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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Our weight does fluctuate like NtvTxn stated. I thought that there was something wrong with my WW scale and went and bought another (new) scale. The new scale was 1 lb heavier than my WW scale. I took the new one back. I can step on the scale a few time and each time the number is a little different. If I weigh at different times of the day, it differs. I just live with it and go by the numbers on my scale. It's just a # like Paul said. I do hate it when it goes up though......
  2. i haven't heard that. I dye my hair every 6 weeks and also have a keratin treatment.....I also take biotin and silica and my hair has almost all grown back......I do also condition my hair when I have it dyed and straightened. My hair looks pretty good and grows at an extremely fast rate.....
  3. Ms skinniness

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    I am also 5'6" and my cw is around 145 lbs most days. I have a fluctuations of a few lbs. I am also more of a large to medium boned person and I wear a size 6 to 8 pants and a medium top, but can fit into a small if I don't mind it being snug. I most often find myself layering my tops. I do not like it to be too snug... I do love my body size right now, I'm beginning to struggle with how my skin looks now. Darn it, I can never be completely satisfied with myself......CAUTION! Work in progress! Keep it up ladies and look forward to hearing more from everyone. CONGRATS to us!
  4. Ms skinniness


    It has been over 2 years for me not having any sodas. This is a miracle for me bc I have been addicted to them since I was a small child. this is success to me.
  5. Ms skinniness


    I love the Kirkland animal chews I take 2 of them a day. I place them on my kitchen counter top. I have been forgetting a lot though. Need to refocus and get back on track. Lol.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Conquering big fear this weekend!

    This is truly and NSV for you! Congrats and try not to eat so much chocolate...... LOL
  7. Ms skinniness

    5 months out. Stomach spasms

    I get stomach spasm's after I take Tylenol with cod.....It really sucks too. Hope it's just the stomach bug......
  8. with this all said, I was once in your shoes and now I am in maintenance. I find that when I eat the way I did in the past, I can still gain some weight back. So I have to be really careful what I put into my body.....I don't eat breads, pastas, potatoes, rice or other foods that contain sugar out of choice and do enjoy my new habits. If I eat something with sugar, I crave sugar. It is way to easy to slip back into those past behaviors that got me fat to begin with. So you all have a good start and can't wait till you get to the finish line.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Susan, I have reread my post and I owe you an apology.....I over reacted to my post being deleted and there was no explanation for the deletion. That is not my finest moment here......I understand the reason after your explanation in the first paragraph. I hope you can accept my humble apology.......Namaste
  10. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    It's best not to buy the quest bars... they are like crack..... I have to use up my supply and not order anymore..... oh and the pure protein bars at Costco are the same, I had to stop buying them also... I like the plan of eating chicken and veggies. i will have that my next fasting day...which will be friday instead of thursday....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Tending to children post-op

    You have a really great support system.......The month will pass by really fast and the kids can sit on your lap and still be with you....You can do this!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Laura your totally right.....but I do find that to be a controlling issue for her...... Where's OTR? Miss him, he was very funny and playful......Now that we put it that way, then why are newbies posting on the veteran's forum? food for thought.... Hey guys sorry to interrupt your conversation.........I do love studded condoms though!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Hummmmm, did I say something wrong? was it offensive? this is a little confusing to me......
  14. Ms skinniness

    Looking for anyone who has been re-sleeved~

    which surgery do you have? Are you gastric bypass or vertical sleeve? I get a little confused when I hear pouch.... OOPs, i should of read all the posts before posting. you are having this experience.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Hunger pains?

    I would go see your PCP for this. People that are sleeved in Mexico can see their PCP here is the states for follow up. May be really important to have them run some lab tests for vitamin levels etc.
  16. Ms skinniness

    NSV today, or maybe not....

    That's a great NSV! Time to buy new undies......
  17. Ms skinniness

    Insurance Closed Case

    I would be very pissed off too..... Glad you're back on track to a healthier life style.....
  18. I was just open with everyone where I worked bc i knew that it would be so noticeable and that i wouldn't feel right explaining to they later why I didn't tell them. It made things a whole lot easier for me. It was the right decision for me. I didn't care if others thought that I was a failure at weight loss bc I know that i wasn't. I'm just thankful I was able to have this life changing procedure to a healthier life style....
  19. Ms skinniness

    Dont know what to do!

    At 4 weeks out it's pretty hard to get in all the protein requirements. Focus on eating proteins first and some veggies if possible. You are going to have times where the scale just stands still and doesn't move and during this process, your body will be losing inches too. Do the best you can and sit back and enjoy your new journey. It will happen.
  20. Ms skinniness

    8 months out before & after pics

    What a beautiful transformation! Keep it up you look really good!
  21. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    Hey everyone, I am so excited..... I lost 3 lbs and feeling great...... It is hard to do the fasting thing, but I did it. Had a bit more than 500 calories though, more like 600..... But it still worked unless it was water weight..... I did drink a lot of water bc I was totally hungry..... Today is a day I can eat healthy choices too....
  22. Ms skinniness

    Best condom idea, ever!

    This message has been deleted by Susan.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Heading to the hospital!

    Yayyyy! Hopefully u have begun ur recovery and all is well. Welcome to the Big Loser's club!
  24. You are looking hot and sexier than ever! Keep Rockin that sleeve.
  25. I regret not doing this...... So I hope you all do this...... Oh BTW when do we get to see those pics ladies.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
