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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Hunger pains

    Up to 4 to 6 weeks............You might also be a little hungry because your on liquids or soft foods like yogurt, cottage cheese, sf pudding, sf jello or protein shakes..... You are doing really good too btw...
  2. Ms skinniness

    my foods, what's wrong...so frustrated..

    Hey there... It looks like your doing good with the foods and your calories are really low so maybe up you calorie intake by adding some veggies that you really like. Try spicing them up for a better flavor if you don't like plain foods...... I see that you have issues with your throid and this is a good time to go see you doc or call him and have blood work up done to see if you need to either have your thyroid meds titraded up or down. This can have a negative effect on weight loss etc. Your weight gain is water weight so maybe cut back on the salty foods some. I know that I have really low bp and my doc told me to up my salt intake and I have gained 4 lbs just from the salt intake. But I'm not dizzy anymore. You can look at myfitnesspal.com page and my user name is dorrierobles2003@yahoo.com and i will add you as a friend. I have also posted something on the vet's forum about the reasons for weight gain on a low calorie diet.... It's very informative. Hope this helps and keep up the good work. I believe that a balanced approach of food does help with our cravings and stuff and I work on staying away from breads, pastas,rice, and anything that has flour. the art to this is balancing our blood sugar levels so they don't plunge to low levels......
  3. Ms skinniness

    Hunger pains

    Yes you are hungry but it's because you still have some ghrelin hormones left over. The hunger will go away... btw.....stomach acid does mimick hunger so a lot of people are on PPI's (nexium, omeprazole, prilosec, etc) This helps with the hunger pains... It does go away too....
  4. I am 17 months post op and have lost 90% of my weight........ Looking at percentages makes it look so much better!
  5. Ms skinniness

    was I even sleeved?

    The end result is that you lose weight. Maybe the doc used a bigger guide to put the staple line, but you will lose weight. Just make sure your eating mostly protein, protein, and protein for the first 6 months. The good news is, your able to get your water in. Oh and I'm a little envious because you got your gall bladder out also. I am having mine out this coming monday and I'm not looking forward to it.... So just keep moving forward and remember, your weight will melt away and that's the end goal here... CONGRATS!
  6. It is painful that your business is spread throughout the office by an unprofessional boss. the only good news is that now they can watch you shrink with envy and you can smile at them and say to yourself, "look how hot and sexy I am you b******!" It does take the anxiety away from having a secret also. You are making a good decision for your health and the bottom line is: it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks but you! Head up and keep moving forward.....
  7. Ms skinniness

    200 Pounds Down Present To Myself!

    I love the tat's but they look so painful! This is a milestone and you will get the next 100 lbs off. Oh and working out your grievances between you and your sis is healing in itself..... You girls are awesome!
  8. Ms skinniness

    Counting calories or counting carbs?

    I'm not sure where I am. One minute I decide that I'm on maintenance and then when a friend comes in, I look at her hot sexy body and tell myself I need to get at least 10 more lbs off.......But I do mostly use myfitnesspal.com to logg my calories and my carbs are usually pretty low. My username is dorrierobles2003@yahoo.com and you can ask to add me as a friend and I will accept your invite and you cn look through some of my postings. There are times when I've been religous about it and others I don't track at all. But mostly do, I believe..... This is such a wonderful journey that I'm on and I need to work on my head hunger now.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    Venting-breakdown today

    You are being really impatient and hard on yourself! You are doing fantastic and before the surgery you would have had to move a mountain to get that much weight off so quickly! LOL Truthfully, you are doing excellent......Now's the time to sit back and watch the lbs melt away and the inches disappear when your in a stall.....Take pics to document your journey......Don't weight yourself every day... Our weight fluctuates on a daily basis..... You've got this girl! Sending you happy thoughts your way!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Im a dummy!

    Those are the lessons we learn the hard way! I find myself doing stupid stuff and end up throwing it away. So now I love throwing bad foods in the trash.....It was such a hard lesson to learn, I was taught to always finish what I put on my plate and my eyes have always been bigger than my stomach.... LOL Still the same today. Am going back to measuring my foods when eating....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Met someone with sleeve one year out...

