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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    It is not easy to stay on track. I really don't believe ur having dumping symptoms. Ur tummy does not like the over eating. So it's telling u to get back to basics of proteins, little carbs, and exercise. This will help ur tummy heal and get the eating monster under control. U can do this! We all can do this. Make sure ur not grazing, plan ur meal,, and get a lot of exercise. I'm right there with u.
  2. Ms skinniness

    And the fanfare fades...............

    I find myself missing the NSV'S and the attention. I didn't really like being the center of attention then. This is the new me and it has been quite an adjustment.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Do you ever..

    This happened to me when I was walking down my hallway. I have to admit I loved my body.
  4. I know that we are very determined people..... We will get this under control. I so wanted a cookie yesterday and today, flamin hot cheetos..... I didn't give in, and I'm not going too. But my head hunger is getting out of control...... Tomorrow i should be down a little bit, and hopefully my ring starts slippin on my finger...... When my ring falls off my finger, then I know I'm done losing weight........ Right now, I'm just going to focus on eating healthy foods......
  5. Thank you Iggy.... My BMR is 1332.4 my body fat is 26.11 which is acceptable My Waist to hip is .86 which is high risk Now how do I adjust for the excess skin I have? I must of ate alot of those girl scout cookies to gain weight then. LOL
  6. Ms skinniness

    Please help!

    Your body is in ketosis.. Which means that you have low carb intake which has kicked your body into burning mode. It would be a great idea to google it for more information. I do get a little bit of a sick feeling, foggy mind, my words don't come out correctly. And I do have a horrible taste in my mouth. But it does help with burning the fat. I ate mostly proteins. After googling it, if the symptoms don't match, then do call your surgeon's office.
  7. "You do not love a spouse for the sake of the spouse but for the sake of the self." Upanishads

  8. In the past week, I've gained at least 3 lbs. I let myself get out of control and thought I would have just one girl scout cookie. Ha who was I fooling, I ate almost 1/2 the box and gave them away. Then my daughter's boyfriend had girl scout cookies sitting on her dresser and I would take one daily.....Oh how my thoughts lie to me....So I'm putting my lying thoughts in time out for eternity Yep, eternity...... NTVtx said it all, it's those little things that add up. I know that I'm eating more today than in the past and it's driving me crazy...... I will be attending a support group really soon. I am making changes in my diet as well. Keeping everything low carb and reminding myself that I am eating to live, not living to eat. I will also be focusing on exercising more too. Oh and the adult children(s) will be putting all their junk sh** some place where I can't see it.....Out of site, out of mind. I can't believe that I have gained 3 lbs...... What a lesson to learn... I hope I've learned my lesson. Thanks for everyone's support.....
  9. OMG! I so want a stupid cookie! Yikes.............

  10. This is partof the journey that just cracks me up......we have such high expectations on how fast our weight should come off, it creates so many fears in us like, "I'm failing this diet too, I'm not going to lose anymore weight." You are very fresh out of the gate and your body is compensating by losing in inches, not pounds. In my book that is so much better than the #'s on the scale..... When I look back on how long I accumulated my excess weight, I was able to realize that it's not going to come off over night. I wish it would have, then my dreams would have been fulfilled. This is a good time to sit back and smell the fresh air and it's the beginning of a new day.....
  11. What a great gift Proudgrammy! It is so much better than a box of chocolates or even a dinner date! CONGRATS! I love your hubby!
  12. Ms skinniness


    It is really hard to give you feedback when we have basically no information to go on. On your profile page, you have not filled out any information as to when your surgery was or when it is scheduled, how much you weigh, etc. Can you give us some more information so we know where to start? That would really be helpful for both you and us.
  13. I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. Your body is just resting getting ready to shed a little bit more..... You already look like one sexy lady and you have lost 100 lbs.... I've been at plateau's here and there and then a lb or 2 will drop off....it's frustrating because I want it now, not later, now....LOL Wow love your success story. Remember your doc doesn't really know, it's his educated guess.....
  14. Ms skinniness

    I cant believe...

    LOL you'll need a new hobby!
  15. You have done a great job! It looks painful to me though...... CONGRATS!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Do I need to Get in all my Calories?

    Just do what you can do and don't stress on it..... You will soon enough.....600 is just a # to reach for.....take your supplements, drink as much water as you can and sit back and enjoy the ride.....
  17. Ms skinniness


    So what's the rush? It will come off in due time. Just keep on your all liquid program, take a deep breath and just relax.........sit back and watch the weight come off. It won't come off over night, but will come off more rapidly then before being sleeved. It will happen.....
  18. Ms skinniness

    I hate my scale

    Oh wait, the doc's scale is even going to weigh something different too. So please, do yourself a favor and step away from the scale. Just keep doing what you've been doing and you will be joining us on the big loser's bench really soon.
  19. This is so true. I have to keep all foods that are sugary out of my house these days. I am so struggling with my head hunger these days..... Anyways, I threw away some girl scout cookies today! It's hard but I've decided not to buy them anymore....... Good job throwing out the spaghetti! Yayyyyyyyy!
  20. Ms skinniness

    MRSA - very scared

    Don't be scared, you've got this under control......Thank goodness you were being proactive on your incision care. You are going to be just fine..... HUGS
  21. Ms skinniness

    My hubby is in surgery now

    It is so hard to change our eating habits, but he can do this. I tell my husband to sit back and enjoy his food instead of inhaling it...... LOL Happy he made it out of surgery ok....Have a nice breakfast.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Dehydration long term & dizziness anyone?

    I get dizzy often too. My blood pressure is low and my PCP attributes my dizziness with my blood pressure. Asked me how much water I was getting and when I told him, he flinched, like I was drinking too much. He told me to increase my sodium intake. I did a little, but decided I really didn't want to do that because I'm already a big salt user. Yesterday I had appointment with PCP and she wasn't even concerned with my blood pressure. It wa a little lower than previous appointments with my other PCP. She told me I had the blood pressure of a 15 year old....... Hang in there and if you have been drinking alcohol, remember to increase your water intake to cleanse your body of the toxins....... Cheers to everyone!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Vanity Sizes....

    Even if it's vanity, I love the fact that I can wear some 6's and 8's in jeans. Don't like my jeans too snug, my tummy doesn't like it....I doubt I will get below a size 6. SOme of my tops that are medium are a little big now. Not sure I want a small though. Afraid it might be too snug.... this is such a treat.....lol
  24. Have you called your insurance company? After they tell you that they haven't received the paperwork, call your doctor's office and ask to speak with the supervisor. Tell them what you've found out and that if they are not interested in having your business, you would like to know so you can go else where..........Then tell the surgeon. I wouldn't let this pass......The bottom line is money....It does make me really really angry when someone lies to me....I am finding more people being dishonest to sell their product.......they're very desperate.....So be proactive and go above the coordinators......
  25. Ms skinniness

    paxil and weight gain after vsg?

    This is something that is best discussed with your doctor. If you are really concerned about weight gain, then talk with the doctor about a different medication. They have a medication called buspar which is really good for anxiety. However, if you have some depression going on that needs to be treated then your doctor will determine this. Again I am not a doctor and I am just recommending that you talk with your doctor that prescribed the medication. There is a reason that he prescribed it for, so it's time for a consultation.

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