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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    B 1

    Yep, I take it all the time. I take B1, B12, Bcomplex, and coq10 daily.
  2. Ms skinniness


    I believe that cereal is cr**. I personally will eat eggs, sausage, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, or a protein shake. I do not like foods that are processed with a bunch of chemicals to preserve them. But that's me......Best of luck with cereal....
  3. Ms skinniness

    Before n after photo

    What a beautiful transformation! Good job........
  4. Well it sounds like you have learned a hard lesson. There's really now too much I can say right now except that it will pass with time. The reason the surgeon's don't want you to have those foods is because it can cause your staple line to have a leak. Your stomach is not healed yet and very delicate to solid foods put in your stomach. I am hoping that you have been lucky and urge you to drink liquids for a couple of days. If the pain doesn't stop,go into the ER to have it checked out. They can do a CT. Please baby your stomach right now by liquids......
  5. Ms skinniness

    *moan* getting in the calories

    GT I am so afraid to up my calories like this. I have just gained a couple of lbs. I have been eating more and when I do eat more, it is painful on my left side. I've had it checked out by a bariatric surgeon when having my GB taken out and he saids there is nothing wrong, it most likely scar tissue. So I have decided not to eat too much now. but am going to cut the protein shakes out of my diet for awhile... I can't wait to see how you do.....Wishing the best of luck...........
  6. Ms skinniness

    Not A Magic Cure--Am I Alone?

    I actually knew that wls is not a magical cure. I did know that I didn't need all the food I was eating post opt and that the weight would come off sooner or later. I know that this is not the easiest journey for us. we are learning new eating habits and changing our life styles and reaping the benefits of good health, less medications, and we do eventually lose weight and become skinny and sexy. I believe it's all worth it in the end. I wasn't the quickest loser and at times, I was at a stand still and stalled and it did drive me crazy for awhile. But I noticed that I was losing inches during those periods and that became more important than lbs coming off.... You will reach the end result and love it...........
  7. Ms skinniness

    So afraid I'll still look ugly

    Let's reality check this...... Your 59 years old and ready to check out? I don't think so. Heck you are in the prime of your life right now..... How cool is that.... I am 57 years old and since losing my weight I feel really good. I love being skinny finally. It is so much easier to get up from a sitting position, I no longer get diarrhea after eating a meal out and having to keep close tabs on where the restroom is and then apologize to my dinner guests. I am no longer diabetic. The only down side I have found to this surgery is that I had to buy a new wardrobe. The other dilemma is, I will only buy myself clothes that I really love now and not settle for what's on the clearance rack. Our life isn't over because we hit our 50's. It's really just beginning. I am doing more traveling now and I'm more energetic. I have lose skin but I look extremely sexy in my clothes. And I do have lose skin on my face but I will have that taken care of really soon. Oh and not to mention how people are actually a lot nicer and respectful to me now.........Yep, I love every minute of this and I am a beautiful person! We all are....
  8. Thank you all for your prayers for my cousin. She was in the hospital and because of her obesity, did not seek medical treatment for herself. She was diagnosed with cancer (4 tumors, one on her stomach). She passed away yesterday which makes me really sad. This is a reminder too me that the sleeve has potentially saved my life and many others on this board who have chosen to have this life saving procedure.....

  9. Ms skinniness

    Need to Vent....

    I know for me around the 5 month post opt things started slowing down.... I learned to just be patient and the weight did come off a little bit at a time..... Now I'm pretty new to my personal set goal and very happy. I even forget that I had the sleeve and am quickly reminded by my restriction...... I am very thankful and grateful for the changes in my body.... And just as a reminder, my cousin passed away yesturday and she was extremely obese, embarrassed to seek treatment, and developed four tumors that were cancerous. The blessing here is that both her daughter and myself had weight loss surgery and I believe that has saved our lives. I am very blessed to have this sleeve as a tool.....
  10. i would have learned to love myself sooner and opted for the sleeve even if I had to pay out of pocket for it....Now it's PS.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Tactics for Eating at Buffets

