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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    Today is my fasting day. I've had a Quest bar for breakfast and a chobani yogurt with whipped cream for lunch. I will have soup for dinner......I hope this works to get rid of at least 2 lbs......I just realized I had gained 7 lbs and that's just not acceptable to me. So fasting it is.....
  2. Ms skinniness

    Clean Plate Syndrome?

    This is funny. I use a bread plate that's pretty small and leave it when I'm full. My husband also thought it was his duty to clean my plate and had gained weight from it. Now he has changed his eating habits totally. He doesn't eat breads, pasta, potatoes, or anything with corn in it. He now tells me he is also stops when he feels full. My daughter does this too. Stops instead of cleaning her plate. It is hard to change this ingrained habit but can be accomplished. I like throwing food out too when it's in the refrigerator. Who needs it, not I nor my spouse. I love not being married to the "clean your plate."
  3. Ms skinniness

    Got my date!

    Being scared is normal. This is reality now and it's scheduled. you will be going through a lot of emotions and the end result is always worth it! CONGRATS!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Does "met medical crieria" mean approved?

    You have most likely been approved! Congrats on your new journey to a healthier life style.....
  5. Ms skinniness


    I bought this but have never tried it. Think I will try it on a non fasting day...... Today is my fasting day...... I have 8 lbs to get off now......
  6. Ms skinniness

    This may be TMI but...

    Isn't MOM given as a laxative. This is causing you to have diarrhea. Yes you can have a protein shake without any problems. Hope your diarrhea goes away...
  7. Ms skinniness

    Hot flashes after eating a meal?

    Some people experience that when the food contains too much sugar and fats or eat just a little bit too much. It's a sign that your body doesn't like what you just put in it. Can you share what you ate.... I read all labels and don't eat anything that has sugar or corn in it.....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Full fat, low fat, or fat free?

    I don't like processed foods so I try to eat organic and full fat. The less ingredients the food item has, the better and healthier. The only processed foods I eat are protein shakes and quest bars. The quest bars are very addicting for me so I am cutting them out of my diet.......
  9. Ms skinniness

    11 months post-op - major stall

    Get back to basics, protein, protein, protein, and veggies. Weight does slow down the further out you get. Just get yourself back on track and go walking......You've done well so far so let's not stop here....
  10. Ms skinniness


    Congrats Molly! Happy your taking good care of yourself here.....
  11. I just realized my lowest weight was 141 lbs and I'm now up to 148 lbs. :( Back to basics of logging and doing 5:2. :P

  12. Ms skinniness

    My Unexpected Playground NSV

    It is fantastic when we recognize NSV's. Plus this is something that you could never accomplish as a youngster too! BTW if I raise my arms too, I have a lot of skin hanging that I call my bat wings....... LOL Keep it up I realized the other day i like it when men look at my body now...... Never did before.
  13. Ms skinniness


    It's always good to go back to basics. Congrats on your weight loss, you have done exceptionally well.... A lot of us are use "The 5:2 Diet" to help with dropping a couple of pounds and maintaining. Search for past postings on "The 5:2 Diet" and read the postings. I also used LilMissDiva's The basic bootcamp diet which is pinned in the food and nutrition section I believe.
  14. Instead of having a pity party, how about being thankful for what you have accomplished..... You have lost a great amount of weight in a short period of time.........Wow! it took me several months to get in all the protein that was recommended and getting the fluids in was nearly impossible for me in the first 6 months. This is a process and I highly agree with CLK that it is highly beneficial to work on the triggers to over eating and working on emotional issues during this time frame.....You can do this, there's no going back now.......take advantage of this period of time for maximum weight loss....
  15. My bf thought that I would get too skinny, but I knew that my body would stop when it was ready and it has stopped. The closer you get to goal, weight loss slows way down. No fears, you will be just right. Good job btw!
  16. I am so frustrated with myself right now. for the past couple of days, I have just let myself go and eat a few quest bars in a day, the chocolate brownie ones of course! I eat my peanuts that are chili flavored, and I have allowed myself to graze throughout the day. Yep, I have gained a few lbs from this..... If i go over 1300 calories I do gain weight even if it's protein....It is really hard getting myself back on track....I will be doing the 5:2 day tomorrow when my husband and family are at work...I will also be cleaning out my refrigerator today because the trash is picked up and I want it all out......I really don't have that much junk food though. I just found out that my husband's position where he works might be eliminated, it's between him and another relief pharmacist where he works. That means our income is decrease drastically and I will have to go work for corporate America once again and give up my private practice. That just adds more stress on my plate too..... so much stress is not good for any of us..... Oh well, I am going to focus on today and drink a lot of water and eat 3 meals. No in between eating. Cheri I love how you articulate things and helps me put things in perspective. We are all struggling together in this.....
  17. Ms skinniness

    Stupid head

    This is a real struggle for all of us. Well, most of us.... Last couple of days i have been grazing and now tomorrow i will reign myself back in and structure my day.....this is a hard job to do......
  18. They are for me too....... Need to work on not having them in the house too.......
  19. Quest bars are good to eat and nothing wrong with eating them on a daily basis........However, I do find that I am addicted to them. LOL But they are really good.....
  20. Ms skinniness

    What is the 5:2 plan?

    On this diet you eat regularly 5 days of the week and cut calories down to 500 2 days out of the week. There is a 12 hour fasting period where it is recommended that you don't eat 12 hours between meals. I went and downloaded an ebook from amazon.com that gave me a good explanation. hope this helped.
  21. Ms skinniness

    What is the 5:2 plan?

    research "The 5.2 diet" on the search bar.......
  22. Ms skinniness

    Does liver shrinking hurt?

    A shrinking liver does not cause any pain......
  23. Ms skinniness

    Party advice

    Focus on eating proteins first and then some kind of veggies. U will be full and most likely not be to tempted. Show everyone how slim your getting by eating healthy.
  24. I love this thread.....I will be 2 years out as of Oct 4. Now a days i find myself eating when I'm thirsty and now that I know that, I still have days where I eat still. Yesterday was of those days. Today will be a normal day where I will drink my fluids. But this is going to be my constant struggle and I need to make some changes right now. I do fluctuate about 5 lbs and will be doing my fasting day tomorrow when I'm busy and no one else is home. This is a lot of work......I have developed a horrible habit of reaching for Quest protein bars and had eaten 2 of them yesterday. They are addicting to me. I'm also not in the habit of preparing my own foods as of yet but am working on it. Last night I met with a friend and went to eat Mexican food. I ate a bunch of chips and salsa and a little of my chili colorado with 1 bite of rice. I typically don't eat breads, rice, pastas, and potatoes. The last few times i ordered dinner with a veggie and the veggie was corn. I don't eat corn either. Apparently I do in chips at Mexican restaurants . I do look at labels and don't buy products that have any corn products in them. I don't buy products with any type of sugars. I'm am so resistant to cooking for myself because I don't eat that much. My husband is eating the same way I do and his blood sugar levels are good. Typically we eat protein and veggies. My dilemma is when I eat the protein bars and shakes. I will be changing over to preparing my own meals due to the control I have over what goes in them. This is my struggle and I think the 5:2 days will help me get back on track too. This is a great thread, thank you everyone.

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