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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Power of Momentum

    Good motivational speak! Thanks.....
  2. Ms skinniness

    Bathroom Question...

    You mentioned sugar....... Sugar can do that to you....... When I eat protein, protein, and protein, I basically get somewhat constipated....... What is your diet? That could help others give you feedback that is more appropriately than us guessing....
  3. Ms skinniness

    Really bummed out right now...

    This is frustrating as all get out. I just posted this on another post but will post it here again. Just keep doing it and you will succeed! (saving money that is). Every day brings challenges. Every week has its ups and downs. Every life is filled with dips and dark days - even mine. We will all go through tough times when it feels like nothing is working or going our way. But when this happens there is ONE thing you must NOT stop doing. Let me explain with a story from my childhood that I will never forget... There I was the little town of Waterloo, Iowa at the ripe age of 15, sitting on the gymnasium floor one summer while attending a wrestling camp. On this particular day the camp host shared a story of tragedy, commitment, perseverance, inspiration, success, disappointment, redemption, and ultimately, heartbreaking courage. The storyteller was the most intense and passionate speaker I had ever watched, even to this day nearly 25 years later. It was no surprise that he was also an Olympic Gold-medal winner with a world-famous work ethic and dedication to success. Today, he remains an almost unparalleled legend in the sports world. That speaker and the camp's host was Dan Gable, and that day he taught us an incredibly valuable lesson. Gable grew up in that very town with an obsession for wrestling. He started making a name for himself in high school, and was living a relatively normal life of a small-town American boy. That was until tragedy tore apart his family. While Gable and his parents were out of town on vacation, his older sister, who stayed home alone, was murdered by a boy from school. Dan Gable was devastated by these events and blamed himself for what had happened. The tragedy has haunted Gable for his entire life, and at that young age he turned his rage inward. He became obsessed with training and for redeeming his sister's life through his performance on the wrestling mat. His training habits became legendary. He was the first one to practice and the last one to leave. Every workout was undertaken with his mantra of "Push to Collapse." Each and every session was dedicated to the goal of working so hard that he would have to be physically carried off the wrestling mat at the finish. One by one he exhausted all of his training partners on his high school and eventually college teams. No one could keep up with him, but no matter how hard he was never able to truly break himself in training. However, this commitment led to a high school championship and an undefeated record in college that spanned several years. That was until the unthinkable happened. Wrestling in his final match at the NCAA level, just before Gable was expected to go on and win the Gold medal at the 1972 Olympics, Dan Gable's unbeaten record came to an end in a shocking upset in his final college match. The sports world was stunned. In tears, Gable left the mat in utter disappointment, feeling that he had let down the memory of his sister. But he soon returned to training his Push to Collapse approach. He kept on pushing, no matter what. Eventually he would have his redemption. Gable went on to win the Gold at the '72 Olympics by dominating his competition, no doubt in large part due to his training philosophy and dedication to working harder than anyone else in the world. His attitude of pushing through the dark days surrounding both his sister's death and his devastating loss in the final match of his college career was what allowed him to become the best in the world at what he did. His "never, ever give up" attitude is what allowed Gable to become a legend. What drive and determination. Dan Gable was truly a man that was determined to make the most of the gifts he had been given. Do you hold the same attitude? Are you willing to keep on pushing? Are you determined, no matter how bad it gets, to keep on taking action? Are you committed to never, ever, EVER giving up on what is important to you? Listen, everyone suffers through setbacks. We all have dark days and dips in the road. But there remains one undeniable truth. No matter how bad things might feel, no matter how tough your current situation, the truth is that someone, somewhere, in worse circumstances than yours right now, was able to rise up and overcome those obstacles to go on and succeed at achieving their dreams... ...because they kept on pushing. This is a phrase that has popped up time and time again in my life lately. I say it in countless replies to emails from BioTrust readers and customers as they