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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    99lbs Lost!

    Wow! U look absolutely fabulous!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Delicious No Carb -High Protein Pizza

    Sounds delicious!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Sudden stop in weight loss with low calorie intake.

    Glad you guys like this. I will post part 2 now with credits for the writer's page....http://www.leangains.com How to Deal With Water Retention: Part Two 4:54 AM | Posted by Martin Berkhan In part one of this article series I covered the basics of water retention. This time I'll list a few effective tricks that will help you deal with it when and if it occurs. Don't worry, you won't be sweating it out in a sauna and sucking on ice cubes. I'll offer simple and non-intimidating strategies that don't require a whole lot of thinking. They can be used in isolation or in combination. Reduce sodium The most common reason people hold water is due to shifts in sodium balance. Going from a low baseline intake of sodium to sudden and high intakes can have dramatic effects on your visual appearance (which any bodybuilding-competitor can attest to). Conversely, reducing sodium can have the opposite effect and cause water loss. This is all about relative and not absolute numbers; it's not high sodium per se that cause water retention/water loss, but deviations from the habitual intake. The solution therefore is to reduce sodium to a level below baseline. So for a day or two... * Ditch all canned or pre-packaged foods since they tend to contain a lot of sodium. A paleo approach to food choices is a pretty good model to use for your diet during these days since it's relatively low in sodium. * Reduce spices and table salt - make a conscious effort to use less than you're used to. An easy way to reduce sodium without feeling deprived is to use a salt substitute, which contains only half of the sodium chloride found in regular salt. * Drink a ton of water. Aim for 6-8 liters. You should be pissing like a race horse. * It's claimed that some foods have a diuretic effect and they're often referenced as natural remedies to combat water retention - asparagus, celery, cucumber and watermelon, for example. I've yet to find some scientific backing for these claims, so take it for what it's worth. I suspect that the proposed diuretic properties of these foods is related to their high water content rather than some other magical mechanism. Get cortisol back to normal Elevated levels of cortisol can cause water retention, potentially due to interfering with aldosteron (a hormone that regulates Fluid balance). Excessive cardio, particularly of the more intense variety (HIIT), and low calorie intakes increases cortisol. * Only do low intensity steady state cardio, such as walking or similar activities with a low perceived rate of effort. * Increase calorie intake to a level that is no less than 500 kcal below maintenance (i.e if your maintenance intake is 2700 kcal, you should eat no less than 2200 kcal these days). Have a drink Alcohol has a quite profound diuretic effect, so drink a a large glass of wine (7 ounces/2 dl) or a large shot of vodka (2 ounces/6 cl) shortly before going to sleep. Caffeine-rich beverages are often said to have a diuretic effect as well, but this is actually a myth. Studies show that the fluids ingested with the caffeine more than makes up for the diuretic effect of caffeine itself. In order for caffeine to have a diuretic effect, take caffeine pills. Look over your Fiber intake In my experience, both high and low fiber intake can cause water retention and a feeling of bloatedness. Look over your diet and it should be clear what the problem is. Do a refeed Do a carb-refeed, preferably after having depleted muscle glycogen. A full-body session consisting of 2-4 sets of 12-15 reps per body part will get the job done. Carb choices should consist primarily of starches such as potatoes, rice, Pasta and bread. Keep fiber low, potassium high. The exact amount of carbs to be ingested depends on several factors, but I suggest playing it safe and not going overboard. * 4-6 g of carbs per kilo lean body mass is a good starting point, preferably on the low end of that if you're inexperienced with carb-refeeds and how you react to them. * If you do it right, this will have the effect of pulling water outside the muscle cell into the muscle cell. Along with increased muscle glycogen, this will give you a lean and full appearance the next day - ideally also causing a "whoosh" over night.
  4. Ms skinniness


    Gosh, i eat mostly high protein up to this day. I had difficulties with dense protiens like steak. It took some time to adjust, but I did. But I still don't like really dry dense proteins.......So I don't eat them..... I prefer rib eye steak over prime rib. But I have to limit it. Now I don't like the rib eye from the regular section, I have to have organic rib eye that's grass fed....I'm getting so spoiled these days.
  5. Ms skinniness

    I need help badly!

