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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    mini update.

    I was told by the hospital staff to start taking my vitamins 2 weeks after my surgery so you are good to go there.....Have you ever tried Premier Shakes from Costco or Sam's Club? If too thick, can you thin it down with water or milk? It is important to get the protein and water requirements because otherwise it contributes to fatigue........
  2. Ms skinniness

    Husband rant -- am I asking too much?

    Wow! this is so sad......can you look down deep and ask yourself why you would tolerate this person speaking to you like this? I would totally insist on marriage counseling with the way you both communicate with each other and the lack of respect. there are no excuses for this behaviors. My husband would never act this way with me. We have been in some horrible arguments where we both were at fault but not be verbally assaultive to me...... Seek help now, not later.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Inches not pounds?

    I'd rather have inches gone first.....the lbs will follow........Congrats you have been very successful.... Keep it up...
  4. Ms skinniness

    mini update.

    How far out from surgery are you? How much have you lost? If your more than 2 weeks post op, now is the time to start taking your vitamins. If your further out, now is time to take your vitamins.........Get your in as much as possible and try to increase your protein as much as possible....You can do this!
  5. Ms skinniness

    OMG Carb Free (!) Pasta (Chicken)

    This sounds delicious! Please do share with us....
  6. Ms skinniness

    Popping in to say Hello

    It is so good to hear from you......I have a standard fluctuation in my weight but keep my weight at around 147 lbs..... I am on VST less now and I love the Vet's forum. There are times when I go on the newbie's site and give a little input, but not nearly as much as before....I do know that I can eat way more then before and have a tendency to graze if I'm have a bit of an emotional day.....or just plain bored....It's also good to hear your exercising and going back to college....Congrats.....
  7. Wow! I'm so jealous.......but nonetheless happy for you...... CONGRATS!
  8. Ms skinniness

    How much u can eat at 9mos post op?

    Try not to go 7 hours without eating a meal. When you finally do eat, you will eat more and feel horrible after wards. If you want more than 1 slice of pizza, then scrap the topping off and don't eat the bread. You can do this.....are you at goal yet? How much do you have to lose still? I really miss reading the tickers here... Keep it up and try not to eat around your sleeve.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    Post surgery questions.

    So your stomach is roaring.....LOL Mine was horrible at this....so loud.......I would suggest that you call your surgeon about your protonix not working all day and he can suggest something to help..... Ask him/her also about gas and diarrhea. Everything sounds like your doing really good. Make sure to drink a lot of water and focus on protein overall....... CONGRATS!
  10. Absolutely Lauren, however your 4 months out, not 2 weeks.....You are doing just fine.....I believe that anyone 2 weeks out would have a pretty tough time eating 1200 calories......I do admit I could be wrong depending on the size of the bougie used. But for me, I would not have wanted to eat 1200 calories so soon because that's when i had the rapid weight loss.....and I do acknowledge that that's just me, I'm uniques just like everyone else. we all have our own preferences.... No harm no fowl...
  11. Well I help people that struggle with anorexia and they typically eat about 300 calories. Besides this point is mute, from what I'm reading on these posts, there seems to be a struggle going on. You report that you haven't researched medical journals but you have reads a lot of posts from individuals on his/her experiences. If you want to eat high calorie, fat sugar latent foods, then eat that food so you can get your calories up. But I really dont advise. We are all individuals and we make our own choices. Peace to you and wish you luck on your journey......
  12. Ms skinniness

    in the hospital

    Take a deep breath and just know that ur in the best place ever to treat it. It will be over soon and u will be on ur way to good health. Ur also have the benefit of looking hot and sexy! Try to stay positive and know that we are sending healing energy ur way!
  13. Ms skinniness

    So sad

    It sounds like ur mom had concerns but this is ur choice and for me this choice had been the best choice ever. Yes it is always going to take hard work and eating healthy but it's better than dying or being obese. I love the healthy benefits of this and being able to strut my stuff when with my spouse.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Welcome back NannyG. Sounds like ur getting back on track now so let me congrats u! BTW u still look super hot in a size 10!
  15. Ms skinniness

    5 months out...13 pounds from goal :)

    Here's the kicker! You won't be stopping at 150lbs.....You look really hot and sexy right now but will look even more hot and sexy in a couple of months......Keep it up!
  16. Actually this would be a lot of food for an anorexia to eat. They eat about 300 calories a day at the most..... so this is not what an anorexic would eat........They get little nutritional value and waste away. We start off with low calorie intake and focus on Protein and supplements and the further out you get, the more you will be able to eat.....Please focus on protein right now to maximize your weight loss.....
  17. I have been following the rules of no breads, pastas, or rice bc I know I will resort back to old habits. So I'm going to tell u "absolutely NO BREAD until u reach ur goal weight. This is the time for u to start changing ur old habits for new healthier eating habits. Protein protein and protein is the way to focus on right now. Bread will expand and possibly cause damage to ur stapleline.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Post sleevers

    About 2 weeks for me, I got so worried I took miralax and then colace because the miralax took to long to work..... But it happened..
  19. Ms skinniness

    2 new findings this week!

    I think we all make poor choices on special occasions.......I know I do..... today at 18 months post op, I eat basically proteins and proteins with little variation. I am working on eating more veggies but have problems getting them in after my protein. But when I am out and about and I'm hungry and feeling jittery, I do grab some Cheetos at times and can eat way too many.....So I know that this is my slider food so am really careful........
  20. Ms skinniness

    Look what I did today (pics)

    This is awesome! I love the pic! CONGRATS! Keep it up....
  21. Can you put some antibiotic cream on it? You might be able to call your surgeon's office today an talk with an attending surgeon so you can cancel if it's a problem in their eyes.
  22. Ms skinniness

    7 months out and 125 lbs down!

    This is such a beautiful picture and the picture is only going to get better in the next few months! Good job! CONGRATS!
  23. Ms skinniness


    It sounds like your gallbladder. I just had by gallbladder removed and it was a piece of cake.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    This post brings nothing but smiles to me! :) So happy to hear you've dropped 3.3lbs! CONGRATS! And on the way to a full recovery..... I can't wait to hear how much more weight you will drop when the swelling goes down and your totally healted..... My spouse has also been eating the primal way too and his blood sugars are within normal range these days..Now he struggles with adjusting his insulin..... Coops my recovery from my gall bladder surgery was fabulous. Up and doing things the next day with no pain and very little pain medications. It was amazing, I was so afraid it was going to be as uncomfortable moving like my wls, which really wasn't too bad after the first couple of day....
  25. Ms skinniness

    Some days I can eat what seems a lot, other not

    I'm 18 months out and yes this does happen to me.....I also realize that I'm not able to tell the difference of my hunger and my thrist so I'm working on getting in more fluids and only eating 3 meals a day with a small snack in between meals if I need too....I tend to eat less when I'm focusing on fluids instead...If I'm emotional, then I tend to eat also......If there's those darn Mini Cadbury Eggs, I can eat a ton of them. but I'm not hungry when I am bad with the Mini Eggs... So working on keeping my sugar content down...Today Just found out that Salami has sugar in it, so it's now out of my diet........

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