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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Eating as a vet adaptation

    I will be 2 years post op October 4. So I am totally interested in this post. A bariatric surgeon did tell me that the sleeve will not stretch if a bougie under 40 was used in which I had a 34 bougie. So I would like to see the results. I do know that we or I have to be hyper-vigilant and eat a healthy diet and that we can gain weight if grazing all day and eating crap.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Confusion about post op food stages

    Kaiser recommends that we do 3 weeks of a liquid diet, 3 weeks pureed, 3 weeks of soft and then introduce foods gradually. This was an effective plan for me and a friend that I gave this diet too.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Abs, excess skin and body fat %

    Amazon113 has a six pack. Maybe you could contact her by PM. She can give you some ifo. I really need to work on this too...Like from scratch.
  4. Ms skinniness


    I take a multivitamin, B12, B1, Vitamin D3 2000IU, Iron, Calcium Ccitrate, biotin, silica, co enzyme, and calcium. I also take fish oil and a few others I can't think of right now. I get up to 100gms of protein in on a daily basis. My hair is growing very rapid and am increasing visits to my beautician for hair treatment due to growth. I have really healthy hair......
  5. Ms skinniness

    Afraid I am not going to make it

    Is it time to sit back and learn a little bit of patience? It's frustrating as all hell not knowing when the surgery will be but you will...You have come this far so now it's time to practice living today and learning new habits of eating slowly, drinking tiny sips, walking and exercising as much as you can. After the surgery your health issues will get much better and easier to handle and you most likely won't have the sweating all day problem. That would be a hughe relief..You really don't know what your future holds for you at this moment, but as long as your worried about the future, you are losing these precious moments today. This is the time to start learning about you and the triggers you have to foods. Look at you food addiction and start to make some positive changes today. A little bit at a time.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Questioning If I Can Do This

    This is a catch 22. I know that with Kaiser they insisted on losing 10% of your weight. I did not lose 10% of my weight and I still got a referral to my wl surgeon. however, I did lose enough weight where the surgeon's office was questioning and was going to deny my surgeon because I was under the BMI. If it wasn't for my comorbidity of DB, I wouldn't have been sleeved. Another person went through the program too and she didn't lose her weight either. Both of us had surgery.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Weight gain in hospital

    This is a time when your body is healing it's self. Your stomach is swollen and retaining fluids which is really a good thing. Are you getting in as much fluids as you can? That will help release the excess fluid and reduce inflammation of your stomach. The weight will melt away like previous posters mentioned. It is all of our experience and fears from failing in the past surfacing. Your emotional side is activated right now. So do some self soothing and tell yourself it's normal for this and it will go away and the lbs will start to just melt away..... This is true.....
  8. Ms skinniness

    Helpful Meal planning website

    You have continued to do a grate job in getting off those pesky little lbs....... I love how you just keep plowing through, non stop.... So proud of you! Oh thank you for sharing the info with us. It is a great idea because it gives me examples of what I can choose. If it's free, I will use it to broaden my food for thought and portion size.
  9. Keep away from people who try to belittly your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really greaet ones make you feel that you, too can become great. Mark Twain

  10. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Last night I went out with my family to dinner and order very well. Outback brought the bread I used to love and I allowed myself to have a very tiny piece and it really tasted awful....I ordered a cadillac margarita and was surprised because I could actually drink it. I ordered a steak dinner dinner and ate a very small amount of the steak and a bite of veggies. I looked down at my stomach and I thought wow, where did my body go, it is really small.......Surprise, I'm skinny.....After dinner I started feeling like my stomach was getting bigger. I felt bloated. I was bloated. Then my head gets wrapped up in all the loose skin I have and I feel fat again. I even see my stomach as fat too. I really can not have a margarita. My fat thoughts take over. I need a TT and a face lift with arm, thigh, and back makeover. Gesh, I have a lot of work to do.... today I've lost 1 lb from yesterday. Not sure where my emotions are with this these days.
  11. Ms skinniness

    New here

    You have a great start and I know you are very determined to get to your goal weight. This is a fantastic hard journey that we have all chosen to take and it is a lot of hard work.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Denied by aetna any advice?

