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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Closet Eater....and I'm coming out!

    Gosh this is such hard work. I always thinking about food too. I just ate a protein bar and was full but still grabbed that peanut butter cookie. . I'm wondering if we have anyone Cheetos left from the trip I am so guilty and am going to go hide in my room. Time to get to the park and walk.
  2. Ms skinniness

    37 yrs....but a little sad! :-(

    Congrats to all your accomplishments, especially a long marriage too!
  3. Ms skinniness

    sleep deprived leads to hunger

    Not getting enough sleep also causes us to have bad judgement when driving or playing games too.....We so need our sleep...
  4. U can change ur decision but call the office and tell them in case they have to submit different paper work.
  5. I use to get a lot of migraines. But since the surgery I have had no migraines. I am so thankful too. I would go to ur PCP and ask for a prescription for Maxalt or Zomig to treat ur migraines. People are even using Botox to treat migraines too. Hope this helps.
  6. Ms skinniness

    salmon burgers

    Can I ask what's on the ingredients list? I would love to try these, but prefer to know what the ingredients are first.... Thanks
  7. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops you are doing so good......Nice to hear your healing and taking the swelling with stride.....Just got back from Maui and had a really fun time. The only problem is, I gained at least 8 lbs from my highest bounce.... Today is a day that I'm back on track. My adult children went with us and they ate a lot of chips, Cookies, and chocolates....and so did I. Well now I know it's very easy to gain the excess weight back....In fact too easy. How is your energy level these days.....In Maui we were whale watching for 2 hours and it totally wiped me out....went to luau afterward and ended up going to the car to sleep it off.....LOL....Just wondering about eating now days..... CONGRATS on your success.....The swelling does add weight to you also so I know you will go down really quickly....
  8. Ms skinniness


    This is so true.........switching one addiction for another. So happy to hear your getting help with this....This is so frustrating for me at times. Just got back from Maui and I gained 7 lbs..... Now today I'm back on track. My adult children came with us and they ate a lot of chips, Cookies, and fudge. I gave myself permission to eat that sh** and now look where I am, yep, back to basics..... Next time we go on vacay, it's just me and my husband.......We can do this.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    100 lbs gone!

    I totally love this! KEEP it up!
  10. Hi, I just want to let you all know that I won't be on VST for a long weekend.... I will be in Hawaii visiting the much needed R & R.......Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy getting skinny and healthy.....:)

  11. I am so happy that you got him to go to the ER...He could have suffered major complications if he hadn't gone.....Good job to both of you....he will be fine once the stomach isn't swollen any more......This is a total relief... Hugs to both of you.......Oh and do take good care of yourself right now.......you do need it.....
  12. This is so sad to hear. Hope ur recovery Is nearing the end. Thank u so much for sharing.
  13. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  14. Ms skinniness

    No mojo in the bedroom

    We are all certainly GODDESSES here! Sorry guys, it's about us right now.... LOL Great suggestion and to also check out that skinny person in the mirrow tooooo! There's your evidence.....Stop the old negative ticker tape that has been running through your head for the many past years......Time for a new look at yourself! You can do this! Keep us posted.....
  15. Ms skinniness

    hip covered?

    What's hip?
  16. I regretted it for about 2 minutes waking up in my hospital room but then quickly decided that there was nothing I could do to change my surgery....So I began to live it.....I loved my morphine drip because I didn't feel a thing.... It was rough the first 2 weeks especially when I went to lunch with my family and they didn't have my veggie beef soup that was so delicious and I couldn't find anything else that I wanted. My son and his girlfriend got a really delicious plate of food that smelled so good.....But overall, I love my sleeve and the positive side affect of being skinny.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Protien Woes... How the heck to fit it in!

    The most important thing to remember is that you must get your fluids in to prevent dehydration. then comes proteins. I seldom get in the recommended amount of veggies, but do try to eat some now.....where you are right now, you probably will struggle in getting your protein requirements in so just do the best that you can.......I basically focused on what ever I can eat was good, it was too uncomfortable to eat more that my stomach was ready for.....Remember to focus on protein first and a couple bits of veggies.......and first and foremost, do not get dehydrated........Good job! Keep it up....
  18. Ms skinniness

    breakfast food on reg diet.

    I also have a very limited breakfast selection. I typically will drink a protein shake in the am, eat an egg with cheese and salsa. Have a sausage and/or bacon, chorizo, etc. I also have my go to which is peanuts and mixed nuts.... I need the salt for my blood pressure and it helps me retain some water..... I avoid cereals because of the sugar content. I try to avoid foods that are processed. My body just plain doesn't like them.... Oh I love having my quest protein bar too.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Before and After---9 mo out

    Wow! What a wonderful transformation, especially the ability to play with a grand child at a whole new level..... CONGRATS! You are a success......
  20. So happy that we will have a nice warm body sitting next to us on THE BIG LOSER'S BENCH! LOL.....Here's to a speedy recovery my dear.......
  21. Ms skinniness

    back to hospital!

    Hope this nightmare ends for u really soon. I know I would feel trapped and bored in the hospital and to make things worst. I'd be really missing my beautiful kids. . Sending healing energy ur way.
  22. 12 oz of water is nothing.......I would not waste my time calling them, it's best to just go in and have an IV put in......I have an *** and when I felt a little off, I would go in and get an IV.....No questions asked. What I discovered is that when dehydrated, our blood gets thicken and it could damage our kidneys or cause a stroke. While there, the staff will run some blood tests to make sure that everything is in balance and then take the appropriate steps to correct the problem..... Please be a bully and get that man into the ER or urgent care.....Either place is good.......
  23. Ms skinniness

    whats happening!

    This is so normal! you've got this........keep it up and look at all the weight you've lost in such a short period of time.>.....
  24. Ms skinniness


    So scary to see how people can be so insensitive to others...... I doubt that her friend with the sleeve actually gained back 30 lbs.......She might of had the band...... Anyways, that is her dilemma not yours.....So please don't own this..... You are learning new habits and changing the old habits that got you to the place where you had to make a decision. Now the ball is in your hands, so now you get to run with it.....Doesn't really matter what others say, the only thing that matters is what you say, thing, and do.....This is your life and I applaud you for all the hard work that you've done so far....>CONGRAT!
  25. I can only imagine how dehydrated he is right now. Can you go into urgent care by telling them he's dehydrated so he can get some fluids in? I know that dehydration plays havoc on our bodies...... Let us know how he's doing. So sorry to hear about the tear in his cornea....... Very concerned.....

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