    I thought this article was very interesting. It's a study about heavier people compared to skinnier people's eating habits when dining at a buffet....Hope you enjoy it. Tactics to Eat Less at the Buffet Table Study reveals how people stay in control when faced with endless portions, many choices WebMD News from HealthDay By Brenda Goodman FRIDAY, April 19 (HealthDay News) -- Few situations can trip up someone who is watching their weight like an all-you-can-eat buffet. But a new research letter published in the April issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests two strategies that may help dieters survive a smorgasbord: Picking up a smaller plate and circling the buffet before choosing what to eat. Buffets have two things that raise nutritionists' eyebrows -- unlimited portions and tons of choices. Both can crank up the calorie count of a meal. "Research shows that when faced with a variety of food at one sitting, people tend to eat more. It is the temptation of wanting to try a variety of foods that makes it particularly hard not to overeat at a buffet," says Rachel Begun, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She was not involved with the new study. Still, some people don't overeat at buffets, and that made study author Brian Wansink, director of the food and brand lab at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., wonder how they restrain themselves. "People often say that the only way not to overeat at a buffet is not to go to a buffet," said Wansink, a psychologist who studies the environmental cues linked to overeating. "But there are a ton of people at buffets who are really skinny. We wondered: What is it that skinny people do at buffets that heavy people don't?" Wansink deployed a team of 30 trained observers who painstakingly collected information about the eating habits of more than 300 people who visited 22 all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet restaurants in six states. Tucked away in corners where they could watch unobtrusively, the observers checked 103 different things about the way people behaved around the buffet. They logged information about whom diners were with and where they sat -- close or far from the buffet, in a table or booth, facing toward or away from the buffet. Observers also noted what kind of utensils diners used -- forks or chopsticks -- whether they placed a napkin in their laps, and even how many times they chewed a single mouthful of food. They also were taught to estimate a person's body-mass index, or BMI, on sight. Body-mass index is the ratio of a person's weight to their height, and doctors use it to gauge whether a person is overweight. The results of the study revealed key differences in how thinner and heavier people approached a buffet. "Skinny people are more likely to scout out the food. They're more likely to look at the different alternatives before they pounce on something," Wansink said. "Heavy people just tend to pick up a plate and look at each item and say, 'Do I want it? Yes or no.'" In other words, Wansink said, thin people tend to ask themselves which dishes they most want out of all the choices offered, while heavier people ask themselves whether they want each food, one at a time. Thin people also were about seven times more likely to pick smaller plates if they were available than those who were heavy. Those behaviors also appeared to help people eat less. People who scouted the buffet first and used a smaller plate also made fewer trips to the buffet, whatever their weight. There were other key differences in how thinner and heavier people acted, Wansink said. Thin people sat about 16 feet farther away from the buffet, on average, than bigger people. They also chewed their food a little longer -- about 15 chews per mouthful for those who were normal weight compared with 12 chews for those who were overweight. Those behaviors weren't associated with taking fewer trips to the buffet, but researchers think they may be habits that help thinner people regulate their weight. "The interesting thing was that almost all of these changes were unconscious to the person making them," Wansink said. "They essentially become habits over time." A nutrition expert who was not involved in the study praised the research, but questioned whether these strategies might really be powerful enough help. "As with all of Wansink's observations, these are insightful and useful," said Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, in New Haven, Conn. "But in some ways, they are like looking for the reasons why some people got wet sooner than others when the Titanic went down. The bigger issue was: The ship was sinking, and everyone was in the same boat." Katz said the best advice for dieters might be to avoid a buffet's temptations in the first place. "By all means, survey the scene and choose a small plate," he said. "But, better yet, avoid the all-you-can-eat buffet altogether."
  12. I do have cravings for carbs right now.....I am gaining some weight right now and it's driving me crazy. When I don't have carbs my words don't come out correctly and it drives me crazy. But I do need to get a couple lbs off. I find myself eating just to be eating. Not good. Bad habits coming back so thank you for the encouragement.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Tactics for Eating at Buffets

    I also notice that they cover the left over food with their napkin so they don't see it and nibble on it. I like these practices.
  14. Ms skinniness


    I am going to do all liquids for a couple of days. I was concerned for a bit bc we always go out to dinner on friday nights but then realized that I can have soups and a salad also. It does help get us back on track and the sugars out of our systems.
  15. Oregondaisy I'm right there with you.....Maybe protein drinks for a day and some salads with fresh veggies for the munchies. I need to get away from the peanuts.....and everything.......How long are you going to try this? Hope to hear how it goes too.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Why am I scared?

