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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Costco brand calcium chews citrate or carbonate?

    I just noticed that they are the carbonate type and I've been eating them. My info from Kaiser states that it is not absorbed very well. Off to find one that is citrate. Hmmm when I showed the dietician, she didn't say anything about it.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops it sounds like you had a pretty good time..... Welcome back and CONGRATS on your 3 year mark....... I can't believe it's been 3 years for you....
  3. It makes me sad to hear this..... I hope you can find a solution to help get what you need to have the surgery. I was totally thinking about a loan too. In california we have something called care credit where there is no interest for the first 6 months. Heck I'd go for the high interest loan if I had to. This is so worth it. Keep trying to gather the co pay and please talk with the hospital about a payment plan. Don't give up....Keep trying....
  4. My BMI was borderline when I was given a referral from Kaiser and the surgeons office told me that I was under the BMI. They didn't check my comorbidity of diabetes because I wasn't taking any medication for my DB. Then my surgeon told me not to lose any more weight before the surgery. So I agree with calling your insurance company. They are all so different..... Best of luck and hope to see you on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  5. That is such a horrible feeling. Is there any way you can slightly elevate the head of your bed. That helps with acid reflux. Hope it goes away soon......
  6. “The pathway to your best life isn’t the route of denial. It’s owning every moment. Staking a claim in right now. “ Oprah

  7. Ms skinniness

    Nightmares and worries

    I think that each and everyone of us have had the fear that we would fail at this too. Our fears seem to get the best of us at times. It is goo to be aware of the complications that may occur so that you can take preventive measures if needed. But like previous poster has stated, each one of us is different. I have had no complications and pretty much reached my goal pretty fast. I am at maintenance now and working at staying where I'm at. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! This is the best decision I have ever made.
  8. Ms skinniness


    I was told not to lift anything over 10 lbs for 8 weeks......
  9. Ms skinniness

    Im "overweight!"

    Good job Amy! I loved the over weight category for a while..... Soon you shall be in the normal weight range! CONGRATS!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Nerve issues under left arm

    I would go see ur PCP and have it checked out. I also would see a chiropractor to relieve some of the pressure on the nerve if that's what's causing ur nerve to tingle.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Visitors in the hospital?

    When I was in the hospital I didn't have visitors and was thankful for no visitors. I took advantage of the morphine drip and slept in a reclined position which helped with left in gases. I was very happy to go home on the 3rd morning.
  12. Ms skinniness

    I lied.

    Since we were talking about pets. Here's what we found in front of our cabin.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Beware! woman traveling to TJ

    This lady is a. Troll!
  14. Ms skinniness

    I lied.

    I have read the first 7 pages of this and it's interesting in the different spin that people put on it. First of all, it's in Mexico and they have different laws and regulations. I myself struggle with seeing someone 4 days out having sex, for me I was really sore and tired. Perhaps if she has a hyper sexual sex drive then I believe it. She did state that she's bipolar. Either way this whole story sounds ridiculous to me. It is drama and who knows if it's the truth or not. Perhaps she's a troll. DRAMA!
  15. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

  16. Ms skinniness

    Hit a slump!

    Get some low calorie Gatorade and dilute it with water. This helps me drink more water.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Complications today

    Drink a lot of gatorade and water. I usually mix the low calorie with water and can get a ton of fluid in me then.
  18. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    So there you are.....I've been wondering where you have been. It's good to see you and thankful you might join us here....
  19. Ms skinniness

    July 29th!

    I can't believe it took you a year to get approved! that's very frustrating........ Glad your soon be sitting next to us on the big loser's bench!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Suddenly Sad....

    Take it one day at a time and it will get better. you will be able to eat with your family soon enough. This will soon be a memory. ;P
  21. Ms skinniness

    the guilt is eating me alive

    I am a Marriage and Family Therapist and I will tell you that you are not responsible for her actions.....You had this surgery for your health! I believe it's time to put the blame where it belongs and that's on her.....She would have left you anyways.....now is the time to work on taking care of yourself and learning to love yourself by taking care of your body. Focus on you. Get some therapy and work on personal issues. This procedure is the best thing you have ever done for yourself..It's a start in loving yourself......
  22. Ms skinniness

    Side effects 2 months in

    Right now your body is in ketosis. Your burning fat because of eating very low carbs..... It will get better, I experienced that too and still do at times.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Slow weight loss

    Your doing great! It will come off. Focus on getting your fluids in and then protein shakes. It will happen.......
  24. Ms skinniness

    I just cant do it /:

    right now work on getting your fluids in......take a little bit of a protein shake.....It is more important to be hydrated at this time....you can do this.....congrats to your new journey......

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