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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Foods that keep you full?

    For breakfast I will eat eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon and yogurts.... I have to keep my diet low of carbs because when I eat a carb, I will gain a couple of pounds, and it could be water weight but I'm not really liking it. At 3 months out you can pretty much have any kind of meats but I highly recommend that you eat the moist meats, they are easier to digest. I still like the moist meats to this day... I love chili a lot......
  2. Ms skinniness

    calories and carbs 7 months out?

    Around the 6 month mark, I started slowing down in weight loss. I have only lost a few pounds since then. But I was really close to goal. This is frustrating especially if you have a lot more to lose. But it will keep coming off and you will have stalls. the weight does come off at a slower rate, but it does come off. You calories sound good, so maybe check with your NUT and see what he/she has to say....And let us know. Keep up the good work and CONGRATS! You are a success story.....
  3. Ms skinniness

    How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle?!?!

    I know that the sleeve is just a tool. It does not change our thoughts about food. It will not stop you from putting that evil calorie dense food in your mouth. This takes a lot of work psychologically. Most of us on here are addicts and the most tempting foods are foods that have sugar, fats, and salt.......This is what the processed foods delivered to us by manufacturers have targeted people for.........So now our journey is to work on our emotional eating habits and recognize our triggers when they come up to prevent from acting on the triggers. We will gain weight if we eat around the sleeve. I do fall off the wagon and do notice that when I eat a piece of candy, I crave more sugars. I can not stop at one......This is a life time job for all of us.....
  4. I so love what you wrote here! AMEN! This is life now so let's do what we can to maintain a healthy skinny life now..
  5. Ms skinniness

    Help! I'm feeling out of control--

    I'm 18 months out and I have a fluctuation of about 4 lbs..... Couple of days ago I was at a 1 lb fluctuation and today, I'm at my 4 lb fluctuation. It does scare the cr** out of me too. This is the time that I get back to eating basics of proteins first. Over the weekend I ate junk and had some bread. So I contribute the little I ate as the culprit....I have to tell myself that I need to eat healthy foods. I have to set boundaries with family members about bringing in the cr** too. I am a food addict so I have to stay focused on healthy eating habits. I am really bad about exercise too. I will find an excuse to not and that makes me sad.. But I know that I can and will get back on track today. You are not done losing weight, so get back on track and focus on the goal..... Yep you can do this........
  6. I had this struggle before my surgery and I came to a realization that I really did not need all the food I was eating. This changed everything. I cut my portions in half and stuck with it. This was my new beginnings. I don't miss it and I still go out to eat all the time. I love my new sleeve and I have actually saved a lot of money by eating way less and I buy organic. I love this life style.
  7. Ms skinniness


    I have not slimed or vomited since surgery and so wish I could or have.
  8. Ms skinniness


    I love hearing you TOOT your horn! CONGRATS! This is nothing to sneeze at.....
  9. Ms skinniness


    congrats! There are so much more to come your way!
  10. My husband was really supportive of my decision. But I do know that your husband is likely to be very scared of all the things to come. He is so afraid of losing you that he doesn't know what to say.....It might open up his emotional vault and he couldn't get it back in check. This is a good time to open up the communication gate and let him know that you love for who he is and give him a big hug......After the procedure is done, he will be right there at your side and be the biggest support you could have ever imagined......
  11. I love the Premier protein shake from Costco or Sam's club.... What I recommend at this stage is to first get your water in and then work on your protein drink then. Remember, you can't really drink that much right now so take a couple of ozs and stop drinking the minute you feel full. Your stomach is really swollen right now so be gentle on it...... Sometimes the symptoms your experiencing could be from eating too much, too much sugar, etc. Take it slowly and let us know how your doing. If you have any questions please feel free to ask......
  12. Ms skinniness

    Cant sleep.. Anyone ?

