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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Low cost, cash pay option

    Sometimes if your cash pay, they may lower their rate due to the economy right now.....
  2. Ms skinniness

    Liquid multivitamin

    I've always taken a small capsule multivitamin. My Dr's office told me not to take any vitamins for 2 weeks after the surgery. Then I started taking a capsule (about 9 different kinds) after that. I knew I wouldn't take the liquid or the gummies....By blood levels have been within normal range too....
  3. Ms skinniness

    Life after Advil

    I usually take acetaminophen and it actually works for me. If I take something with Cod it upsets my stomach horribly. If you have a lot of pain and need something for inflammation, there is a shot that can be administered that bypasses the stomach. I intend on going there and insisting on one...... That's my plan....
  4. Ms skinniness

    Going to Vegas

    Please focus on drinking a lot of fluids......Getting dehydrated will ruin your whole trip.......
  5. Ms skinniness

    Stomach cancer

    Actually you can live without your stomach..... There was one guy that wrote a book about how he had stomach cancer and they removed his stomach and he was teaching people healthy cooking and eating skills. He saids he eats all the times nothing but nutritious foods... No worries, you've got this!
  6. Ms skinniness


    You are one determined beautiful lady to get on with a new healthier life style with the horrible side affect of pure skinniness! CONGRATS and welcome to the BIG LOSER'S CLUB!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Crockpot Meals

    Beef-Chipotle Chili Ingredients: Flour, ¼ cup (1½ oz/45 g) Salt and freshly ground pepper Boneless beef chuck, 3 lb (1.5 kg), trimmed of excess fat and cut into chunks Olive oil, 4–6 tablespoons (2–3 fl oz/60–90 ml) Dried oregano, 1½ teaspoons Garlic, 4 cloves, minced Red onions, 2, finely chopped Beef broth, 2 cups (16 fl oz/500 ml) Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce, 1 can (7 oz/220 g) Serves 6 – 8 1. Brown the beef In a resealable plastic bag, combine the flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and ½ teaspoon pepper. Add the beef chunks and shake to coat evenly with the flour mixture; reserve the excess flour mixture. In a large frying pan over medium-high heat, warm 4 tablespoons (2 fl oz/60 ml) of the oil. Add half of the beef chunks and cook, turning as needed, until evenly browned on all sides, 10–12 minutes. Transfer to paper towels to drain briefly, and then transfer to the slow cooker. Repeat with the remaining beef chunks, adding the remaining 2 tablespoons oil if needed. Sprinkle the oregano over the meat. 2. Sauté the vegetables Return the pan to medium-high heat. Add the garlic and all but about ½ cup (2½ oz/75 g) of the onions and sauté until fragrant, about 1 minute. Sprinkle with the reserved flour mixture and sauté for about 1 minute longer. Pour in the broth and add the chipotle chiles with their sauce, breaking up the chiles coarsely with your fingers. Raise the heat to high, bring to a boil, and deglaze the pan, stirring to scrape up the browned bits on the pan bottom. Pour over the beef. 3. Cook the chili Cover and cook on the high-heat setting for 3–4 hours or the low-heat setting for 6–8 hours. The beef should be very tender. Spoon the chili into bowls, sprinkle with the remaining ½ cup chopped onion, and serve.
  8. Ms skinniness

    New Picture!

    You look fabulous! I love your beautiful smile too!
  9. Ms skinniness

    NutriPure? Too many calories? Carbs?

    For me, I wouldn't drink this. It has way too many carbs for me. I drink Premier shakes and these have 30g of protein, 1g sugar, 24 vitamins and minerals, 160 calories, 5g carb, and 3g of Fiber......It is a whey product..... I also eat Quest bars that are protein and pure Protein Bars.
  10. This is one of the hardest journeys we have all chose to take and the majority of us would do it again in a heart beat.... This will take work on learning to change your eating habits but you will be so thankful and ready for these changes..... Hang in there, you will go to sleep and a wonderful deep sleep to wake up to a new life style. Yep, you will be on your way to a skinny body and better health. Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Crockpot Meals

    Emilybites.com may have some. The food on there is really delicious........
  12. Ms skinniness

    3rd surgiversary approaching

    Wow u have had some highly stressful events come up for u. Shoot when I get an emotional day I will also eat the wrong foods. I bet myself up when I eat till I get really full or I eat when I'm not hungry. I recently went on vacation and gained 8 lbs and I'm trying to lose it. My cousin has and still is in the hospital with 3 rumors that are cancerous and I can see myself eating You too are one of my heroes. With all ur struggles, ur stepping it up and refocusing. CONGRATS! I am sooooo proud of u!
  13. Coops you've done it! I am so excited for you. This has been a tough journey and you have worked so hard to get into those new jeans ! It encourages me to her back to focus on getting the 4 lbs on that I gained in maui. You are my hero you sexy hot Goddess!
  14. Ms skinniness

    I Almost Ate A Waffle!

    I really so miss Ben and Jerry's triple fudge brownie ice cream. So rich and delicious.
  15. Acalm mind releases the most precious capacity a human being can have: the capacity to turn anger into compassion, fear into fearfulness, and hatred into love."

