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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. I'm the beginning of my weight loss I lost quickly but the 3rd month I slowed down. It was frustrating but I still lost more slowly. I got down close to my goal weight then went on vaca and gained some now I'm working on getting it off and it's really slow. I need to start exercising now. It will come off.
  2. Ms skinniness

    To track or not to track?

    Ian tracking and am now looking at how quickly I can get past 1200 calories. how many calories are u guys eating ? Most of mine are protein calories.
  3. Ms skinniness

    my fave NSV yet!

    Spatters way to go. That is a big NSV'S I've seen.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Almost 5 Months ... And I Will Never Be The Same Again!

    Wow that is a fantastic transformation! Keep it up! Rock that sleeve!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Nuts..not NUT's but Nuts!

    OMG, I love Nuts..... I am totally addicted to my nuts.... LOL I started eating nuts at about 3 months post op. I made sure I chewed them really good and it was approved by my surgeons office.
  6. In the shower this morning I started thinking about my migraines and I realized that I started getting migraines when I started gaining weight at the age of 24 years old. I thought that I was getting the migraines because I had gotten married and was having more stress. Or maybe it could have been both combined together. Anyways this is just more of an incentive to work to keep my excess weight off.....I also believe it's the change in eating habits also. I eat mostly proteins and avoid sugars as much as possible......Even though I still sneak a piece of candy from my son's girl friend. LOL But still, avoid sugars due to the toxicity. Now more incentive to not eat sugars..... I hope you get rid of the migraines as you lose weight and hopefully start eating non processed foods as much as possible.
  7. Coops, Hugs to you my dear.....I love hearing about your cross addiction of shopping now....LOL You deserve the best and I hope you go out in public and ROCK that bikini.........You put a smile on my face!
  8. Ms skinniness

    am i the only big fat failure here?

    Can u give us an idea of what foods ur eating. Quantities etc? Are u eating sliders? Do u exercise? Have u tried The Basic Bootcamp by LilMissDiva? This would help me a lot right now. Thanks.
  9. I feel totally normal. I can eat about 1/3rd of the meal with no difficulties. No one notices and I totally love eating small meals now. This is my norm.
  10. Ms skinniness


    If it's carbonated, I don't want it.....I'm a soda addict and there's no side skirting the issue here...... I sit here and watch from the side line too. Have fun and hope you enjoy it.....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Almost 3 mos post TT/BA&lift

    You both look so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these.....They are so inspirational, I'm looking into PS too..
  12. I agree with the poster above. Go to a high end department store and have someone who specializes in this area help you. I have this same problem and need to go in. I am adopting a new frame of mind that the clothes that I buy, I must absolutely love them and they must be the fit also......You deserve to have the best fit also. Jeans are suppose to be snug, but not cut off your blood flow either. I had really tight jeans that i can't breath in but the other day I caught myself wearing my size 6 Lee jeans. COOPS I can't wait to see a new pic of you>>>. I know your every more sexy than ever..... YOU DID IT! :wub:
  13. Ms skinniness

    Why be negative

    Gosh, everyone cheats in one way or another. When we cheat, we get up and brush ourselves off and get back on track. We all have bad days, some days are worst than others. But we get back on track and move on. We learn from it. Some people put things bluntly and some like to butter it up. I sometimes say things bluntly and I don't mean to be rude either.
  14. Ms skinniness


    P.S. you are not a failure.........Can't wait to see you when you get skinnier........I can see your smile now............
  15. Ms skinniness


    I'm kinda confused? Who said anything about disobeying your doc? This is a forum that is supportive and people will give information that they interpret that is asked. We have all been hungry the first week after the surgery and some is contributed to acid in the stomach and not all PPI's are affective. There is still the hunger hormone left in the stomach called ghrelin and it hasn't been completely absorbed yet.....Hang in there it will get better.....
  16. Ms skinniness


    Stupid is forever more....... Can't fix it and I don't want it either....... Where's the soda??????????????LOL
  17. Ms skinniness

    Bizarre trend?

