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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    5 days post-op and very dizzy

    If your experiencing diarrhea then that can contribute to dehydration. I would take a few days off. Also call your surgeon's office and talk with them in addition to increasing your fluid intake. My regimen was water, water, water, protein, protein, protein. Most people that I have read on VST were having difficulties with constipation and a few with diarrhea. Wishing you good health and getting back on track really really soon.
  2. I've been sleeved and look really good right now... I want to travel some..... spend time with my grand children in Washington D.C. Go stay in the mountains to recharge visit with dear childhood friend that I miss dearly finish work on my house and cabin Humm, I basically want to just plain enjoy life with my new hot body.... Life is good!
  3. Ms skinniness


    I've always eaten every 3 hours in small amounts and I don't eat after 7:00pm.....
  4. Ms skinniness

    Feeling a bit down today...

    This is a frightening thing for us to go through. We are warned about the hair loss in the beginning but when it happens, we all get freaked out. The good news is, your on the way to a healthier lifestyle with many extra benefits to come. Your hair for your finest asset and will be again bc it does grow back rather rapidly too......Gosh, my hair growth drives me crazy because I have to die it more often because of the rapid hair growth.....And I am pretty close to my goal (personal) I've already made my Dr's goal. I love my body image and size now too..... I'm 5'6" and I weight in at 145 at the present moment.... Yep, this is fabulous so I hope you can get a smile and see how wonderful life is going to be.......
  5. This is a great topic. Last Wednesday I had a horrible experience that made me really sick. I had a HA so I decided to take a Tylenol with cod #4. I ate something before I took it. I ended up with a horrible pain in my stomach that worked itself down towards my intestines, which were already achy. I got a sensation to go throw it up. I went into the bathroom an sat down and my head started whirling. I passed out onto the floor and ended up vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. Scared the He** out of my family and myself. I was sick for 2 days. I seldom ever throw up. I've always taken 2 tylenol with cod #4 with no ill effects. So now I will avoid Tylenol with Cod #4 due to it could have been an overdose. So we really need to be proactive when getting prescriptions from our PCP's because they sometimes don't realize the effects of meds. And I will not take any NSAIDS due to this reaction. Sorry if there was TMI. This is such a learning experience.
  6. I have you in my prayers! you are going through this.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Bloated Stomach

    I wish I had the answers to the above posters. It would truly be helpful. I would suggest going back to basics. Meaning protein first. Check out LilMissDiva's Basic Bootcamp. It helps to restart.
  8. Ms skinniness


    OMG where's the Oreos. Damn not I have to try not to think about Oreos. . I got this. Did i Miss the grumpy people? Lol
  9. Ms skinniness

    I have something to say!

    I am right here with you.....I also know that this is a support group and in a support group there are many different types of people in them. There are people that will challenge you and it might feel mean, but it also helps give a boost. There are people that take offense at the way others post here. If something bothers me, then i don't respond because I don't care what they are saying anyways.....They don't know me. But I will go back and reread what I posted and if it could somehow be interpreted in a negative way. After all, people are people and we are all unique......
  10. Ms skinniness

    Any suggestions?

    I'd get up and walk around the cabin as much as possible as well as a pillow.... Wish I could go in your suitcase. LOL
  11. I'am also shouting it out! I also am living a happy wonderful life on a daily basis.............Keep it up everyone..........
  12. Ms skinniness

    Just had intermedial thigh-lift

    Ouch, it's looks painful....>Can't wait to see the after pics........You have done a great job, keep it up....
  13. Ms skinniness