    I couldn't sleep for 3 nights after coming home from the hospital. then I took sleep aid from costco and that helped a lot. I do struggle with sleep till this day. I put myself on a schedule of sleep from 11:00pm till I wake up at 5:30 or 6:00am if I'm lucky...
  13. Ms skinniness


    I like many others are addicted to foods that contain sugars , fats and salts. I love rich foods. I can not eat just 1 cookie. I can each a lot of them. My mine will remind me about the targeted food an. I will obsess until I eat it. I can not do moderation I struggle with saying no. That is the past and today I am working on abstinence. Yes I am addicted to food. I do miss it when eating out but I am adjusting. .
  14. Ms skinniness

    Greek Yogurt Recs?

    I eat chobani it had way less sugar than other brands. I did have to adjust to it though.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Los Angeles, CA

    I'm in Fullerton and had surgery with Orange Coast in Fountain Valley with dr Kelly Francis. I've lost 95% of my excess weight.
  16. So happy that you have joined us on this posting.....can't wait to hear more about your success in getting rid of those pesky lbs.....
  17. Congrats Jason! Glad to hear your doing really good..... Keep ROCKIN THAT SLEEVE!
  18. I'm so loving this right now.....
  19. This so bothers me when I hear spouses say that we're selfish for taking the initiative for a healthier life style. So I really would like to know who is the selfish one here? The spouse or the person seeking a healthier life style...? If your marriage is at risk because you choose this procedure, then you marriage was at risk way before this........this might be a good time to seek a counselor to help work through these issues and strengthen your marriage..... the surgery will not put your marriage at risk, it's already at risk before you made this choice. So sorry, I'm not directing this at any individual, just food for thought....
  20. Motochic: you wear a size 2? Wowza, I love that! I am ecstatic that I can get into some 6's depending on the brand.....CONGRATS!
  21. Ms skinniness

    proudgrammy is proud!

    Wowza! What a terrific transformation! There is such a difference from the before and after.......I am so so proud of you! Keep it up! Yep! You have done it. Set another great example here to help encourage and support others.........Thank you so much for sharing this..........
  22. Ms skinniness

    kidney stones and protein

    What about gallbladder? Your gallbladder is on the right side. So if you have a gallbaddler, you may want to contact your doctor and they can order and ultra sound to correctly diagnose this......Hope it's not kidney stones......
  23. Ms skinniness

    HUGE fight with the Hubster

    Gosh, this is a real dilemma........the band is a failure for many many people and it wasn't permanent. The sleeve is permanent and is not reversible.....that's what I like about the sleeve. In reality, they are going to take the sleeve out..When they take the sleeve out, do they put you to sleep during this time? If so, then I would choose to have the sleeve at this time. However the conflict is with your spouse not being supportive.......Now the decision is if you go ahead and do this without his support or can you convince him this is different? Hummmmm, if I was in your shoes, I would get info from the surgeon with your husband in the room so he can ask questions, but first I would ask him to read posts from this site from people converting from the band to sleeve. In addition, I would seek therapy to address the issues of overeating and read the book called "Overeating No More" by David Kessler M.D. It's a real eye opener as to why we are addicted to food...... The sleeve is a tool but learning what are triggers are is key to staying successful.........The decision is up to you........
  24. Ms skinniness

    What happens After...

    OMG! It is awesome to be noticed...... This is the way it should be........We are important and skinny.... I do know that it will feel uncomfortable for you at first, but if you work on changing your thoughts to "how awesome is this that other people are noticing me...." It is not shallow, it's just humans noticing others.....Yes, when a person is over weight it is painful because of the stigmas from society and all. But we do have to deal with this too. You are beautiful inside and out so let's just embrace who we are as a person! Absolutely beautiful.....
  25. Ms skinniness

    Beyond nervous

    Now is a good time to get out of your head and stop over analyzing conversations. LOL Focus more on what is being said and that they are saying what they mean..... But this sleeve is so worth being vulnerable and asking for what you need.... Heck, 6 months down the line, you will be on your journey to a new healthier you and with a great side effect of skinniness! Yep, it all works for us....

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