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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Odd question

    When did you have your procedure? How much weight have you lost so far? I wish I had this info to give you better feedbacki....Thanks.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Stomach butt!

    This is so gross! I have one too! Uhggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! But it looks better than before bc I can cover it nicely with my top.....
  3. Ms skinniness

    Stretching out sleeve !

    I just seen Dr Mun today and asked him specifically about stretching the sleeve and I loved how up front he was. He stated that a bougie above 40 might have more potential to stretch due to being a bit larger but will lose weight also. He explained that if the surgeon made the cut of the stomach in a straight line then there's less chance of the stomach stretching at all. When there's patches and uneveness, then those parts of the stomach is more likely to stretch a bit, but the person will still lose weight if eating a healthy diet with 3 meals a day and not eating in between. This has made me so happy because I did have a andoscopy done and mine is very straight and a size 32 bougie.....So I believe that my stomach will not be stretching. I love to have straight answers......
  4. Ms skinniness

    6 months since surgery

    I truly believe your body will stop when it's at a set point.... I would just focus on eating healthy and see where your weight loss goes.......If it goes down, that's fine, if it stays the same, that's fine. You look very SEXY and hot. So keep it up!
  5. Ms skinniness

    bathing suits

    Alot of department stores are selling the bottoms and tops to bathing suits separate these days. Norstrum rack does for sure.......
  6. Ms skinniness

    A positive sign in the midst of stress

    I am so proud of you.....With all the stress of your mom being in the hospital, you didn't turn to your old friend, food! CONGRATS! I hope your mom has a speedy recovery and the internal bleeding is fixed. Did she have this surgery too? Just curious. hang in there and let us know how she's doing.
  7. Ms skinniness

    SF Popsicles

    ProudGrammy has said it all......This is the battle we all have to struggle with on a daily basis. Even at 18 months post op, I got dehydrated in Vegas. Wasn't fun let me tell you. So work on getting the water in and then protein, protein, and more protein.... You can do this.....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Two weeks post op and eating nearly the "maximum"

    At 2 weeks out I was still on protein shakes, soups and broths and I did cheat and have some yogurt. But I could only drink about 2 ozs of a protein schake and about 2 teaspoons of my yogurt. At 3 weeks I was able to have pureed foods.....Your stomach is still swollen and healing so be kind to it and nourish it with foods that are easy to contain and digest.....
  9. Thank you for being open and vulnerable in your response. This is a great place to be on because we can get feedback from others on how we are coming across. I do offer my condolescents for the loss of your mom and I truly understand the where your coming from. I believe that this procedure of vst would be a good choice for you but know that in the process, your body will be flooded with hormonal inbalances that will magnify your feelings. I am a strong opponent of seeking a therapist that your comfortable with to assist with the many transitions you will be going through in the process.......Once again, I really appreciate your honesty here and hope to here more from you. This is a fantastic support system here and in a support system, people do challenge you which helps create a balance and reality check if individuals areopen to do the work......
  10. I believe that everyone here has the right to have this procedure if they so desire. I know that I haven't experienced any one attacking anyone else on here 95%of the time, the rest are people just expressing their own opinions and I take what people say, or I leave it. When I post, I know that it is an open post and everyone is going to respond according to their biases. I know that reading this post hit me as a little passive aggressive.....Just some feedback from my perspective of reading your post....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Dehydration and Knee Pain

    I went to Las Vegas this weekend to see the Eagles concert. We arrived on friday night and then on Saturday we did a large amount of walking. By the time I got to my destination, my right knee starting hurting really really bad and I had to take a taxi back to our hotel. I rested and drank my usual amoung to water and started walking to the MGM and my knee started killing me. I was in so much pain that I was going to cry. It was worst than the pain after the surgery and I'm about 18 months post op. After concert went back to the hotel and took some pain meds..... Then my torso started hurting so bad..... The next day I was so nauseous. The only thing I can think of is that it was dehydration at it's worst...... But I struggle with believing my knee pain was from the dehydration......I have really slacked on my exercise and do know that I over did it.......After drinking a lot of water on the way home, I started feeling better... So I'm still having difficulties with getting in my water...... need to work on this... Please share with me your ideals..... Thanks...
  12. I highly recommend the book "No More Overeating" by David Kessler, MD. When u read it u will get a big picture of how people get addicted to all these junk foods. I personally won't eat at FF joints. The food is just fat on top of fat on top of fat, sugar, and salt. I am working really hard to prepare foods at home now. I buy organic as much as possible and portion the food out for future meals for me and my spouse. It helps. I also eat a lot of peanuts. u can do this!
  13. Ms skinniness


    I wouldn't want to risk being delayed in Mexico especially after being sleeved and all want is to get home and crawl into my bed......
  14. Ms skinniness


    Frumpynomore I really hate the word should....it's so defeating to us....I already see and know that you are so thankful that you lost 3 lbs! Great job.....I believe that we are going to be extra aware and monitor our losses and gaines and get back in perspective really quickly bc we love our beautiful bodies today...... I am working towards getting a face lift and perhaps a TT in the near future even if I have to finance it......
  15. Ms skinniness

    What about "the girls"?

    I have lost cup size from a C to a B cup along with girth...... My boobs are also tubular and hang. They do look sexy in a Victoria's Secrets bra too......
  16. Ms skinniness

    Help! Going Bald

    Interesting, I have been doing Keratin straighteners for the past couple of years and it has really helped my hair a lot......I love my Keratin treatments.
  17. Ms skinniness


    The costs are not bad at all. i also believe that we will be fluctuating in weight from here on in and losing 3 lbs from removing the excess skin is fantastic.......Heck I went to Las Vegas and I am up 3 lbs too. Did a lot of walking also and got dehydrated. So I'm just waiting to get back to my norm now.....
  18. What a beautiful transformation!
  19. Ms skinniness

    yep thats me......so happy

    Looking good!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Dehydration and Knee Pain

    BTW I just turned 57 years old and feel great.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Dehydration and Knee Pain

    Thank u Lynda. I have never experienced this before and will start walking on a daily basis in a couple of days when my knee has recouped I am so tired of my struggle with water intake. But am determined to over come it.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Is it really that impossible?

    It's totally possible to lose you excess weight and hit goal of 165 lbs..... There are many on here that have lost more than that and are totally happy.......Talk with your surgeon and tell him what you want. Research the gastric bypass and the sleeve and come to a decision on your own because you have to live with your decision.....
  23. Ms skinniness

    Help had a little scuffle ( fight )

    Fight? where's the fight......Darn I'm missing it again..... LOl No fowl done..... This is scarey for you but there should be a surgeon on call at the surgeon's office that could help allievate your fears.......Please call them and let us know what you found out.....
  24. Ms skinniness


    So frumpymore and Coops, after the procedure was done, how much weight came off? I know that frumpymore looks extra HOT and SEXY and I'm waiting to see Coops! I'm so happy for you and know that these were great choices to make...... Love the results!
  25. Ms skinniness

    Dehydration and Knee Pain

    It is crazy though to have pain in my knee.....I do carry around my water bottle with me everywhere and I too feel loss without it....LOL I can barely get in my 64 ozs......This I have to work on.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