    Do not eat those foods..... Switch to a less caloric intake like say a chicken thigh with no skin, no fried foods..... cheeses are good, just not a whole lot. The buffalo wings are so full of fat and 6-7 aren't much but a no no. I have chosen to eat more basics and simple foods like chicken, broiled or rotisserie, steak (3 oz) and salami (light), cheese I have baby bel and stick to 1 baby bell light and also make myself pizza with 1/4th slice of flat bread, marinara sauce, salami and mostarealla cheese. It is simple to make and takes 5 minutes prep and 11 minutes in the oven.....Eat some healthy veggies....
  6. Ms skinniness

    I need help badly!

    Here it is: The BASICS BOOTCAMP: For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only... Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter. Veggies: Green only. Fruits: None. Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None. Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein drinks. Avoid: Sugar and Sodium Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc. Lil Miss Diva's
  7. Ms skinniness

    I need help badly!

    It's time to get back to basic. Eat protein, protein, and protein and measure your portions. Eat very few carbs. LilMissDiva has a "the basic bootcamp" that will help you get back on track....It's posted here on forum. Cut out all candies, carbs eetc. Drink a lot of water and start moving. you can do this, it's a matter of deciding to refocus and get back on track....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Hot crap dip!

    Sounds really healthy too.....Yummy for our tummy.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    Why cant i eat anymore

    If your really concerned then call your surgeon's office in the AM. You should be fine as long as you can get your water in.
  10. OMG! you have done a fantastic job! Keep it up.....So thankful you posted a pic......
  11. Ms skinniness


    carbonation can cause stretching of our sleve according to numerous surgeons......Best to stay away from all carbonation.....be safe and don't risk it......you can do this.... Soda is also addicting so don't do it....
  12. Ms skinniness

    So Hurtful

    This is a good time to stand up for yourself and let your mother know that this is not acceptable.....Do not use you messages, make the statement like, "Mom, it really hurts me when you tell me to go get something to eat when we have an argument." Say it in a loving caring way and set a good boundary. It's hard to recognize triggers to our over eating and this is a good time to start. It's gonna be hard but say it and then walk away and self soothe yourself by taking a walk...... This is the beginning of a new journey to a more healthier relationship with family and food. You can do this. Sometimes it good to get a therapist that can teach you new coping skills and be a healthy support system for you.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Reached goal weight in 6 months less a day!

    Amazon you are so correct....this is a life style change and the first 6 months are crucial. It is important to choose healthy foods and to change our eating habits because if we choose to eat those damn Cheetos, candies, etc, we will gain our weight back. The majority of us have an addiction to food and when we start, it's really hard to start.......Congrats on your success! Keep it up....
  14. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I've already fallen into the shred load of chocolate.....I'm an emotional eater and with 4 young adults living here in the same house is really hard....so frustrating and when I found an open bag of chocolate chips, I just keep eating them by the handful.. So finally emptied them in the sink and washed them down.....they're gone.. whew, that was so hard. Now back to basics. I'm at my high balance of 147 lbs and it's killing me..... Coops, I would be totally frustrated and thinking about cutting my leg off too so that I could get to goal. I seems unrealistic that your weight gain has stopped before getting to the Dr's goal. they do make they're goal higher. However on a side note, you look fabulous and so SEXY! Your even feeling more energy and healthier to boot....That to me is success.......You are absolutely gorgeous! I love your pic! I pretty much am eating primal too....I can't do processed foods anymore...It grosses me out with all the toxins that's in the food. My husband went shopping yesterday and bought some apples and pears and I freaked because he won't buy organic. All those pesticides that in the food can also contribute to inflammation and excess stored fat. Our body can't break them down and so we are poisoning ourselves. And grass fed organic meat tastes so much better than other meat.On the primal diet, my husband's diabetes is so much more under control, blood sugar levels are in the normal ranges. He has lost a couple of lbs too. Now back too me.... I am frustrated with my bounce. A doctor told me that I have allergies because my eyelids were really swollen and puffy. I didn't believe her at the time, but now I'm looking back and thinking that I might have developed an allergy for peanuts. I do eat a lot of peanuts on a daily basis.... So today will cut the peanuts out and see where my bounce weight goes. Also will be back to logging every bite I eat on myfitnesspal.com. I had gotten lazy and frustrated with all the fluctuations also. Now it's back to measuring and instead of eating, I plan to get on my threadmill to distract my head hunger..... Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading....
  15. Ms skinniness

    Anyone get an ulcer POST surgery?

