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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    The coughing is clearing your lungs of stuff.....walk, sip, sip, sip, walk and repeat. Challenge yourself to get in more water.....
  2. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    Sometimes upping the calories isn't such a bad thing after all....It causes an increase in Leptin Hormones which can help with our fat burning. tomorrow you can do a fast day an it will fall off. You got this......
  3. Helen Keller explained the purpose of community best, when she said, "Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much."

  4. This is a wakeup call for me too. i know that if i had those bad foods in my house, I wouldn't be able to resist eating them. They are toxic for me and I am a food addict. I can never let myself slip and my 2 years is just approaching. So this post and all others keep me on my toes and not slack off. I do have a trip coming up in 10 days, I'm driving to Oregon with a friend and will try to keep my meals high protein with veggies, but also know I will probably slip some. I have to remember this is the way I eat always and not be tempted by the sugary and high carb foods. This is hard work....I have been doing the 5:2 diet and I will continue with it for the last couple of lbs and in maintenance. I can't relax because that is what I did in the past, I let my guard down. A big difference for me is that I do not go to fast food restaurants at all.....So that is a big change that I've made. I can't stand the site of them anymore.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Weekly Weigh In

    That's great! Almost to the maintenance part of our journey....
  6. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops so sad that your going through this right now......I'm am also a little relieved to hear that 3lbs of it was Fluid retention. The other 3 lbs will come off quickly but meanwhile it is hard emotionally and I too have the fat lady syndrome come up when my scale fluctuates. My dam scale teased me the other day and said I weighed in at 137.2 lbs. I got on a third time and then reality showed up, I weighed 145.2 lbs. for a while. I realize that I'm never going to be happy with the # on the scale. I know this is different for everybody. This is a hard struggle. I am taking the weekend and eating regular where I eat high Protein and veggies. this is my rest period..... Monday and Wednesday I will fast. I haven't fasted yet and kept it at 500 though, I seem to hit 600 calories and I still loose. It's working for me so far.... I believe you have 3 more lbs of water retention and it will come off really soon..........
  7. Ms skinniness


    Good Job! Now when ever you think of them, think of evilness coming from the bag..... Pure evilness! That deliciousness is worth at 2 lbs you've worked so hard to get rid of..... So proud of you. That made me break out in a sweat.....LOL
  8. Ms skinniness


    Time to throw that pesky trail mix in the trash.... Oh better yet, why not just go outside and bury them in the dirt. Brush your hands together and say to yourself, done, no more trail mix! Walk away and be proud of yourself. Oh you don't have to do this in real time, you can do this in your head. It's like a food funeral for real...... Oh I should put those Quest bars in there too.....
  9. Ms skinniness


    Hi Laurathis is the second time I've written this so I too will have to condense it..... I was just wondering what was going on for you yesturday that triggered you to have obsessive thoughts about wanting to have food? I have a strong intuition that emotions play a big part in it. I know that yesterday there was a few different posts where there was a lot of conflict going on and people really were not that respect at times. Now when I have a day where there's some conflict, I had a tendency to get migraines. I also would get a migraine when I was extremely ecstatic about something too. This I figured out had to do with my emotions too. So does this resignate with you? I hope your feeling better today. I also have days when I obsess over food too. It's my comfort food and I just can's resist it on some days. Those dam Quest bars keep calling my name too.....Frustrating than all get out.
  10. Ms skinniness


    We can only hope! Now if only the fast food joints that are high fat, sugar, and salt would follow suite.....it would be a miracle....I find myself craving sugar and my fix is reaching for some whip cream.... How desperate can I get?
  11. I love this! It made me laugh, and it's so simple too......
  12. Ms skinniness

    Feeling very frustrated!

    Unfortunately this wasn't surgery on our brain, it was on our stomachs. It is a lot of work to change the triggers to the thoughts of our old eating behaviors. It is the hard part of this journey. i'm determined to work on it.....It is so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Ms skinniness


    I find that my water goes down easier when mixed with Gatorade low calorie. Then I can get in a ton of it.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Need Advice!