    Right now you have a lot of hormonal stuff going on....It's normal. Sit back and focus on getting your water in and proteins and you will be just fine.....we really didn't need that extra 85% of our stomachs anyways.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Abercrombie and fitch gets what they deserve!

    I lost my weight and look really skinny so I thought I'd go in when I was walking by. I so wanted to buy something that was high quality and cute and sexy. But when I seen the quality of the cloth and the prices, I had decided to just keep moving a long....I am so thankful I wasn't being supportive to some arrogant Assho** person. May his sole rest in horrible conflict! Too top it off, he is very ugly toooooooo. At least fat people are beautiful........
  18. Ms skinniness

    Congratulations Laura ven

    Hummmm, sleever of the month...........CONGRATS! I love that you have such a beautiful sense of humor and work diligently on all aspects of your weight with you weight loss.....You are a super hero! Yep, I said it. A Super hero! Can you hear and take it in....Thanks for all you love and support! Oh, and keep Rockin that Sleeve!
  19. Could be dehydration..........or low blood pressure......
  20. Ms skinniness

    116 lost with PICS!

    Wow! You are looking good! In fact, let's go for hot and sexy!
  21. Ms skinniness

    B&A, 163 lbs and 8 pant sz GONE!

    Wowza! you are very skinny! Congrats you look beautiful.....Like a whole new healthy person....
  22. Ms skinniness

    Best high protuen foods to eat

    Here's a recipe for high Protein Peanut Butter....it's very tasty.......... Recipe #1: All-Natural, Time-Released, High-Protein Peanut Butter Ingredients 3 Tbsp All-Natural Peanut Butter or Almond Butter 3 Tbsp Water 1 Scoop vanilla BioTrust Low Carb Time-Released Protein powder Stevia (to taste) Directions Mix all ingredients with a spoon in a bowl until smooth. Voila! Makes 2 servings. Nutrition Facts per serving: 173 calories 18g protein 12g fat 8g carbs (5g fiber) Eat it off the spoon (Mmmm), spread it on a piece of sprouted grain bread...use it like you would any other peanut butter...only now it's SUPER peanut butter Recipe #2: High-Protein chocolate Peanut Butter In the mood for that Reese's taste but without all the calories and sugar? Just take the above recipe and swap out the vanilla protein for Chocolate BioTrust Low Carb protein. Talk about delicious! Peanut butter cup goodness! Recipe #3: Cinnamon Raisin High-Protein Peanut Butter Here's another fun (and delicious) twist to the original high-protein peanut butter recipe above. Just add a heaping tablespoon of raisins along with cinnamon (to taste) to the original ingredient list. Talk about delish!
  23. Ms skinniness

    High Protein Peanut Butter

    Recipe #1: All-Natural, Time-Released, High-Protein Peanut Butter Ingredients 3 Tbsp All-Natural Peanut Butter or Almond Butter 3 Tbsp Water 1 Scoop vanilla BioTrust Low Carb Time-Released Protein powder Stevia (to taste) Directions Mix all ingredients with a spoon in a bowl until smooth. Voila! Makes 2 servings. Nutrition Facts per serving: 173 calories 18g protein 12g fat 8g carbs (5g fiber) Eat it off the spoon (Mmmm), spread it on a piece of sprouted grain bread...use it like you would any other peanut butter...only now it's SUPER peanut butter Recipe #2: High-Protein chocolate Peanut Butter In the mood for that Reese's taste but without all the calories and sugar? Just take the above recipe and swap out the vanilla protein for Chocolate BioTrust Low Carb protein. Talk about delicious! Peanut butter cup goodness! Recipe #3: Cinnamon Raisin High-Protein Peanut Butter Here's another fun (and delicious) twist to the original high-protein peanut butter recipe above. Just add a heaping tablespoon of raisins along with cinnamon (to taste) to the original ingredient list. Talk about delish!
  24. This is really hard to speculate. I know it's really hard to be patient. the best answer you can get is from the surgeon's office. Call the surgeon's office and ask the front desk if they can give you an estimated time frame. I was a referral from Kaiser and it took a few months. But some people on here have gotten their surgeries scheduled really quickly too......So the best answer will come from your surgeon's office....
  25. Ms skinniness

    chinese food

    Hi Amanda, can you share your recipe with us? It sounds absolutely delicious.....

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