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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Puttin it out there

    It takes a while to start pooping on a regular schedule. But it will happen.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Best high protuen foods to eat

    I try to eat quick too's like salami, lean ham, salmon, nuts, and protein bars. I struggle with cooking for myself because I eat such small portions.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Caffeine, Sugar, and Carbs

    I really am working on not eating sugars because sugar is what has contributed to my past weight gain and diabetes. Sugar is addictive and you can eat a lot of foods really easy that are sugary. those foods are sliders. I choose to avoid sugars as much as possible and eat a wholesome diet focusing around proteins and veggies. I eat or drink anything with caffeine in them now either. i don't miss it either. My plan is to eat healthy and balanced, like the Paleo diet. I even choose to eat foods that are organic without pesticides and antibiotics put in them. Healthy only for me.... I really love this. A side note, I am not perfect and will occassionally eat something that is not organic when eating at friends houses and restaurants. I love my new life style.....
  4. Can you see me dancin? Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! Congrats! can't wait for you to join us on THE BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  5. Ms skinniness

    9 month Surgiversary and 140# down

    What a wonderful transformation! You are looking very HOT and SEXY my dear! Keep it up.....
  6. I. Want a TT too the other day. At trader Joe's the cashier looked down at my spare tire. I still look better than before.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Hematoma anyone?

    I wouldn't put much thought into this. Just take care of u and start melting that fat right off ur body. If u need an excuse then u had ur gallbladder removed.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Bodybuilder under all this fat

    Are u sure ur eating enough calories? Ur body may be in defensive mode and hanging on to every oz. just a thought.
  9. Ms skinniness

    OMG! It's been a year already

    As everyone here would attest too: This is the most awesome transformation that we have all made! CONGRATS and cheers to everyone!
  10. Ms skinniness

    So depressed....denied

    If you really want this procedure, then you need to fight for it. Do whatever it takes to get approval. Appeal it, if they say your BMI is too low, then gain a 1lb or 2. Do what you have to do. Did the lap band give you any stomach problems, if so, tell them about it....elaborate on it.....do you have diabetes, HBP, sleep apnea, bad knees? Do what you have to do......
  11. Ms skinniness

    What is correct for me? Need advice

    You really should be eating at least 1200 calories since your exercising and all. Your body needs fuelin order to burn fat. So try and get as much as you can. I think you need to redue your BMR over, it sounds really low and possibly incorrect....
  12. Ms skinniness

    Headaches and leg pains

    Try to increase your water intake......Sometimes dehyration causes HA and leg pains......Also, call your surgeon's office and see what they have to say. It's really important to watch for the possibility of a blood clot.... Let us know how your doing...
  13. Ms skinniness

    getting nervous

    Time to celebrate getting rid of our old eating habits.....Now it's time to focus on healing and healthy eating habits for life. Oh, and the best side effect is you will get skinny and look hot and SEXY! Yep, I said it, SEXY!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Please be honest

    Actually I only had pain when getting in and out of bed. I had a morphine drip that kepte very happy indeed. It also helped me sleep too.
  15. Ms skinniness


    Laura I know ur kidding. No problem. U have a great since of humor.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Vet's Forum

    There is quite a debate going on about what is a Veteran. The reality right now is that the Veteran's forum is open to everyone at this point. Everyone is putting a lot of energy into defining this I'm curious as to how admin would be able to regulate this form to begin with.
  17. Ms skinniness

    A real shi!@&$ topic

    Moral ax or colace is highly recommended.
  18. This is not normal I would advise that u call and go into see ur surgeon or urgent care. Let us know what's going on. Concerned.
  19. Ms skinniness


    Big Mac? The nurses at the hospital when I was sleeved told me that a patient woke up demanding a Big Mac.
  20. Ms skinniness


    I started getting hungry about a year out too and found I could eat more. I try to keep my diet high protein and veggies.
  21. Ms skinniness


    I ate a bite of a strawberry at 10 days out. I also focus on eating healthy eliminating all my trigger foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt. I am a food addict
  22. Ms skinniness

    1 month today ! And insecure :(

    I told everyone I worked with even my clients if they don't like it that's ok. It is ur decision on who to tell and not tell. However others will be making assumptions because it's so obvious with the rapid weight loss. So embrace the attention and celebrate the new u! So beautiful and SEXY! Start strutting ur self and use ur positive self talk to embrace the new changes. Be proud!
  23. Hey you! You are at goal! Can't wait to hear more about your TT coming up! Then you will be below goal! Keep on smilin Skinny!
  24. Ms skinniness

    another one down!

    The bariatric doctor at Kaiser told me the RnY is in the past now and that most docs are doing the sleeve. Also the pouch of the GBS stretches a lot more than the sleeve will be the fundus is removed during the sleeve. The pouch in the RnY is made from the fundus and thus has more stretching to it..... Just food for thought...
  25. Ms skinniness

    Unexpected depression anyone?

    You are so right! this a food addiction and it's harder with food than anything else. I remember being a small kid around 10 years old and I was skinny....Everyone told me I eat like a bird. Somewhere along the way, I took this as a bad thing and started eating more. Now I look back and reckonize that I didn't care about eating and foods did not occupy my thoughts at that age. My family never went out to eat, everything we ate was prepared at home..... Now, it's the complete opposite. I am so consumed with foods at times and I'm beginning to realize that I need to find something else to occupy myself with. I am reading a book called No More Overeating and it talks about what the restarant businesses and food manufacter's do to get us hooked on foods. The foods at most restaronts are loaded with fat, on top of fat, on top of fat, sugars and salt.... I have found that my view on food has changed 10 fold by learning about the methods of producers of precooked foods and restarant foods...... Now I want to control what's in my food by keeping it simple with less fat, sugar, and salt. I do know that it's very helpful to have a therapist help you to learn about the triggers to eating and learning coping skills change and stop the triggers... It's hard work and I congradulate you! GOOD JOB!

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