detail their struggles and hopes in reply to this very newsletter. It's a phrase that I've made it a point to encourage others with as they push to become their best, day in and day out. I said it to myself over and over and over again while cooking my own meals, fighting through my own workouts, and spending countless hours to extend the reach of the BioTrust brand across the world so we can help as many people as possible, together. And when someone achieves success, my comment to them is always, "Congratulations, now Keep on Pushing!" When someone is struggling, "Stay Strong. Keep on Pushing" are my words of advice. It doesn't matter where you are in life, in business, or in your relationships, if you're going after something that matters, you just have to Keep on Pushing. Just Act. Just Ask for Help. Just Stop Procrastinating. Just Never Give Up. Just Keep on Going. And when you stumble or get stuck, just Keep on Pushing. Learn your lesson, readjust your course, and Push again. Use your leverage. And Push. Strain and struggle. Dig Deep. And Push. Back to Dan Gable... As he wrapped up his speech, he recounted a story with tears in his eyes and a crack in his voice. Recently, while on the road giving one of his many speeches, his daughter participated in an 800-meter race against the state champion. Gable's wife delivered the play-by-play commentary via cell phone. It turned out to be a remarkable day for his daughter. She started strong, not only keeping pace with the highly-favored state champion, but eventually taking the lead down the home stretch. Two hundred meters to go, then one hundred. Their daughter was still in the lead. She was on the verge of a massive upset victory. Suddenly, the line went silent. At first he thought he had lost the connection. Then moments later, in shock, his wife began to speak again. Gable's daughter had literally pushed to collapse. Within meters of the finish line she had given everything that she could and her legs had simply given out. She fell down within site of the finish, physically unable to go any further. As Gable explained with great pride in his heart and tears in his eyes, "My daughter did what I could never do. She pushed to collapse." She might have lost the race, but she won something much more important that day. And so here's what that means to us... That no matter how dark the day, no matter how deep the dip in your life, when all else fails all you can do is keep on pushing. It's the ONE thing must do no matter what life throws at you. Keep on Pushing. I'll be right here, along with the BioTrust team and our incredible board of advisers, to give you the support you need. Stay strong and get stronger,
  4. I just finished reading this from Biotrust and it was very helpful to help keep me on track so I thought that I'd share it with everyone here. It actually brought a lot of tears while reading but also made me reflect on where I have been getting off track in the past few days.....Sorry it's so long but worth reading Every day brings challenges. Every week has its ups and downs. Every life is filled with dips and dark days - even mine. We will all go through tough times when it feels like nothing is working or going our way. But when this happens there is ONE thing you must NOT stop doing. Let me explain with a story from my childhood that I will never forget... There I was the little town of Waterloo, Iowa at the ripe age of 15, sitting on the gymnasium floor one summer while attending a wrestling camp. On this particular day the camp host shared a story of tragedy, commitment, perseverance, inspiration, success, disappointment, redemption, and ultimately, heartbreaking courage. The storyteller was the most intense and passionate speaker I had ever watched, even to this day nearly 25 years later. It was no surprise that he was also an Olympic Gold-medal winner with a world-famous work ethic and dedication to success. Today, he remains an almost unparalleled legend in the sports world. That speaker and the camp's host was Dan Gable, and that day he taught us an incredibly valuable lesson. Gable grew up in that very town with an obsession for wrestling. He started making a name for himself in high school, and was living a relatively normal life of a small-town American boy. That was until tragedy tore apart his family. While Gable and his parents were out of town on vacation, his older sister, who stayed home alone, was murdered by a boy from school. Dan Gable was devastated by these events and blamed himself for what had happened. The tragedy has haunted Gable for his entire life, and at that young age he turned his rage inward. He became obsessed with training and for redeeming his sister's life through his performance on the wrestling mat. His training habits became legendary. He was the first one to practice and the last one to leave. Every workout was undertaken with his mantra of "Push to Collapse." Each and every session was dedicated to the goal of working so hard that he would have to be physically carried