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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. I have gotten a personal invite and am disgusted with it. I hate people trying to push things on me. This is a support group not a place to have stuff pushed on me.
  2. Ms skinniness


    I'm absolutely positive. I've received an email from her and she was trying to get fraudulent funds from me. I don't like it when people try to deceive me this way......So she is a troll Oh and I have reported her to the board......
  3. Ms skinniness

    Liar Liar?!?

    For me, I'd have to tell them I had wls. It is very deceiving to say that all the benefits came from the gym. I might talk to the people featuring the article first and he or she would probably publish it anyways because it would also attract individuals that have had wls. So it's targeting a new demographic that could increase their revenue. You have still worked hard to get where you are but you had an additional tool to add to your tool box...... JMO
  4. Ms skinniness

    Loose skin ?

    I do have hanging skin on my arms but I can certainly live with it. I even go sleeveless now............I figure it's better than being fat!
  5. Ms skinniness


    TROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ms skinniness


  7. Ms skinniness

    Help 8 weeks out

    Eat moist foods for a while, cut in small pieces and chew it really good....This will pass, it just takes time......
  8. Ms skinniness

    Trouble eating

    I would have difficulty getting my water in so I started mixing it with low calorie G2 Gatorade. Then I was able to get my fluids in and felt much better. All foods at this point need to be moist for your tummy. I would go back to basics for a few days and then slowly add new stuff in. I still drink protein drinks till this day.......
  9. Ms skinniness

    Am I dehydrated?

    Do you feel dizzy? Headachy? I know my surgeon's office wants us to drink at least 64 ozs a day. It works for me.......
  10. Ms skinniness

    a balanced snack

    I love my Quest Protein bar Chocolate brownie........Yummy!
  11. Ms skinniness

    California? Anyone...ツ

    DO NOT REPLY to this. This is a troll......................................
  12. Ms skinniness

    I am obsessed

    I really want to get a face lift and perhaps a TT. I'm not rushing but I am considering it at the moment. I will be shopping around soon so I am finding myself thinking about it more often. Pretty soon I too will be obsessing over it too.
  13. I can't believe any bariatric specialist would tell a patient that wls will shorten their life span by 10 to 18 years..... I want to know where these doctors got their information....... It makes me so angry to here this...... I believe it makes us healthier with a longer life span............
  14. Ms skinniness

    Checking in...

    I remember how scared I was at this point...... I wanted nothing more than to get up and run away..... It will be over before you know it and you will be sitting next to all of us on The BIG LOSER'S BENCH! Have a wonderful peaceful sleep.......
  15. Ms skinniness

    tired of being lectured on here

    If you feel like everyone is lecturing here, as stated in your starting post, then do you want feedback from people? The beginning statement makes me want to walk on eggshells and isn't very inviting. The first page posts are all people soft shoeing it to make sure not to offend you..... Just curious and somewhat confused.
  16. Ms skinniness

    It's so easy to get discouraged

    One thing that hit me when I was reading your post. The only life you seemed to have is working long hours and not being able to take car of yourself. When I think about living in the present moment, I wasn't when I was at work. I was living to work, not working to live. So now it's time to take care of you and make a decision to gather all the tools you can so that you can get your life back. Yep, I love my sleeve and had to gather the tools that also helped the sleeve by chosing healthier eating habits and eliminating all the crap food out there. The sleeve is part of it, but my head is my worst enemy. so I hope you get the sleeve and start focusing on making all the improvements you need to help you be more successful. BTW, if you do have this procedure, you will feel so much better even if it is just 100 lbs. And then that 100 lbs will lead you farther down the line to 150 lbs etc. You can do this,but you really have to want it....
  17. Ms skinniness

    Weight loss

    20 months and I've lost 80 lbs....
  18. Ms skinniness

    Stop sipping

    You may be able to take a little bigger sips, but you stomach is still quite swollen at this point. I would highly recommend that you call your surgeons office first so that your not jeopardizing your stapleline or anything like that. Just keep sipping. It's frustrating but well worth the pain in the arse.....
  19. I love all the feed back here on cloths. I know that i have been going shopping and do not care for most of the cloths that I see they look cheap and unflattering. I will look for a stylist to work with me also. I know in my jeans I am not curvy but so have a waist.thanks for sharing all the positive info here.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Unexpected Medical Changes

    I have found that I have a different reactions to pain medications now. Before surgery I could take medications with codeine in them with no side effects. When I went to Las Vegas I took 2 Tylenol w/ Cod # 3's and my. Stomach started spasming. Went to see my PCP and he thought that it was a generic formulation that gave me a side effect. So he prescribed Tylenol # 4. I took only 1 tablet. Well I had some pain so I ate 1/4th of a protein bar. Well within 10 to 20 minutes my stomach started spasming and my lower intestines started spasming too. I barely made it to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet then I passed out. My daughter helped me get up while I was vomiting and had a horrible diarrhea (sorry tmi) at the same time. I ended up dehydrated and weak the next day. I don't know what I'm going to do if I need pain meds. This. Is really scarcely. I hav e always had a strong stomach with no reactions to pain medications. So this is my new life. But it's still all worth it.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Small Traces of Blood...

    Perhaps u need to be eating soft foods right now so that your stomach can heal and why rush through your food? Take a couple of minutes between bites and savor every bite you take, after all, we can only get a few bites in. Oh and eat a little less too.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Hunger and dieting

    I know that I will most likely need to be hypervigilant about not going back to my old eating habits. Once I get something that has some sugar in it I want more. If I eat a piece of chocolate I want more and I starting thinking about it and rationalizing on why I need it. I have even reverted to craving chocolate brownie protein bars . Now that I'm 20 months post op, I can eat more. I can eat any foods with no complications. I don't exercise even though I know I need too. This is my life's work.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Starving, has anyone had this problem

    Your body is still getting rid of the ghrelin that was in your tummy. This will cause hunger but it will go away in time. You've got this keep hydrating as much as possible and then drink some protein shakes for a little fullness.
  24. GMANBAT: You have said it just perfect! My daughter and I were walking into Forever 21 looking for some yoga pants and she even admitted that this surgery wasn't the easy way out. That was really shocking for me because when I was in the process of preparing for it, she thought it was the easy way out and that all I had to do was stay on a diet. She has learned from me that she only needs to eat until she feels full and takes the rest home now. I am constantly educating them on healthy eating now and getting down on them for always getting fast foods with a quick explanation of the unhealthiness of all the fat and non nutrition in that food. I love my sleeve and it is still work. I need to keep myself focused on eating proteins and staying away from sugary foods. when i eat something that is sweet, I want more....So this is not an easy way out but i love the consequences of my skinniness and getting looks from men as I walk by. It is so rewarding! Yep! I said rewarding.....
  25. Ms skinniness

    4 days until the BIG one.

    I totally did this too and I'm 20 months out and everything is all about me still.....I love it and if we really stop and think about, everyone's life is about them (me part) so why was it not okay for us before? Since i've been about me, this has also trickled down to everyone in my family and they are learning to take better care of themselves too. What a wonderful trickle down effect....... Keep it up everyone!! You will be gaining in so many different ways........

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