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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    I ate the other half of the cheetos! LOL
  2. Ms skinniness

    Help had a little scuffle ( fight )

    I definately would call your surgeon........
  3. Ms skinniness

    The REAL Hunger Games!

    I love your humor! Keep it up.....
  4. Ms skinniness


    This procedure is truly just a tool. It takes a lot of work and due diligence to keep going forward and maintaining...... I know that if I'm not careful, I will gain my weight back too. I haven't so far thank goodness, now I basically struggle with getting in all my fluids and stuff..... I do love my healthy body when it's fully hydrated......
  5. Ms skinniness

    Size 2xl to small!

    You look fabulous!
  6. Ms skinniness

    "what if they say I am too big?" input, please

    This so sad and a very hard situation to address. It is such a delicate topic too. I would talk with her heart to heart if she asks, but otherwise, be kind, loving and supportive of her and she will feel comfortable soon to talk about it......But just be sure that it is in a private place and she knows that what she shares is safe with you.....
  7. I take zicam that helps shorten or alleviate the symptoms. best to ask your doc first though...
  8. Ms skinniness

    My own version of buffalo chicken dip

    sounds yummy! Can't wait to try it......
  9. Ms skinniness

    Gallbladder stone

    No it won't slow your weight loss. Is it painful? if so, they will take it out.....If not, it's not a problem. But weight will continue to come off with a healthy diet.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Are most Sleevers Women? If so Why?

    To be totally honest, you will loose muscle mass in the beginning as everyone does because you can eat so little, but further out, you will be able to eat much more and there are numerous guys here that lift weights and do marathons too....
  11. Ms skinniness


    Hey it's not time to start panicking, you have just begun your journey. You have a lot of water retention from the IV's that your body is hanging on to. So this is the time to take a deep breath, let it out and sit back and enjoy the ride! you will be dropping weight really soon. Your body is in shock from the trauma to your stomach. Be kind to yourself and stop weighing yourself so much. It will come off, I promise. This is an experience most of us here have had. Make sure your walking and getting in as much fluid as you can. You have lost 18lbs in 12 days! That's totally awesome! When was the last time you lost 18lbs in 12 days? I hope you don't think I'm being snarky but I just want to reality check with you. You are doing great!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Creepy NSV

    Not weird! Very SEXY!
  13. Ms skinniness

    All went well

    I struggle with understanding why some surgeons put drains in people and some don't. I was so fortunate to not have drain for my sleeve procedure and/or my gallbladder removal......It sounds so painful......Welcome home and it's good to have you on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  14. Ms skinniness

    No Drinking with Meals!

    It was interesting how I would automaticaly reach for the water when it was near. I learned really quick to not have my glass sitting near me and it became much easier. Now, like others have said, I will drink a few sips before a meal and a few after with no problems.....It's a relearning thing.
  15. PDXman, Oregondaisy, and Tiffkins have been a great help for me on my journey. Thank you everyone for your support and information.....
  16. Ms skinniness

    Truth about carbonation

    I've read that too, but I'm not going to drink the carbonated beverages just because to do. I would die if my stomach did stretch so I am going to play it safe. No carbonated beverages for this woman! I love my small stomach as it is.....
  17. Ms skinniness

    I feel screwed!

    CONGRATS! you've got this! Before you know it you will be sleeved and on your way to a new you with your clothes falling off.....
  18. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Tomorrow! 3/21 Scared!

    So glad to hear your not going to put the surgery off.... This is the hardest time you will be going through. The what if's do cause a lot of anxiety for us...Then there's the waiting.....It will be here before you know and you will be waking up with you tiny new tummy......Can't wait to hear how it goes.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Tomorrow! 3/21 Scared!

    This is such a tough place to be. From my research, less than 1% have complications. You have worked hard to get this far and the time is here.......Write down on a piece of paper the pro's and con's of having this procedure.....Everyone pretty much feels this right before surgery and many of us continue on and "JUST DO IT." My bariatric surgeon saids this is a safe proprcedure. So I wish you the best and hope to hear how your doing or if you decided to put it off.....
  20. Ms skinniness

    Had surgery july 30th 2012

    Around the 6 month mark I slowed down a lot. I was near goal but the weight kept coming off at a slower rate. You have done really good on your weight loss. CONGRATS!
  21. Ms skinniness

    No weight loss

    Do not take diet pills........ This is part of the process, your body is adjusting in other ways. Perhaps sit back, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that this will take a little time. It will move again. Remember to drink a lot of water to cleanse and hydrate your body. I know at this point it's difficult to eat a much of anything, but focus on getting your protein in. Drink protein shakes to help with dropping more weight.
  22. OMG~ mini chocolate cadburry eggs I ate a whole small pack and was so nauseous......
  23. Ms skinniness

    stupid question alert!

    BTW, there are no stupid questions. This question is very relevant to all of us......Thanks for asking it....
  24. Ms skinniness

    Gallbladder problems after Sleeve

    Wait and see what happens.... If you need to have it removed, it's a piece of cake compared to being sleeved. I'm a week out from gallbladder removal and feeling no pain since day 1. I mean the incision sites...
  25. OMG! You look like a whole different person! Very hot and SEXY! CONGRATS!

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