    WOW! I had to read that 3 times! I'm 17 months out and can eat 1 piece of pizza but will not drink carbonated drinks with my meals..... It sounds like that individual is way off track right now and derail you on your journey also.....Something to think about...
  12. Ms skinniness

    Vet's Forum

    You know as I've been thinking about this, I don't believe there are any rules on being a vet. We read the posts and we know by what we read the experiences of the individuals and where they are at in their recovery. Newbies can learn from our posts as to what to expect further out and they still have the other posts for questions. I do like to keep this on a more serious level due to wanting feedback that is totally relevant to me. I love the people on this site that don't take offense to feedback and realize that we are all individuals and have the right to give our opinion in a direct manner. i do not writing a lot of words so I tend to be very direct and short. Not meant to offend anyone. This is an awesome forum and should be left open for others to read also. Chitowngirl, you are so a vet in my opinion! Good job on your weight loss.......CONGRATS!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Stuggling, need help with head hunger!

    Laura, how do they taste when taken off the shelf? I love them cold but am afraid to try them warm.
  14. Ms skinniness

    No fun!

    It's totally no fun at all! But the end result is totally awesome and worth it...... Keep it up and best wishes to you!
  15. Ms skinniness

    So Weak I Can't Work

    G2 is gatorade and helps you with dehydration by replacing electrolytes your body needs..... It also helps get in more water too.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I am so at a point where I think that I'm done and just need to eat more.....Blah.... I'm going to continue to strive to eat healthy and see where my body takes me........ Today I felt kinda heavy and blah and took my bs and it was 104 about 30 minutes after eating 2 eggs with cheese..... So I'm missing my old life, I still have 4 lb water weight and am cuting back on my salt intake.......drinking more water..... That's my update, oh and monday is GB removal day.......I think I should loose a couple of lbs there after the iv solution is gone. Cheers everyone! Hope everyone's doing well..... We are all so sexy and skinny! Even all the guys out there.....
  17. Ms skinniness

    At MI Doctor surgery within the hour

    Right now your probably being prepped for surgery. Healing thoughts coming your way and welcome to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  18. Ms skinniness

    So Weak I Can't Work

    Your body is in ketosis.......Meaning you have been low carb with very minimum sugar. Call your nut and see what she recommends....can you take today off? Good luck, the good news is that your body is totally burnin fat right now...
  19. Ms skinniness

    New Favorite Treat

    They give me gas! So embarrassing......
  20. Ms skinniness

    Is my heart getting lazy?

    Actually my blood pressure is low so my doc told me to eat more salt. I'm like hmmmmm? I eat a lot of salt, I'm always teased by my friends to save them some salt... LOL But now i have water retention and the weight amounts to around 4 lbs. So cutting back on salt and increasing my water intake and hoping that helps.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Post-op Phase 2 - Hesitancy

    I was excited and happy but kept it simple. now i worry about introducing simple carbs back into my diet...
  22. Ms skinniness

    I am back

    You've said it, have you seen the Veteran's forum June13sleever it's rather new.....Could use your imput too.... IMO
  23. Ms skinniness

    Lost my appetite

    What I would suggest is that you call your surgeon's office and ask them what they recommend. They will surely give you good advice tailored to you........I have taken omeprazole for my stomach acid......it was recommended by my doc.... Get well soon.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Surgery tomorrow

    Are you getting sleeved also? Congrats on getting your band off!
  25. Ms skinniness

    Stuggling, need help with head hunger!

    I'm pretty much always hungry now and I think I need to raise my caloric intake some. I am horrible at planning meals and i just don't eat enough food to interest myself in cooking. I am working on changing a lot of this and it's so hard. My head doesn't want to do what it's suppose to do and that's planning my meals and following through with them. I am so bored with my go too's now and I really am not interested in eating junk foods or high carb foods. This is hard work and I know that I have to do the work to have healthy eating habits..... But I'm not really sure what my caloric intake should be right now.......Frustrating.......

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