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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    Time to push the button for the morphine drip! Use it as often as you can, it does help with the pain...That's what it's for. Heck I used it so I could sleep. when I woke up, I'd push it again. It helped pass the time till I was able to go home. the first 2 days were the worst, didn't need the morphine after that....
  2. Ms skinniness


    I belong to Kaiser and have no problems seeing the bariatric dietician or a nutritionist..In order to get services you need to be the squeaky wheel.....Yep, call them back and tell them that it's urgent you see the nut.....you might not get an appt today, but they can offer something this week or the next week. Let me know what happens when they call you back. If that doesn't work, then go to see your PCP and he/she will get you in.... Keep trying....
  3. Ms skinniness

    getting nervous

    It's really not that bad. Just had my GB taken out yesterday am and I'm feeling really good. I was very happy I had my morphine drip for the first 2 days. It helped me sleep. Came home the 3rd AM and didn't really need it anymore. . Actually the surgeries were the best sleep ever. .
  4. Ms skinniness

    sleeved and sick

    I hope u start feeling better soon.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Crunch and Stress

    I am into snacking on peanuts, the chili flavored ones. The down side is the calories. So I love the suggestion of veggies and ranch dressing.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Unexpected depression anyone?

    This is so me and even being a licensed therapist i too struggle with this. I know that just bc I've lost my fat suit I still have a lot of baggage to deal with. I am do tempted to eat more than my sleeve has the capacity hold. I too struggle with some social anxieties that keep me from going out at times. It's getting less often bc I work on changing my negative self talk that "I'm not liked or loved etc". I know that it's me so as of this moment. I will be challenging myself to go out and join the world of joy and happiness. I too am going to continue to do the inner work to decrease my depression. This is where exercising is going to kick in an increases my dopamine and seratonin levels. I live to practice what I teach.
  7. What do you mean you ONLY LOST 41LBS? That's alot of weight for 13 weeks out and yes, if you stop eating all that crap, you would have lost more! So Like Lotti stated, stop eating crap! you can do this...Throw it all in the trash and focus on eating protein, protein, protein, and protein, and then some veggies........ :ph34r:
  8. Ms skinniness

    Any Smokers/Ex-Smokers?

    Smoking post op cuts down the oxygen that is sent to your stomach to heal it. It also impacts your ability to breath after wards. Like Roserie stated, the healthier choice is to stop smoking if at all possible. I hope you make a good choice for yourself, after all, you've made a choice to have this wls to have a healthier lifestyle......
  9. Ms skinniness

    sexy and I know it

    We need a pic of you standing, but yes, laying down you look sexy.....
  10. I believe that you have left all that energy in the OR..... LOL i really didn't get my energy back until around the 5th to 6th month....It will come in due time and mean while you will keep ROCKIN that SLEEVE and the inches will just melt away! CONGRATS to all of you....
  11. Ms skinniness

    I cheated.

    You are now on THE BIG CHEATERS LIST! STop it right now you cheater.......Strong enough? This is really no big deal, it's presurgery and perhaps it was a moment of impulsiveness when your thought lied to you. Our thoughts are our worst enemy.......Now you recognize that you were impulsive and now move on and recognize when your thoughts are lying to you......Can't wait to hear more about how your doing post op.......
  12. Ms skinniness


    buffythefatslayer you need a reframe. LOL You are too much of a woman for him! At least this keeps you from kicking him to the curb! Isn't life interesting but painful at time.....But please remind yourself the best is yet to come, it does get better in all ways...
  13. Ms skinniness

    new addiction anyone?

    Yes there are cross over addictions. But coffee is a great cross over and so is exercising, except in excess. My addiction has become chili peanuts. I don't know if it's the chili peanuts ore the salt in them. What I do know is that it's caused a 3-4 lb weight fluctuation and those little bulgars have a lot of calories.... 280 calories... Yikes.... I am so wanting to get my exercise addiction going. LOL
  14. Ms skinniness

    Do you associate food with SEX?

    LMAO! Wow! So hilirious!
  15. Ms skinniness


    Congrats on your NSV's! You have done great and there's a ton more to come. It sadens me that your boyfriend is so insecure and scared that he can't compliment you to give you the support you deserve! He's acting like a boy, not a man.....It's time to sit him down and have a talk with him about his nonsupportive behavior....This is the time to let that confident woman out and ask for what you need from him, if he can't give it to you, then maybe it's time to reconsider your future with him bc it will just get worst....... Smile you are so beautiful and deserving of nothing but love from all the people around you.....
  16. Ms skinniness

    Vet's Forum

    It's so hard for me to go out to eat these days. It's just not that enjoyable as it use to be.... I don't want to eat junk, I want to eat healthy and the restaurants sabotage my eating if I'm not careful. so I just prepare my meals at home. I do have a margarita when out but can only drink a few sips. I realize now that I was totally misinformed by the bariatrics department telling us that alcohol will kill us. I realize they were talking about about GBS mostly. So I haven't pushed the limits with alcohol..But from what I'm reading from the posts, alcohol will not kill me....So instead of ordering food at a restaurant, I'll just order and drink and have some fun with it, especially in Maui.......I still have stricture, I discovered yesterday, and I felt horrible the rest of the evening. I realize that I think about what I'm going to eat all the time and when my stomach feels empty, I will eat something......This is my obsession and it's time to break the pattern......Sorry for the rant! Everyone here is doing really good.......
  17. Ms skinniness

    The great thread killer......

    What? is *Susan* banned? Aw.....White Russian's will do that to you! LOL
  18. Ms skinniness

    Sleepy ALL day today

    I'm having my GB removed on monday morning early and the doc will check out my left side because I've always had a pain where the incision was, especially when I'm really full. I don't think that it's a structure........Oh and today I realized that I have been getting the slimes but never realized it bc it was so slight..... I'm 17 months post op.... Hope you feel better soon.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Now I know why I'm doing this.

    When it comes to a choice of knee replacement surgery or having 85% of my stomach taken out, I'd chose removing my stomach... I no longer have diabetes and am super sexy too. I love having my skinny body back as a side affect.... Yep, I didn't really need all that food anyways..... I love how much I can eat too.......Congrats on your decision to a healthier new life style, and yes, you will get sexier too! LOL
  20. Ms skinniness

    New pain?

    You have over did it. Do you have a binder to give you additional support? That helps alleviate the pain too. Sounds like your doing really good....
  21. I can see how proud you are of yourself bc your smiling in the second pic! Congrats and it only gets better from here!
  22. Ms skinniness


    I'm so proud of you! Keep it up! This is a life changer for sure......
  23. This is really scary. If I was you, I would call your bariatric surgeon and speak with the attending physician on call. This could be a really serious situation and drink some G2 Gatorade to stay hydrated..... Let us know how your doing later too. Very concerned for your health.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Gall bladder?

    I'm scheduled for surgery monday am at 5:30am. Looking forward to the sleep but not the pain afterwards....Thanks for the info on the procedure.....

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