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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. I'm almost 2 year out and I have have no complications from my surgery. I am a couple lbs to my personal goal and have been for over a year. Yayyy!
  2. Cheri, I love how you process things by writing them down. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Your thoughts hit the nail right on the head and I realized the goal I have forgotten about for myself is the biggest goal ever. And that is to love myself first and then to continue on with working on maintenance. I will work hard on maintenance, but I will work even harder on loving myself. In fact, I just had a client that had inappropriate behaviors that totally made me feel angry and violated. I will be referring this client out because the love for myself is very important. The person that I work with will be totally angry due to the money but I don't care. I'm more important than a little bit of money. Cheri, once again, thank you, this is something I really needed to read to get my peace of mind back...........
  3. Ms skinniness

    Am I crazy?!? What is going on here?!

    I told my PCP that I was going to get this surgery in Mexico and that's when he gave me a referral. If you get surgery in Mexico, KP will still do follow up treatment. You would go through your PCP and they would then refer you to a bariatric specialist if a complication arises. I have a clt who had surgery in Mexico and has done exceptionally well.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Am I crazy?!? What is going on here?!

    You will find a way to get this surgery. I got my surgery through Kaiser and I didn't lose the recommended amount they wanted. But they did it any ways. I do have diabetes. Before I had surgery I cut my meals in half and was losing weight pretty good. But because of my BMI my surgeon that I had been referred too, told me not to lose any more weight. You need this and do what you have to do to make it happen.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Carb question...

    I usually don't eat breads, pasta, rice, or starchy vegetables....I keep my diet protein, veggies (some carbs), and some healthy fats like avocados. I do drink Premier protein shakes and quest protein bars. But I really like to keep my diet simple.....
  6. It's due to your body being in a state of ketosis......I usually will suck on a breath mint.
  7. Cheri this is truly a struggle for all of us here too. I hear u are working really hard to get back to ur old goal weight before having ur beautiful baby and have done really well. I know that u will drop those pesky lbs really soon and will be rocking your sexy body soon, even though ur body is totally sexy right now. You are a very determined lady that is doing what you know will work. Keep doing what ur doing. I have these times too and am working on seeing my body for the size it is and not the size it was. You have healthy eating habits and u are very healthy which is the most important factor right now. In fact u have had a lot of stressors lately which have affected u too. You are still Rockin that sleeve!
  8. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    What, no sexy? Hummmmm, I mean sexy in our own way. I'm just learning to accept mine..........LOL
  9. Ms skinniness


    The second most caring and loving thing you can do for yourself is to find a therapist that is a good fit for you to help with the feelings of being exposed. Self help books can help but everyone's issue is different and gaining insight into the problem is great, but he answer lies in what you do to make the changes. Therapy is a great investment and can guarantee that bc I am a therapist and I have done my own therapy too. Please do whatever it takes to get some additional help.
  10. Congrats! Thank goodness I can feel the heat coming from next to me.......Welcome to the Big Loser's Club!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Strangely enought, I am also feeling more energy than ever.... I do need to start believing that I am at goal and skinny and just give myself rest days also. It makes so much since. The days that I have trouble articulating seems to bother me the most when I have clients (I am a therapist) and it just feels so unprofessional to me. I do notice that my clients aren't bothered by it at all. LOL. I noticed your name change from nannyg to Georgia. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I am going to work harder to get a pic of myself up that I like of course. That will be difficult.....OMG, your pics have changed in front of my eyes! You are a HOT SEXY woman! Wowza! You have done a fantastic job. You are an inspiration to me.......Thank you so much....... :wub:
  12. Ms skinniness

    Protein Bars?

    I love quest protein bars.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    the articulation happens to me when I am low carbing it. so frustrating to me.
  14. The stomach is healed within 6 months. I do believe it's time. JMO.....
  15. Ms skinniness

    Always Thinking about food!

    I was reading a post on another thread and one thing really hit me hard and that I had been thinking about constantly. For awhile now, I have been thinking about food constantly. I'm not hungry, but I will sometimes eat anyways. I am so tired of this behavior and it has to stop. So I'm hoping others will share how they manage these pesky thoughts and stay on track. I believe it has lead me to grazing behavior. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Time to kick my butt. I can't even go to mall now because I know how to get free chocolates from See's Candies. I am so sabotaging myself right now..... I know others are struggling with this too so now what do we do and how do we change this?
  16. Ms skinniness


    Man this is great therapy, it's hitting all my triggers........ and I haven't been tempted at all. It's just those Quest Protein Bars that are my triggers.....
  17. Ms skinniness


    Not donuts! I've been noticing donut places now... then i think of the fat, sugar, and salt and i forget about them. LOL
  18. The only thing i can suggest is to stay out of the kitchen after7:00pm bc it's totally dangerous.
  19. Ms skinniness


    From what I have researched and seen, people with diabetes are taken off their insulin rather quickly. Some studies have indicated that within 5 years, an individual may get diabetes. But not many, What I do know is that if we are gastric bypass, the sleeve, or lap band, we can still gain our weight back by reverting to old eating patterns of foods high in sugar, fat, and salt. And that is the main ingredients in restaurant foods that are served to us. This is a good reminder as to why I need to cook for myself and keep my foods clean. I need this reminder quite often just to stay focused. I love to be catered too..LOL
  20. Ms skinniness


    I live by 1 hard fast rule, never put anything in writing! Rootman you are so right on. Go see a therapist and if he won't go, you go so you can figure out what you want to do.....perhaps also see an attorney. People are well meaning but can cause more trouble in the long run.....
  21. Ms skinniness


    I have a friend who consistently tells me she's doesn't eat much and she continues to put weight on..... I do know that she eats a lot of carbs and unhealthy types of food....... Is this scientific enough? A case study of 1. LOL People might not eat much, but it's the type of food that they are most likely eating. Basically crap in my book. I like to eat organic as much as possible and cut out processed foods.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    It's the vanity sizing thing. Also depends on the makers. Forever 21 there jackets that are size 8 fits more like a size 6. very snug.....You look really good in those skirts. Love it...
  23. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

  24. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I absolutely bulk when their trying to sell me something. I will take the info and get supplements though but not at their price.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    It's crazy to just lose 1 lb weekly whether it 5:2 or 4:3. I'm going to stick to the 5:2 days. I've also been learning about the role our Leptin Hormones that are our fat burning hormones play on our systems. Check this site and tell me what you thing. http://www.thefatburninghormone.com/30-sec-trick2/?SID=23foods-dwnld-ar&Referer=http%3A%2F%2Fus-mg6.mail.yahoo.com%2Fneo%2Flaunch%3F.rand%3D131430244%26action%3DshowLetter%26umid%3D2_0_0_1_11404659_AE1K2kIAAKrwUaizugKTvHYci7E%26box%3DInbox&e=0

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