  16. Ms skinniness

    Meditarrean Diet

    I love this and wanted to share it with everyone.... A Mediterranean Diet Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7-Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life, says there are certain foods you can eat that will help alleviate stress. One of the easiest ways to reduce stress and be mentally and physically healthy is to follow a low-fat, Mediterranean diet, she says. Staples of the diet include: A lot of fruits, vegetables and other plant-based foods Little red meat Fish several times a week Healthy fats such as olive oil Wine in moderation Low-fat dairy products, primarily yogurt and cheese Complex Carbohydrates When you start to feel low, depleted or stressed, Debbie says you shouldn't turn to a pint of ice cream. Instead, indulge in some complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, for an immediate boost. "The complex carbs really generate serotonin [a neurotransmitter that affects chemical balance] for women," Debbie says. Some of her top picks include: oatmeal Whole wheat toast Brown rice Brown Pasta Lean Protein Debbie says the order in which you eat your food affects your mood. To get the most stress relief, she says you should first have some complex carbohydrates, then, about 20 minutes later, have some lean protein. Healthy lean Proteins include: chicken Fish eggs Low-fat cheese Omega-3s Known anti-inflammatories, omega-3s also have a positive impact on brain health. Debbie suggests eating these sources of omega-3s several times a week: · Salmon · Halibut Mackerel Trout Flaxseed oil Walnuts Dark chocolate A favorite of many women, Debbie says a little dark chocolate is the perfect treat when you are feeling stressed. "It really makes you more alert and releases stress," Debbie says. Between managing your career, spending time with your family and taking care of yourself, getting through your day can be extremely stressful. Luckily, your diet can help you control that stress, Bob says. He talks with Dr. Rovenia Brock about how to reduce stress and anxiety by eating the right foods. "Dr. Ro" says it's important to eat foods that will calm our nerves amid the chaos of our most stressful days. "I think a lot of people become overwhelmed with the notion of what it is to live healthy, to get a healthier lifestyle—including the foods you put in your kitchen," she says. "But it doesn't have to be a science project." Stress-Reducing Foods: Foods rich in Vitamin B: These include clams, lentils, chickpeas and quinoa. Foods high in vitamin B have a calming effect on the body, helping to melt away feelings of stress and anxiety and enhance your mood. Papayas: Fruits and vegetables with orange and yellow pigments are generally going to contribute Vitamins A and C, as well as folate, which helps enhance the mood, Dr. Ro says. Red bell peppers: These contain vitamins A and C and folate, which help give you more energy and repair cell damage caused by stress. Basil and arugula: These stress-reducing herbs are a great source of folate and add great flavor to healthy dishes. Sunflower seeds: These contain vitamin E and folate to enhance your mood. Foods to Avoid: Caffeinated beverages: Caffeine can cause anxiety and raise stress hormone levels, Dr. Ro says. Trans fatty acids: Found in sweets like cakes, pies and Cookies, trans fats compromise the immune system, which causes more stress on the body and also increases your risk for heart disease. Sugar: Sugar causes spikes in blood sugar levels, which robs your adrenal glands of their ability to control stress hormones and protect the body against stress. Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption adds more sugar to your diet and, again, is harmful to the adrenal glands, which protect you against stress. "You might want to put the cork back in the Burgundy [when you are under stress]," Dr. Ro says.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Is Sugar Toxic?