off the wrestling mat at the finish. One by one he exhausted all of his training partners on his high school and eventually college teams. No one could keep up with him, but no matter how hard he was never able to truly break himself in training. However, this commitment led to a high school championship and an undefeated record in college that spanned several years. That was until the unthinkable happened. Wrestling in his final match at the NCAA level, just before Gable was expected to go on and win the Gold medal at the 1972 Olympics, Dan Gable's unbeaten record came to an end in a shocking upset in his final college match. The sports world was stunned. In tears, Gable left the mat in utter disappointment, feeling that he had let down the memory of his sister. But he soon returned to training his Push to Collapse approach. He kept on pushing, no matter what. Eventually he would have his redemption. Gable went on to win the Gold at the '72 Olympics by dominating his competition, no doubt in large part due to his training philosophy and dedication to working harder than anyone else in the world. His attitude of pushing through the dark days surrounding both his sister's death and his devastating loss in the final match of his college career was what allowed him to become the best in the world at what he did. His "never, ever give up" attitude is what allowed Gable to become a legend. What drive and determination. Dan Gable was truly a man that was determined to make the most of the gifts he had been given. Do you hold the same attitude? Are you willing to keep on pushing? Are you determined, no matter how bad it gets, to keep on taking action? Are you committed to never, ever, EVER giving up on what is important to you? Listen, everyone suffers through setbacks. We all have dark days and dips in the road. But there remains one undeniable truth. No matter how bad things might feel, no matter how tough your current situation, the truth is that someone, somewhere, in worse circumstances than yours right now, was able to rise up and overcome those obstacles to go on and succeed at achieving their dreams... ...because they kept on pushing. This is a phrase that has popped up time and time again in my life lately. I say it in countless replies to emails from BioTrust readers and customers as they detail their struggles and hopes in reply to this very newsletter. It's a phrase that I've made it a point to encourage others with as they push to become their best, day in and day out. I said it to myself over and over and over again while cooking my own meals, fighting through my own workouts, and spending countless hours to extend the reach of the BioTrust brand across the world so we can help as many people as possible, together. And when someone achieves success, my comment to them is always, "Congratulations, now Keep on Pushing!" When someone is struggling, "Stay Strong. Keep on Pushing" are my words of advice. It doesn't matter where you are in life, in business, or in your relationships, if you're going after something that matters, you just have to Keep on Pushing. Just Act. Just Ask for Help. Just Stop Procrastinating. Just Never Give Up. Just Keep on Going. And when you stumble or get stuck, just Keep on Pushing. Learn your lesson, readjust your course, and Push again. Use your leverage. And Push. Strain and struggle. Dig Deep. And Push. Back to Dan Gable... As he wrapped up his speech, he recounted a story with tears in his eyes and a crack in his voice. Recently, while on the road giving one of his many speeches, his daughter participated in an 800-meter race against the state champion. Gable's wife delivered the play-by-play commentary via cell phone. It turned out to be a remarkable day for his daughter. She started strong, not only keeping pace with the highly-favored state champion, but eventually taking the lead down the home stretch. Two hundred meters to go, then one hundred. Their daughter was still in the lead. She was on the verge of a massive upset victory. Suddenly, the line went silent. At first he thought he had lost the connection. Then moments later, in shock, his wife began to speak again. Gable's daughter had literally pushed to collapse. Within meters of the finish line she had given everything that she could and her legs had simply given out. She fell down within site of the finish, physically unable to go any further. As Gable explained with great pride in his heart and tears in his eyes, "My daughter did what I could never do. She pushed to collapse." She might have lost the race, but she won something much more important that day. And so here's what that means to us... That no matter how dark the day, no matter how deep the dip in your life, when all else fails all you can do is keep on pushing. It's the ONE thing must do no matter what life throws at you. Keep on Pushing. I'll be right here, along with the BioTrust team and our incredible board of advisers, to give you the support you need. Stay strong and get stronger,
  5. Ms skinniness