    If it's a leak, they have to do something. They may do a CT and run some iv dye through you. It is worth a try. Tell them you are in a lot of pain and they will also help determine if it is your gallbladder........Best bet is to go back to the ER or urgent care.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Cosmetic surgery?

    That doc was very misinformed or should I say doesn't keep up with medical procedures..... Find a new doctor that can give her a referral........this is totally scarey to me.. Now having TT's, face lifts etc is cosmetic......
  16. Ms skinniness

    Need Advice!

    You could go see your PCP as a precaution. I had my gallbladder removed after my sleeve and very happy I did.....do you have insurance? Also walk as much as possible because walking will dislodge the gas and make you feel better....
  17. Ms skinniness

    Need help /:

    I survived on protein shakes mostly. I did incorporate sf pudding and yogurt early. My surgeon allowed us to have that....
  18. Ms skinniness

    Prayers for nutrition

    MrsPierre this is a very difficult time for you. Glad to hear your drinking water and will be focusing on it more. Is there any way you can get some Gatorade low calorie or regular to help with your electrolytes. I usually drink G2 Gatorade low calorie diluted with water because it helps me want more of it. it also helps replenish the electrolytes I need to retain water...... Sending healing energy to your mom and you....... Keep drinking that water all day today and the next. If you get light headed, you may need to go in to your urgent care or ER for an IV. Hang in there I know how hard this is for you.....
  19. Ms skinniness


    You may be in ketoses and HA's are a side effect of that. Your burnin fat and that's a good thing right now.......it will get better, I took tylenol and it helped a lot.
  20. It is normal to have a lot of pain when moving. take your pain meds for the pain. Day 2 from me I was on morphine and that helped a lot. That evening I couldn't have morphine but they gave my Loratab and it helped..... It does get better 1 day a time though. Keep on healing.....
  21. It is frustrating. I think when you started hitting stalls you gave up and felt like a failure. you weren't a failure it was normal to have stalls. Now is the time to seek therapy to help with these issues. i agree with detoxing and a going back to a high protein diet, eliminate sugars and carbs..... Sugar is addicting and is very toxic for our bodies. Sugar is my demons so I stay away from it. I will read all products and eliminate anything that has sugar in it. I have sugar and I want more sugar.....When I did eat sugary things, I would gain weight. I also eliminated all corn and starchy vegetables from my diet. My daughter used to raise steers and lambs and what they did to fatten them up, they fed them corn........So that's off my list of things to eat......If you want to get the weight back off, it's your decision to make.......You can do 1) seek therapy and 2) get back to basics of protein first then non starchy veggies........ Let us know what you decide.......It is your decision. we can support you here on VST.
  22. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    Today is not a fast day for me. But I did stay at the same weight today. I had a good 4th of July and ended up preparing grilled chicken and Ceviche, with veggies and a salad. Daughter was not happy bc we had no hamburger and hot dogs. Oh well, can't please everyone. The meal was really healthy and I realized that I am always basically eating peanuts, yogurt, and those quest bars. Not really having meals. Maybe that's why I'm grazing all day....Will start preparing foods for lunch and dinner, no more grabbing and going, time to sit down and enjoy the meal....
  23. Georgia I love that you loss 2 more lbs! Keep it up......
  24. I love your spook Coops! You are an inspiration to a lot of people here on vst. This has been a long journey and to not have made your surgeon's goal is baffling to me. You have worked so hard and done a lot of hard work. I must say that when I see pics of you, you look skinny and healthy. I believe that you will get to your surgeon's goal and we will celebrate it here on VST, after all, we are a team......
  25. Ms skinniness


    Are you doing your breathing exercises they assigned you in the hospital? If not, get back to doing the breathing exercises and take little steps in exercise as mentioned above. I would also call your surgeon's office and let the know that you are struggling. they will have some suggestions that would be helpful to you.

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