    Dehydration is horrible. Symptoms of dehydration usually begin with thirst and progress to more alarming manifestations as the need for Water becomes more dire. The initial signs and symptoms of mild dehydration in adults appear when the body has lost about 2% of it's total Fluid. These mild dehydration symptoms are often (but not limited to): Thirst Loss of Appetite Dry Skin Skin Flushing Dark Colored Urine Dry Mouth fatigue or Weakness Chills Head Rushes If the dehydration is allowed to continue unabated, when the total fluid loss reaches 5% the following effects of dehydration are normally experienced: Increased heart rate Increased respiration Decreased sweating Decreased urination Increased body temperature Extreme fatigue Muscle cramps Headaches Nausea Tingling of the limbs When the body reaches 10% fluid loss emergency help is needed IMMEDIATELY! 10% fluid loss and above is often fatal! Symptoms of severe dehydration include: Muscle spasms Vomiting Racing pulse Shriveled skin Dim vision Painful urination Confusion Difficulty breathing Seizures Chest and Abdominal pain unconsciousness Be aware that these are not the only symptoms of severe dehydration that may manifest in response to dehydration, these are simply the most common. Symptoms of dehydration will differ from person to person because the body is a complex network of systems and everyone's body is different. When these systems are disturbed due to loss of fluids there will be several common symptoms shared by most bodies, but there may also be unusual or unexpected responses depending on the particular person in question. Age also plays a part in the manifestation of symptoms. Signs of dehydration in a child will not be the same as those experienced by a teenager, adult or in the elderly. Dehydration prevention is the best treatment for every age group. heatstroke is always around the corner. I still am focusing on getting my water in everyday before food.
  14. Wow, you have lost that much weight in 4 months?/?? That's fantastic....That actually sounds quite normal. When we step back and look at the big picture, the quick losers and the slow losers end up in the same place just at certain times. Also the slow users have time for their skin to shrink and not look so baggy...... Sit back if you can and enjoy the loses......
  15. Ms skinniness

    Year 1/2 post surgery

    Hi future. nothing to be embarrassed about. It sounds like your NUT dropped the ball. Not much education about what to expect after 6 weeks is kinda scary. i am 20 months post op and doing really good. My vitamin levels are good. My diet consists mostly of protein. I drink 1 protein drink in the am which helps me greatly. I don't eat breads, rice, pastas or potatoes. I do take a multivit, vit b12, vit b complex, vit D, CoQ10, and beta carotene. I do forget to take them occasionally. i do take iron tablets and calcium. I make sure that I take the calcium at different times. But I do recommend eating more protein and a little bit of veggies. Welcome to VST. You might want to look at the Veteran posts too....
  16. Actually when I had stalls I would get frustrated and fearful that my weight loss was done but it wasn't. During the time of the stalls is when my body was rapidly decreasing in inches..... I would put on a pair of nice slacks in the morning and by the afternoon, they would be too big. That was a great NSV. You will lose your weight and have more stalls. Instead of looking at the stall as a bad thing, why not look at it as a good thing. Like the decrease in inches. If you haven't already taken measurements, this is a good time to take the measurements to see the changes in body size. CONGRATS...
  17. Ms skinniness

    5.5month update with pictures!

    What a beautiful smile you have today..... Lookin good!
  18. Ms skinniness

    70 pounds in 5 months

    You look absolutely fabulous! Congrats!
  19. Ms skinniness

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    I love the fact that Christy went public with his procedure. Plus this goes to show how the RnY are pushed and the Lap Band. Now a bariatric specialist at Kaiser reports that those procedures are in the past. It just goes to show that Christy or his spouse did not do the research they needed to do. It was the blind leading the blind.......Hope he does well...I do think we should all send him and email and let him know about the sleeve for when his Lap Band fails......Just like the previous poster stated..........
  20. Ms skinniness

    Horrible comments

    If only those people would point the finger in the right place like the fast food industry and the food processors......It makes me want to throw up.....
  21. Christie of NY just announced that he had a Lap Band Surgery.......

  22. Ms skinniness

    I feel so "fragile"!

    This is interesting, I also have the same stuff like the wind blowing me around, not as strong as before. But I do love it because I love being skinny and I know that I haven't exercised like I'm suppose too. So my goal is to get my BUTT in gear and start exercising more......
  23. Very interesting...... My cleaning lady measures her pant waist by going around her neck too which was interesting also.... Thanks for posting this.....
  24. Ms skinniness


    Yuck! The shell tastes like carb board to me.... I just ate the inside after 1 bite........
  25. Ms skinniness

    Support person is now a patient!

    This is like a fairy tale....... CONGRATS I'm sure you won't regret it either......

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