    I do believe that sugar is toxic for us....Here is an article I thought you might like to read and give your opinion on..... Your Brain on Sugar It gives you a rush, messes with your mind, and always leaves you wanting more - and now researchers are calling for the government to regulate the sweet stuff like a drug. Is sugar worse for you than, say, cocaine? According to a 2012 article in the journal Nature, it's a toxic substance that should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol. Researchers point to studies that show that too much sugar (both in the form of natural sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup) not only makes us fat, it also wreaks havoc on our liver, mucks up our metabolism, impairs brain function, and may leave us susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, even cancer. So far, no federal action has been taken (advocates blame industry lobbyists), and experts say simply raising awareness isn't enough, especially when 80 percent of our food choices contain sugar. "It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion," says coauthor Laura Schmidt, Ph.D., a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco. Nevertheless, after the shock of hearing the news, many of us shrugged and turned back to our cupcakes. Yet, truth is, women in their 20s and 30s may already be feeling the effects of too much sugar without even realizing it. Here, the most common sugar-induced issues and how to beat them to prevent long-term damage—and feel your best right now. STRESS EATING For a pick-me-up, you may feel the urge to inhale a bag of M&M's or scarf down a box of Cookies. But the impulse goes deeper. To examine the hold sugar can have over us, substance-abuse researchers have performed brain scans on subjects eating something sweet. What they've seen resembles the mind of a drug addict: When tasting sugar, the brain lights up in the same regions as it would in an alcoholic with a bottle of gin. Dopamine—the so-called reward chemical—spikes and reinforces the desire to have more. (Sugar also fuels the calming hormone serotonin.) THE FIX In times of stress, dieters are more likely to binge, studies conclude. That said, a cookie once in a while (say, twice a week) is fine, but on most days go for oatmeal with brown sugar, suggests Jeffrey Fortuna, Ph.D., a health and behavior lecturer at California State University, Fullerton. The whole grains fill you up and the sweetness is just enough to release serotonin. INEXPLICABLE WEIGHT GAIN You stay away from burgers and drink diet soda. But sugar—both real and artificial—is the secret saboteur. When the pancreas senses sugar, the body releases insulin, which causes cells in the liver, muscle, and fat tissue to take up glucose from the blood, storing it as glycogen for energy. Eat too much at once, though, and insulin levels spike, then drop. The aftermath? You feel tired, then crave more sustenance to perk up. Faux sugars don't help. "Artificial sweeteners travel to the part of the brain associated with desire but not to the part responsible for reward," says Dr. Gene-Jack Wang, a researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York. Nor do they trigger the release of the satiety hormones that real sugar does, so you're more likely to consume more calories. THE FIX Feed sweet cravings with fruit (the Fiber will help keep insulin in check), and sub in sparkling Water for diet soda. If you must indulge, go for a small snack made with real sugar, and eat slowly. Add fruit or yogurt to feel fuller and prevent a crash. BRAIN FOG Blanking out in the middle of a meeting? Research out of the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that sugar forms free radicals in the brain's membrane and compromises nerve cells' ability to communicate. This could have repercussions in how well we remember instructions, process ideas, and handle our moods, says Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, Ph.D., author of the UCLA study. THE FIX Stay under the USDA limit of 10 teaspoons (40 grams) of added sugar a day. Read labels and available nutrition information at chains: A 16-ounce Starbucks vanilla latte and Einstein Bros. bagel will max out your day's allotment! A wiser choice: black coffee and plain yogurt with antioxidant-rich blueberries and walnuts, sweetened with honey. AGING SKIN Sugar causes premature aging, just as cigarettes and UV rays do. With young skin (generally under 35), when skin support structures collagen and elastin break down from sun or other free-radical exposure, cells repair themselves. But when sugar travels into the skin, its components cause nearby amino acids to form cross-links. These cross-links jam the repair mechanism and, over time, leave you with premature wrinkles. THE FIX Once cross-links form, they won't unhitch, so keep sugar intake to as close to zero as you can. "It's the enemy," says Dr. William Danby, a dermatologist with Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire. Avoid soda and processed pastries and trade sugar packets for cinnamon—it slows down cross-linking, as do cloves, oregano, ginger, and garlic. A SLUGGISH WORKOUT Muscles need sugar for fuel, so carbs (which break up into glucose, a type of sim-ple sugar) can kick-start your morning jog. But fruit or prepackaged Snacks touting "natural sweeteners" contain just fructose, which is metabolized in the liver, not the muscles. The result: bloat, or even the runs. THE FIX A glucose-packed snack with just 4 to 8 grams of fructose—it'll help increase glucose absorption, says Dr. Richard Johnson, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, Denver. Try a sports drink like Gatorade or trail mix with dried fruit an hour before your workout.
  18. Lynda thank you so much for the feedback. I do get caught up in my emotions and found myself eating out of stress a few days back. It was so scary. I also recommend that you look up some healthy snacks that help with our moods that affects the neurotransmitters in our brain like seratonic, dopamine, etc. There was an article by Dr Oz on the Oprah Winfrey's Today's Thoughts that gave examples of healthy thoughts. I will locate it and post it later. Head Hunger is something that needs to be worked on as well as mindless eating. These are our challenges 24 hours a day/7 days a week. We can do this........
  19. Ms skinniness

    Can't stop losing

    These are my thoughts reading this through out. I really haven't heard too many people having this problem of not stopping their weight loss. In some ways, I wish i had this problem. Just joking. I agree with seeking a therapist to work on the issues of gaining weight back. Might call the NUT and discuss with her your fears and how they are affecting your ability to stop the weight loss. Sometimes the weight loss is an addiction in itself.... Hope you get this under control really soon....This can also be considered and eating disorder.....
  20. Ms skinniness

    Can't stop losing

    I hope you don't go there.....Keep it healthy foods, none of these. You are doing great and just need to eat nutritious foods. I would start eating real eggs with the yolks because the yolks hold all the nutritional value.....Add some nuts and cheeses and enjoy your new habits.....You will do fine with stopping the weight loss but you do have to add some additional calories from nutrient rich foods that are good for you body.
  21. Ms skinniness

    6 1/2 months out of surgery

    OMG what a difference! You look fantastic! Keep it up....
  22. Ms skinniness

    vets help inspire others with your photos!

    Cowgirl I was so excited and then noticed there were no before or after pics on this posting. I'm like what? where did they go? Anywhooooo's, i will have to check your profile......
  23. Ms skinniness

    No longer diabetic-----YAAAAYYY!

    I really like your Doc! My Doc told me I will always be considered a diabetic.... But I know I'm healthy and I love every minute of it.....
  24. Ms skinniness

    Oh my!

    I love seeing everyone's tickers......I am noticing lately that a lot of people don't use time......
  25. I was referred out for bariatric surgery with Kaiser and I stopped seeing my bariatric doc at 1 year out and have follow ups with my PCP and a Case Manager in the referral department.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
