through out the day.
  16. Ms skinniness


    Being cold is normal. My feet and hands are always cold as ice and it does deter me from doing things at times.... but I do prefer to be cold over being hot like before....I had a pretty comfortable summer too..... It does get better I heard about 2 years post op..... Hang in there everyone...
  17. "In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers." — Fred Rogers

  18. My hospital pillow didn't bother me a bit...... I had full use of my morphine drip! I got a lot of sleep! Even smiled at the doc when she came around.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Just got to Mexico

    I'm not going to wish you luck because this is the best decision that you have ever made! Now I can't wait for you to Rock that Sleeve!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Still some pain...

    Actually I still had this pain for a couple of months out. It finally stopped about 3 1/2 months out......
  21. Ms skinniness

    Ooppps! Help!

    I was eating pudding right 2 weeks post op. No problems I even mindlessly ate a strawberry without thinking..... No problems here....Your'll be just fine......
  22. Ms skinniness

    Nightline on Wednesday Feb 6

    Haven't seen it but it does sound so gross! I love my sleeve ......
  23. Ms skinniness

    protein bars

    Pure Protein bars are delicious.......
  24. It is so helpful to hear from peoples experiences. I am about 16 months post op and i find myself struggling with my old habits sneaking back in. I can eat more than I use too. My weight is fluctuating up and down a few lbs. I still work at keeping the trigger foods out of my house, and I do throw away a lot of food. My adult kids bring it in and I will discard it when they're not looking..... This is hard work....and it's for a life time....... :ph34r:
  25. Ms skinniness

    Work in Progress...

    :DWe are all so worthy of being praised. It took a long time for me to just say thank you and smile, underneath all that I see myself patting myself on my back..... We've all done good so keep it up........

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