    This is interesting. I'm curious too
  16. Ms skinniness

    Pocket Scales for Eating on the Go

    I tend to go by how full my stomach is feeling. I don't want to be to obsessive.
  17. Ms skinniness

    I am in shock...utter shock

    Can u see me dancin? Celebrating ur success!
  18. You can lose as much as you want or need. It's up to you..... I have lost 80 lbs and am loving every minute of it. I still struggle with believing that i wear a medium or even a small in some cases..... I even had to buy smaller shoes too. Such a wonderful tool we all have...
  19. Ms skinniness

    First day after surgery

    Congrats, and BTW, your already on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH now! Welcome, you have more great things to come!
  20. Ms skinniness

    5'6" and weighed 225-235 surgery day?

    I am 5'6" and i weighed in at 223 at the beginning of my journey.... Now I weigh in at 143 on good days, and 147 on days that I am retaining water........the majority of my weight was lost within the first 5 months or so...
  21. This so resonates with me too. The sleeve is just a tool I know and I am 5'6" and I weigh between 143 to 147 lbs. I wear a size 6 or 8 and still think that I am big. This is the hardest part of the journey for us...I see in the mirror a lot of loose skin and I desperately want a face lift. I hate looking at my face, I always have....The other day, I leaned over and took some deep breaths and noticed that my excess skin on my stomach is massive. I stand there and I can grab folds of skin on my backside that is really bothering me also..... Now I will get a face lift in about 6 months, but the other loose skin will have to remain. But I will live with that. Now the hardest part of my journey is to continue to eat healthy. I know that my emotional baggage will pull me back to old eating habits which is really sad.....So I have to be constantly vigilant about my diet. I'm constantly asking myself if I can do this because I have failed so many other times. My answer always comes back to "I have too." This is my health and I can't risk my blood sugars going up any more.... Sorry for being off topic..... Supersweetums we have had many ups and downs with our weight, it's over now and now the head work continues on.........Look in the mirror every day and tell yourself how beautiful and healthy you are today. Perhaps it is forgiving ourselves for letting ourselves get so big to begin with. I am constantly working on changing my negative thoughts to more positive ones...... But the fear of gaining back my weight are still here. So it will be a daily struggle and I will always have my tool to contain how much I can eat. My eating feels normal now and my eyes are still bigger than my tummy.......but I'm learning on a daily basis. The key to all this for me and I hear from your post is that we must truly learn to love ourselves for who we are inside. We need to have our insides match our outside shell also........ Now here's the kicker......You are as beautiful on the inside as the outside.....you are skinny inside as well now it's time to work on matching the two because you will not ever be carrying that extra weight again. So, you are one skinny lady inside and out.......now let's own it....
  22. I had a friend of mine who went to Dr. Garcia in Mexico and he did a fantastic job. She has lost over 140 lbs since june and looks fantastic... As far as the staple line, the staples are healed over and won't come out. They are very tiny indeed....... Scars don't really bother me either......They are very small and will fade in time..... Oh and BTW has anyone ever told you that your fears do lie to you. I'm a therapist and believe me, our fears do lie......we all have similar or the same fears and we did it anyways. The majority of us are happy and healthier and skinny to boot! Now it's still a lot of work on our parts too because the sleeve is just a tool......
  23. I have watched YT videos and it does make since, the part that scares me is increasing my calorie intake to 1823 and then eating 15% lower, will it assist in losing a lb? Will I be hungry when I cut out some calorie? When I look at individuals that have anoxecia and they are eating less than 300 calories a day, they are losing weight, muscle weight too which is totally unhealthy, so now that I've stated this, this plan does look good to keep muscle mass. I didn't her what KiKi's diet consisted of either. Do you fill full eating like this? Has it been hard to cut back on calories? Sorry for the questions but my inquisitive mind wants to know..... LOL Thank you FYE
  24. FYE I'm curious, I just calculated the TDEE and mine came up to 1823. Now I don't eat that much calories so I'm wondering why is my weight fluctuating so much. I was down to 143 lbs and then my weight skyrocketed to 147 lbs. This is so frustrating. I too want to eat more if it will help me lose the weight and have more energy. BTW you are doing fantastic! CONGRATS!
  25. Ms skinniness

    HR blabbed to my supervisor!

    At his point it is what it is and now you have a choice to make. Do you add additional stress to your plate by being angry and fighting or do you move forward to a more wonderful healthy lifestyle. You did this for them and no one else and there is really nothing your supervisor can do to you. I'm so proud of you taking this step for a healthier new life style...... CONGRATS!

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