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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    July get together - 7/13

    I am so in need of this meeting..... Do you people know if there any meetings that meet more often? Having difficulty staying on track right now.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Weird question - large bruise

    I had a bruise under my biggest incision site because that's where they took my stomach out. It was quite a small hole for 85% of my stomach to come through. So glad it's gone.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Getting Depressed

    Actually you will either chose not to have those foods or you will have them in smaller portion sizes. This is not a diet that's all or nothing, there are in between portion sizes. This is a new journey that helps us get back on track to healthier eating habits and portion control. I myself have chosen to eat proteins and veggies and some carbs. I do not eat bread, pasta, rice, etc because I don't really want them. I love my protein and am beginning to enjoy my veggies now. i use to hate them. Oh and I really love my nuts.... I totally enjoy my good health too......That's a bonus.....
  4. Ms skinniness

    My turn

    Have a peaceful sleep and then your journey to recovery starts! Congrats!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Hunger and dieting

    Globetrotter I wish there was something I can say to help the pain of this struggle, but all I can say is that you have been under a lot of stress for the past couple of years and now living in stressful circumstances of the living conditions where you live today. With all this stress, your body is in Chaos. Your cortisol levels have sky rocketed, you can't get the foods that you need etc. You are doing the best you can with the resources that you have available to you. Your body is preparing you for the worst case scenario for survival. A DS switch might give you some weight loss, but at what expense? I know the RnY bypass, the pouch will stretch and gaining weight is going to happen. I do not know anything about the DS. I am totally afraid of the malabsorption issue and the constantly having to run to the bathroom. That isn't too much fun either. I hope the your body starts to release the weight and you get some relief. You deserve this. I too do not look at you like a failure either. Look where you are today! Much better than before. What kind of fun to do have over there? Your awesome and you totally rock my boat! :wub:
  6. Ms skinniness

    Why I am getting WLS

    Don't forget that the sleeve will only fix the portion control, not the brain. This is a great time to start changing the way you think about things. This sounds somewhat like a food funeral. The rational you used was irrational to start with. Next time remind yourself that if you didn't like the steak sandwich, you could take it back and get another sandwich and not be stick with the mentality that i can't waste food, what about all the starving kids in Africa? I had to change this thinking too that it's ok to through away food when I'm full. Eating when I'm not hungry is what got me fat to begin with. It's a hard process with conflicting thoughts going on all the time.
  7. Ms skinniness

    And so it begins...

    I think that's a great idea. Where are you having your surgery at? Before my surgery I just cut my portion sizes in half and did quite well dropping some weight......I was hungry all the time though but I survived. I think it was a great start for my journey...
  8. Ms skinniness


    You can do this. Don't forget to through away all the junk food in your cabinets and refrigerator......I'm getting back on track and that is my plan for the day...........
  9. Ms skinniness

    Rounding the corner to the 100 pounds lost mark

    Congrats! When i reached my 80 lb weight loss, I chose to go to Maui with my husband. It was beautiful and a lot of fun. Now I plan on living life to it's fullest. Will be traveling to Washington DC to see my grand children this month some time
  10. Ms skinniness

    How do you handle PMs?

    I am in the process of reevaluating what I get from VST these days.There is so much conflict going on that it is just totally ridiculous. I love the this post that cheri has started because she's talking from her heart. It does get tiring to have people PM about the same thing over and over. I know a lot of the vet's that have plainly just left VST because of the conflict that come up. Most of the conflicts are just plain stupid. People getting defensive and attacking one another. This site represents how society is in real life. So this is real life in itself. When the veteran's forum was started, I thought how awesome that is because we can voice things that bother us without offending newbies. But no, it's so far from the truth, newbies are still getting offended because they are new to this and have difficulties putting them selves in our shoes. I do PM with a few on here that are totally down to earth and supportive to each other. When I get PM'ers I will give them a short brief answer. This is life. Now how can we take the Veteran's forum and talk about things that are affecting us without offending newbies? I don't see and answer as evidenced by this post! We are all people and thank you Cheri for posting this. You always have good things to share and have been on of my mentors here. Rock on!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I too am running really scared. Yesterday I was eating even when I wasn't hungry and I could not stop myself. Those old eating habit hit me. Today I will do a protein day. I am so tired of all these programs that claim they will help us lose weight. Now I'm reading about how Leptin Hormones effect our metabolism too. I get periodicals from Josh & Joel of Biotrust. I posted a little about it on this site somewhere. It talks about how to get your Leptin Hormones up. Then at the end, they're trying to sell you a supplement. So i don't know anymore, but I am tired of this up and down syndrome that my body is doing to me. So I have almost given up. I do end up getting back on track the next day. Today i will be eating nothing but the basics of protein.
  12. Ms skinniness