    I see that a lot of people go into this procedure with closed eyes. Many of the bariatric surgeons do not require education of any sorts, just the requirements from the health insurance companies. I have Kaiser and in order to have the procedure, I had to take a 12 weeks options class where I was educated on the 3 different options of Lap band, RnY, and the sleeve. I went in seeking the Lap band and decided I wanted a permanent fix, not anything with a portal for future fills. In this class I learned about what to expect from the surgery. The class was geared towards the RnY but was extremely beneficial for my success with my sleeve. There was classes that were taught by a dietician, social worker, and RN's. I hated the fact that I had to take this class and just went to fulfill the requirement. This was the best class I have ever taken. I still go in and see the dietician and I further took a class on diabetes. I will be taking a class on stress management too because I am an emotional eater. LOL. From my experience reading posts, people discuss seeing the psychologist and not being truthful with the professional because they're afraid they will get denied. We want it and we want it right now. Then when they get it, it's like Holy SH** what did I do to myself. They are forced to deal with the emotions that they use to self medicate with food. It is such a slippery slope. Some people might even be attention seeking and some truly have complications. For me, I woke up the day of the surgery, looked around the room and thought, "OMG, what did I do?" Then reminded myself that this is my life and there is no going back......I was lucky, the only complication I have had is a slight pain on my left side and this beautiful skinny body. I do miss eating and 99% if the time when I go out, I really want to eat more, but am very thankful that I can't eat more. People post here without really thinking about what they are saying and are acting on impulse. Now we are post sleeve and we can reap the benefits of good health and a beautiful sexy body. It is what it is. Sorry for the long rant here. Don't know if it's helpful. But I do believe everyone should be required to take a 12 week Options class like I had to be fully prepared and in addition, do a research about the procedure.....This is our new life now so let's live it..... LOVE YA!
  18. Ms skinniness

    My NSV

    Isn't this an awesome feeling. It's amazing to wear shorts in this weather.... CONGRATS and there are many more to come for you....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Should I buy new shoes?

    I would get some new shoes. your weight is different and it's extremely important to wear shoes that properly fit. Your feet have lost weight too so I would invest in 1 pair of shoes that fit you properly and then wait until you're near goal and get more shoes...CONGRATS on your weight loss!
  20. Ms skinniness

    When can we drink soda

    John you are so correct.......If you want to drink soda then drink the soda. If your stomach doesn't like it, it's not going to be our problem. I know that if I take a drink of soda, I will go back to drinking soda all day long. I also have witnessed my cousin having an addiction to pepsi and now she has alshemier (misspelled). I am addicted to food and soda's so I chose to stay away from them. It was really difficult at first, you go into a convenience store and 90% of the cold drinks are soda's.....Now my addiction is chili peanuts..... At least they are healthy. Our minds are very powerful and talk ourselves into anything. Here's to making personal choices.......CHEERS!
  21. Ms skinniness

    very irritable

    Time to be thankful that you are on your way to a healthier new you...... Right now you have a bunch of hormones free floating in your brain and it's just for a short time..... It will pass really soon and yes, it isn't fun either. It could be time for a walk to get out of the house if possible..... Just think, your body is doing a ton of adjusting and very soon your clothes will be way toooooooo big for you. Do I see a smile on your face? Hope so........ Let us know how your doing.....
  22. Ms skinniness

    So depressed

    Right now U have a surge of hormones going through ur brain that has created a chemical imbalance. To lessen the depression start walking every day. I admire that u decided to have the surgery bc u are going to be changing the future path for ur family. As u start eating healthier and exercising. I are role modeling a healthy life style for them. They will reap the benefits of ur decision to take better care of ur self. Congrats and remember it does get better.
  23. Ms skinniness

    I Almost Ate A Waffle!

  24. Ms skinniness

    I Almost Ate A Waffle!

  25. Ms skinniness

    I Almost Ate A Waffle!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
