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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Always Thinking about food!

    Yikes, eating in secret is no fun! Let's make a deal that whenever you slip back into binge eating that you will come onto this post and share what's going on with you that triggers you to binge eat in secret...If you feel way uncomfortable, then PM one of us. We would gladly be there for you..... I like how you told See's Candies, "No Thank You." Good job...... I will go to the mall today and walk right on by. It's not on my meal plan........
  2. Ms skinniness

    anyone losing self confidence with weight loss?

    I've lost weigh in my boobs and now wear a B Cup. But heXX, I don't really miss them. It's a lot easier on my back now. LOl and I have no curves except where my belly use to be and it looks like a muffin top or a volcano. Don't know if I will get PS for it later, but my clothes look really good on me......I am more concerned about the excess skin on my face right now...... We will see later on.....
  3. Ms skinniness

    Almost there - what do you think?

    This is so me. I'm going to have my friend go to the mall with me and point to a person that's the size I am. I need this...Thistimeisit you are doing so fine! Looking really really good!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I am going to join in on this for the 4:3 days. I have a high bounce of a couple of lbs and it's frightening. I got in my head that I was in maintenance and everything went to heXX! So back on track. I know I can't relax on this ever. So tuesday, thursday and saturday will be my fasting days.....Got my hubby doing this too. He read the article on how this could help diabetes and he couldn't eat dinner that night, came home, drank water, didn't use his insulin and woke up the next morning with bs levels at 88. He's in now. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! Thank you so much. Now let's see if I can get back on track...
  5. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    You are a sexy GODDESS!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Always Thinking about food!

  7. Ms skinniness

    Mmmmm love this sleeve

    I am a little confused. They have fried chicken at Chipolte? The Chipolte's here have grilled chicken. I am in Calif. sounds like your doing pretty good. Congrats!
  8. Ms skinniness


    Hey you look absolutely beautiful! Love how u rocked that sleeve u SEXY Goddess!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Something in my sleeve....

    My stomach doesn't look anything like that. Very smooth and straight. I'm thinking some fundus left behind. let us know what it is. Very concerned.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Daily nutrition stats?

    Anything over 1300 calories and u gain? That is just not right ! I am in maintainence now and Sparks said I should eat over 1500 calories to maintain. Humm I will stay under 1300.
  11. Ms skinniness

    The Most Important thing to me in my journey is...

    The most important thing to me is being a well rounded person and loving each person for who we are giving back to my community. Family is not only relatives it's also people that we love and love us back. This forum is family to me and I love reading about each of our journey's.
  12. Ms skinniness

    The Most Important thing to me in my journey is...

    Family is important.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Always Thinking about food!

    I really love the feedback. I am working on exercising. Keeping my home free of crap. I could just imagine how I would lie to myself and eat the foods. I love my Quest bars. They do have 170 calories so now I am satisfying myself with 1/2 of one. I can go to the mall and by pass all the goodies except See's Candies. So my challenge is to just avoid See's. I will break this habit. I am a food addict and my name is Dorrie! LOL. Lynda I am going to change my bounce weight from 5 lbs to 2 lbs also to keep focused. Great idea. I am at a point where I believe I am at goal now. So maintaining will be a challenge.
  14. OMG! This is hilarious! I hate telemarketers with a passion and just hang up on them.......
  15. Ms skinniness

    Back pain

    I started sleeping on my right side at 1 week out. I learned how to crawl in bed on my knees and lay on my right side. The crawling helped a lot. The nurse at the hospital on my last day told me that. Wish they would of told me that in the beginning. Use your legs to scoot on the bed. It really did make a difference.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Not fair, do everything "right" and the weight won't budge

    It breaks my heart that you are stuck where you are in your weight loss journey. It doesn't seem fair at all. I know you have totally struggled for a really long time. have you had your thyroid checked. Something is definitely not right. You are very diligent and are doing the right things that should contribute to weight loss.....I also know that stress causes our bodies to release cortisol and you have been exercising a ton so the cortisol levels should be down. I would talk to your doctor about this. I am sending healing energy your way to help alleviate some of the symptoms.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Have to be re-sleeved!

    I love his honest replies and he does have quite a few under his belt now. Hope things go well for you.
  18. This brings tears to me because the damage was done. I want to wrap my arms around my daughter and tell her how beautiful she is.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Fun with Photography

    Nothing pornographic yet. Lol looking good and so proud of u. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Kinda yuck- smelly urine?

    20 months out and I have smelly urine. But I'm skinny now.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Always Thinking about food!

    I am working on just avoiding See's all together. This will be hard....I do graze on proteins basically, but the calories do sneak up there. So today I had 1/2 a quest bar and felt really good about it. In fact I felt full. I have been just eating the whole bar without being mindful of my fullness. Today I went shopping and my urge did go away. And I did get hungry at the appropriate time. I also made myself a tea and forgot to drink it so I'm drinking it right now.....Perhaps as time goes on and we stay on top of this, our habits will take over....IDK...... Anyways, this is quite a journey and now I totally understand what the surgeon meant when she said this is the hardest thing I will ever to to my daughter. Oh, and she also see's it too. LOL
  22. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    We are all on the same boat! LOL with a beautiful smile cheering each other on.....BTW, there really is no pond between us now.....we are together in this....Yayyyyyyyy for such wonderful people......Some day I hope to go to Wales and meet you....
  23. Ms skinniness

    10 months out...94 lbs down PICTURES

    What a beautiful transformation! You look absolutely beautiful you beautiful women and it shows in your smile and eyes!
  24. Ms skinniness


    Cheesecake Factory? WTF? Sorry over reaction...... Mom is crazy but so is mine...... I hope this is a fabulous weekend for you and you have a wonderful trip....with your dear hubby!

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