    sparkling water

    My surgeon's told me not to drink any kind of carbonated drinks. I did accidentally take a drink of a sparkling water and was so surprised that I spit it out..... You can wait until it gets flat though.............
  13. Ms skinniness

    So close i can taste it (Cigna)

    It will happen, they will notify and the worst is that they will decline and your surgeon will appeal it and get an approval on it. Yes this is totally anxiety provoking too......
  14. Ms skinniness


    this is absolutely the hardest part right here. Can you try a different protein shake. I love the Premier chocolate protein drinks from Costco. Other ones I'm not to crazy about.........This will pass soon and you will be ok.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Started a youtube channel

    I hope that you do go through with it........ Hang in there, this is a life changing procedure.......
  16. Ms skinniness

    question for foodies at least months post op

    I can totally eat anything i want. Now a days I am eating more than before so I make sure I keep it proteins and very little carbs....
  17. Ms skinniness

    protein bars

    I love pure protein bars at Costco and I also love quest protein bars. I order the quest on the internet from quest and they arrive the next day. So yummy......
  18. It's time to get yourself to see a psychiatrist for some antidepressants to help with your depression. This is a long term depression and you need something to help balance your chemical inbalance. No shame, no guilt, just a different path to success and a happy life style. you are so young a beautiful and now it's time to start to enjoy life. Let me know how your doing when you follow through. Food is not your friend, you need it to survive....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I am in such a funk I am eating so much sh**! Even though it's Protein, I am way full and have this horrible urge to stick more food in my stomach.........I will have just a Protein Drink for dinner tonight.... Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........
  20. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I am totally feeling the same way too. I feel so fat today......The scale goes down and then it goes back up. Blaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now I posted above about Leptin. It's like what have I done to my body? wow......You my dear are rocking in my world.........I guess we will have days like this......I can't wait until I see your new pics with that beautiful TT....... I tell myself one day I'm ok where I'm at and the next I'm so down because my weight is not staying the same. Oh and I can really eat now......It is so scary for me...... I am so lucky to have such a wonderful understanding friend across the pond......... I didn't mean to vent.....
  21. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Today I was reading about how Leptin Hormones effect our weight loss. When we eat way less calories, or Leptin levels go down and it causes us to go into starvation mode....weight loss slows or stops. The registered dietician recommends that we have a cheat day 1 day per week increasing our calories up by 1000. Humm I can barely get in 1300 without feeling like I'm pigging out. Then he recommends that on alternate days we increase our carbs up by an additional 20%. He saids that this will bring our Leptin levels up to. He had a 3rd stop buy I can't remember what that was. Then at the end he was trying to sell a supplement that was suppose to help raise our Leptin levels. Quite expensive and not sure if it is a gimmick or not. So I am going to research Leptin and how to increase our Leptin levels too. Here I was so happy we had our ghreline taken out. Who knew. Gotta lot of research to do here.... :)Hey this is what i have found:http://www.wellnessresources.com/Leptin_Diet.php?source=msn
  22. Ms skinniness


    Wow, looking good! Keep it up!
  23. Ms skinniness


    I so hate my bat wings...... Maybe I'll look into plastics, but I think my face will be first on the list......
  24. Ms skinniness

    new addiction anyone?

    My new addiction is educating people on eating less foods that are more nutritious....... My children are getting so annoyed with me, but they are learning too! \ My husband was reading a book on wheat belly and the book told him he can eat as much as he wanted so he choose to believe the book..... Low and behold his pant are getting too tight. That was his wakeup call, so now he's limiting his portion sizes...... Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! \
  25. I practiced being thankful for my sleeve and reminded myself that I would be able to eat soft purée food soon. I kept my self very busy. This will pass soon enough and u are on ur way to need health and the wonderful side effect of being skinny!

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