    Scared & Confused

    Everyone on here has had the same fear too. I did, that's for sure. I only had diabetes and every test came out really good and I passed. I did it because if i didn't do it then I would be dying an early death. So I chose to take the risk. To be totally honest, i wold do it again in a heart beat. Sometimes we just have to gamble and take the risk. There are some individuals that have had complications but compared to the vast majority, it's very minimal. A lot of people that have had this surgery have moved on to live their healthy lives because they are healthy. A lot of the veterans do stay around to give back to our community. I am one of them, but someday, I too, will have moved on. This is the circle of life. I chose a healthier life and I love my new skinniness and wouldn't trade it for anything......
  6. Ms skinniness

    Need advice/help

    You most likely can eat broths an perhaps some protein shakes in a few days. Liquids would be my best quest. I would call your surgeons office and ask them this question. They really have dropped the ball on this one. Sorry to see you struggle like this.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Sexy times

    Congrats for being picked up, but what was scaring you? This is important to recognize so you can move on from old feelings.....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Lifestyle change

    The sleeve is nothing like the lap band. You will learn how to eat healthy and make better choices and you will learn how to use appropriate coping skills to deal with emotional stressors instead of turning to food. The Lap Band was a good try but that it. You will be very successful if you are willing to change the bad impulses of reaching out for food. You can do this,, we all have...
  9. That is your fear working against you.....I know a person who used him as a surgeon and she too has lost 150 lbs within a year. She told me that he gave her a video of the surgery where they removed her 85% of her stomach.... Wish I would of gotten a video from my surgeon. Oh well, what is done is done...... I'm am very happy right now....
  10. Ms skinniness

    Lifestyle change

    We have all been in your shoes with the same thoughts. There really isn't too much we can say to influence if. I do agree with previous poster that you need to do a lot of research and learn everything that you can. Seeing a therapist can help you answer these questions too. For me, I had and still have to work really hard to catch my triggers and to respond differently to the trigger. This is really hard work and most of us here are very successful.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Feeling discouraged!

    Try eating less and eat slower. That typically works for me. Sorry your having such a hard time.
  12. You are skinny and sexy! Congrats!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Dr. Garcia

    Which Garcia is this? What were ur experiences with him? When was your surgery?
  14. Ms skinniness

    chinese food

    Didn't get to finish post. The restaurant is always happy to comply. I love it.
  15. Ms skinniness

    chinese food

    I always ask for what I want. And the restrarants
  16. Ms skinniness

    To tell or not to tell

    I am a psychotherapist and I've told everyone, even my clients. My bf objected and when I was skinny I experienced her walking to the door with her head hanging down and her external voice said "I can't handle you skinniness." Then I adopted my screen name "miss skinniness." I love it! And she finally did come around. now she's a hard cookie to crack.
  17. Ms skinniness

    anyone forget to feed others?

    I would be angry to at my spouse. It is way too hot to cook today. But what an NSV to not think that much about dinner.
  18. Don't forget that there are medical reasons such as developing a leak and needing repair. Something getting stuck in the staple line etc. you have worked hard to get here so why not follow your doctors orders? You can do this! Get back on your horse and get back to what the doctor directed you to do. Let us know what your decision is?
  19. This is still a challenge at times. but i work on making good choices. If I don't eat my protein first, I will get hungry really soon afterwards. So i always eat my protein first and little veggies after the protein. If I do get hungry soon, I will have a Guest protein bar. IF i try to eat too much, it is uncomfortable.....
  20. Ms skinniness

    Holy crap......

    When was your surgey and how much have you lost? I really miss your ticker.........LOL
  21. Ms skinniness


    At 20 months post op, I still have about 4 lbs to lose until I get to my personal goal. What I have to do is go back to basics for about 3 days and then I might drop a lb. I don't exercise, so my next step is to start exercising....... This is such a challenge for me....
  22. Ms skinniness

    Ha ha

    Share what??????? Is this a tease? HA HA........ Please share more..... Cute little baby!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Is ok to eat a taco. Soft or hard?

    I was so consumed with eating a taco about 6 weeks out that I bought one and discovered I hated the tortilla... I don't eat food stuff that has corn in it because when they want to fatten up our beef, they feed them corn. So I avoid corn like a plague..... As for flour tortilla's, I don't eat them either. They don't taste like they use too. I go to El Pollo local and get the chicken tortilla soup and skip the tortilla strips. I also make sure I don't eat the corn in there.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Ugh! Weight gain!

    For the maximum benefit of this procedure, I'd take advantage of doing a liquid diet for the next 2 weeks. That will give you a great jump start in weight loss, focusing on drinking your water and using protein shakes too. You can do this. Oh and when you switch stages in food, you do go up a lb or so.....You've got this, now it just has to happen.......and it will............
  25. Ms skinniness

    Don't you just love the inequality?

    That's so crazy.....Considering many surgeons don't want to do the surgery at a 50 or above BMI. Frustrating none the least...

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