  13. Ms skinniness

    7 months post op; having some problems?

    what some of us have to do is up our calories which results in weight loss..... perhaps eat some yogurt and or sf pudding, sf jello, peanuts, protein shakes...... Do what you need to do so that you do get your nutrition in. are you taking your vitamins? All these things are really important...............
  14. Ms skinniness

    1 day 12 hours...of being fat

    Stop it! You are not going to barf! This is a wonderful journey you are about to take and it is so worth it.... Take some deep breaths, hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale! You will be fine. The needle is just a prick, the doctor is there for your best interest, he is your friend, and the hospital is a clean environment to launch you on your journey. You will be in the hospital for a very short period of time. In fact you are so lucky, you will have a pump that gives you morphine when you need it. Morphine helped me sleep pretty much the whole entire time I was there. I was very comfortable. In fact, I pushed that button every time I woke up......
  15. Ms skinniness

    Post op Week 1 diet

    Did your doctor send you home with any diets? Most people are on liquid diets right now which is broths, jello sf, soups with no chunks in it..... If you don't have a diet plan, please let us know so one of us can post it here for you.....
  16. Ms skinniness

    not a good day

    Are you taking anything for acid reflux? Are you hydrated?
  17. Ms skinniness

    Thirsty @day 10

    This is really early out and your stomach is still really really swollen. Take sips all day long if you have too but keep the water going. Try diluting gatorade with water and it will go down more easily. You are probably dehydrated right now so you really need to do 1 of 2 things. 1st go into the urgent care or ER and get an IV if you get worst, 2nd start sipping, sipping, sipping, sipping every 15 minutes at least. You don't want to be dehydrated it's misable.
  18. Ms skinniness

    7 months post op; having some problems?

    CONGRATS on losing 70 lbs. It is frustrating when you can only eat 3 bites of something. Have you spoke with your doctor lately? BTW my weight loss slowed way down at around 7 months so don't be discouraged if it happens to you. Just keep doing what your doing now.
  19. Ms skinniness

    hunger pains

    This sounds good. Are you talking dense Proteins? I eat less dense proteins than when i eat soft foods. I don't eat foods that have high carbs and I stay away from foods with sugar bc I'm addicted to sugar. CONGRATS! You've lost 88 lbs! That's fantastic! Keep ROCKIN THAT SLEEVE!
  20. Ms skinniness

    New - doctor recommeded I join

    From my experiences it has been wonderful. I love it when men look at me, in the past I would get really upset....Now it's like, bring it on....LOL It is so much easier to get around and go do things without carrying around all that old weight. My body is much healthier and my blood values are all in the normal range. This is the best decision I have made for me. I've also had no complications at all.....so I feel very fortunate. i live one day at a time.
  21. Ms skinniness

    I can eat a little again!

    I'm hoping that everything is going much better for you. I know you are going to do just fine. The weight will fall off in no time flat and you will be back to normal......what ever the new norm will be.
  22. Ms skinniness

    New here

    It's exciting to have a newbie on the board. i love new perspectives. This is a fantastic journey to be on. It is scary the not knowing but you've done all that's required and have the application for approval. you will do fine. What is your BMI, starting weight, and how do you want to lose. This is exciting.
  23. Ms skinniness

    clumsy post op?

    It's a side effect of ketosis. This happens to me at times also I find myself starring off to no where land too... LOL Also sometimes I have struggles with my words coming out correctly. Then I know I need some carbs.
  24. Ms skinniness


    I still shovel my food in at times with no consequences :ph34r: . I am so lucky that it doesn't cause me to throw up. I do get frustrated when eating with family because I finish my meal quickly and then have to watch them eat their food.
  25. Ms skinniness

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    i am so thankful that I didn't have any problems with gas after my gallbladder. I was lucky it was a piece of cake. When my kids were small, I was always thinking about them even when i so needed it. I still do today even with my children being young adults..... It will get better for you. take it easy and focus on healing your body. At least there's no more pain from the gallbladder.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
