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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Ahhhh! Think i made a mistake

    Take it one day at a time......Try to avoid seeds and nuts for at least the first 3 months. I doubt that there's any problem right now, so keep up the good work and try not to worry, after all you have spoke with your NUT and he/she didn't seem to concerned.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Calorie intake @ 1 year post op

    It sounds like you are eating a lot of calories but if your losing then your doing great..... Congrats. I can barely get in 1300 calories at 19 months post op.....Keep it up.....
  3. Ms skinniness


    you are struggling.......but dehydration is extremely dangerous, it thickens your blood, could cause kidney problems, or a stroke. So I try to be extra careful when it comes to dehydration.... However it is really hard to get in that much of water in an hour......so get in as much as you can. You can do this....
  4. Ms skinniness


    I was also told no more NSAIDS and my PCP adheres to that very rigidly.... I's rather not chance it. In fact I was prescribed Tylenol with Cod and that make my stomach start to spasm as if I was over dosing.....Never had that happened before surgery....So I know that my body will not tolerate meds that I've taken in the past...
  5. Ms skinniness

    At goal...now what?

    I like that your going to work towards a lower weight of 225 lbs. You can do this and it will give you a bit of a cushion for fluctuations in weight. I had a big void when I hit goal and i fluctuate between wanting to lose a couple more lbs or staying where I am.... So many changes in such a short period of time......Just loving it of course. CONGRATS!
  6. Ms skinniness


    I think that you are dehydrated and need to work on getting your fluid intake in as much as possible. Ask your Dr. for an IV to help get you hydrated. This is definitely hard to get in our fluid intake due to the stomach being so swollen....Glad you have an appt today......It will help....
  7. Ms skinniness

    Tactics for Eating at Buffets

    I also hate going to buffets....It's not worth my money. But when I'm with friends and if that's what they choose, I will go and try to be really selective. I remind myself it's about the company not the food....It works most of the time....I have gone to Soup Plantation about 4 times in the past year and it is really hard to find protein there.....So I try to just be selective.
  8. Ms skinniness


    When I look at all the postings talking about being addicted to food, I just get so angry at our food industry and how they process foods with high fats, sugars, and salt. The old mighty buck has contributed to the majority of obesity in our country today.... So sad..... I have been pretty good about staying away from these things by staying with foods from the earth with very little processing but find myself looking for the sweet taste of sugar. went on vacation and ate out most of the time and those foods are highly contaminated with all the processes out there...... Time for me to get back to eating just the basics.......... (sighhhhhhhhhhh)
  9. Ms skinniness

    Mom not handling this well

    It is really hard being a mom and seeing our beautiful daughter go through this process especially when another member in the family is struggling with the gastric bypass......You will do fine and she will recover quickly.....Hugs to you and can't wait for you to join me on the big losers bench...........
  10. Can you all pray for my cousin who was going through the process to be sleeved and found out that she had 2 tumors in her stomach and has cancer. She just had her first chemo session today and was able to go home........God Bless her.....

  11. Ms skinniness

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Sleeve 4 me you are doing just fine......The extra will come off, it's just being stubborn.... Just keep eating healthy..... I went out to eat with my friends at Soup Plantation and I made some bad choices. I ate a few bites of bread, mac and cheese and some delicious dessert.......Today I'm up a 1lb and I know it's inflammation from the bread and sugars that I ate, they are toxic for me. I just wish i could get this through my head once and for all....sign But we can do this....
  12. Ms skinniness


    In the liquid phase u do feel hungry. The liquid stuff just goes right through ur stomach to ur intestines. During the soft phase it will get better. Now the head hunger is something that will take a lot of work to get through. I still have head hunger at 19 months post op and work to contain it. Especially during times when I'm highly stressed.
  13. Ms skinniness


    They use titanium staples to close ur stomach during the procedure. No big deal. They don't have to be removed either.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Cook books

    I highly recommend looking up emilybites.com. The site has free recipes and is excellent tastes. Low carb also. Just perfect.
  15. Ms skinniness

    I feel like I'm new again

    Cheri I love reading ur posts. I am totally amazed that u have an amazing bundle of joy right there in ur arms. I am amazed that u gained so little and know that with food eating habits those pesky lbs will come off quickly. Hang in there and be loving to yourself by the way, u are totally awesome and a fantastic role model for me.
  16. Ms skinniness

    One year out and at GOAL!

    Girl you have done a fantastic job with your sleeve! CONGRATS and keep it up......
  17. Ms skinniness

    going to get checked out! :(

    Hope they hurry up and find out what's going on with your body really soon. Are you on an IV right now? If not, you might ask for one so you can get hydrated......Are they going to do a leak test or ct scan? if not, I hope you push for it..... Advocate for yourself because it really sucks feeling the way you do right now....Let us know how your doing........ HUGS!
  18. I have done an awesome job with ur weight loss. Congrats! I hope u appeal the denial and have ur PLastic surgeon document any and all rashes from this day on. Please insist that the rashes and sores are shown in pics to provide evidence. In fact I would send this YouTube clip for them to see. It couldn't hurt. Thank u for sharing with us.
  19. You are so courageous. U are looking great too! Congrats!
  20. Ms skinniness

    60% loss of excess weight?

    When I began I had weighed 223 lbs and I am 5'6".. Today I have a BMI of 23 and love it. U can do u just have to focus and do the work.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Anyone else suffering with cramp ?

    I get cramps too in my calves and I believe it is due to dehydration. When I do get enough water I don't have cramps. Also I eat 1/2 a banana too.
  22. Lookin good! Keep it up... I can't wait to see more pics when your skinnier......
  23. Ms skinniness


    My PCP told me that nothing really helps with the gallbladder. I have read posts where people ate low fat diets and that helped contain the symptoms..... I had my gallbladder out 6 weeks ago and it was a piece of cake. Nothing like being sleeved. No pain actually which made me really happy......
  24. Ms skinniness

    Serious question seeks serious answer!

    Each and every person has his/her own personal choices. I don't have an answer for you and hope you find the answer. BTW, does it really matter now....your on your way to a thinner healthier you. Congrats on your weight loss.......
  25. This so scares me. I basically keep my diet very low sugar due to the toxic effect of sugar on our bodies but went to Maui for 5 days and allowed myself to have chips and cookies and I gained 8 lbs. Went back to eating 1200 cal high protein and am down 6 lbs in 2 days. Now I keep reading about TDEE and calorie intake but am so afraid that I will gain some weight and not start losing it by the increase in calories. Also, by the end of the day, I really can't eat much more anyways.....Can you give me an example of the foods that you eat? Are you on My Fitness Pal? I am so interested in this....... Thanks for sharing this.....

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