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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Trader Joe's and Costco

    I love the organic meats and the nuts....They are delicious.....
  2. It crossed my mind before my surgery...... It didn't happen thank goodness......
  3. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thursday I did a fast day and lost 2 lbs. Today I got on the scale and it said that I was down from 144lbs to 132.2 lbs....Then 5 minutes later I weighed again and the scale said 144.9 lbs. Confusing. Anyways I went to a support group today with other members from VST and some that are 2 years post op mentioned that they would like to join our group too. Iegal and sleeve4me and darla. They are excited about this group too. Thankful I can finally access this vst again. Boy have I missed you guys.....
  4. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops you look totally awesome! Love the dress and tan.....
  5. Ms skinniness

    Binging or just plain eating bad

    This is an experience that you can learn from. Look at what was going on that trigger eating the wrong types of food. Can you go through your cub boards and get rid of all the bad foods? Just keep proteins, veggies in the house and pack your lunches for work (if you work). Refocus on the beginning stages of your diet for this. I also recommend making an appointment with your NUT. Perhaps seeing a therapist will help develop new coping skills to change these behaviors. It is not too late.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Considered a vet ?!

    Being a vet and getting feedback from other vets is important to me. I am 20 months post op and do consider myself to be a vet. Yayyyy! The process of getting where we all are now. This part of the journey is harder than the beginning phase.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    I have only vomited 1 time and that's really recent. I ate too much and I had taken a Tylenol with cod. Between the two, I got really sick and had a dumping episode.
  8. I am almost 2 years PO and I still have to be careful what I eat because I will gain weight back. It's not like it was before the surgery but it's still a challenge. If I eat foods that are high carb, or slider foods, then I will gain weight. So i love my new skinny body and it simply amazes me all the time. So I choose to not eat breads, pastas, potatoes, rices and food that have high sugar because I know that I don't want to lose what I have. If I eat a piece of candy, then I start craving sugary things and it's a vicious cycle. I know that I am a food addict and for me, I have to keep to a Paleo type eating style. The only exception is when I have a protein shake or a protein bar, and even then, I have to limit myself. I have had to change my view point numerous times on my journey and have excellent feedback for vets that I listen too. I've also seen others come and say they are not going to diet and eat in moderation and some succeed and some fail. THe sleeve is a wonderful tool, but it's your stomach and not your brain. So I just to give a little reality here. The easiest part of this journey was the first year and a half. Now I have a course and I plan on staying on it........ CONGRATS everyone on your success!
  9. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    Wow, I am so impressed with with this 5:2 diet that I will be doing this to maintain. I had just settled on being in maintenance and having my weight be 145 lbs. Well yesterday I did not plan on doing a fast day, but ended up fasting by the end of the day. I ate just a bit over 500 calories. I woke up this morning and I got on the scale and was at my lowest ever. I weighed in at 142.2 lbs. Now i will be excited if it stays off tomorrow. So I'm dancing in the rain! Yayyyyyyyy! it's funny how when I settle things start moving. I think that losing weight is my obsession now and will have to be to stay skinny....... Or should I call it my new addiction.....
  10. Ms skinniness

    Feel crummy in the AM

    Sometimes in the morning I would feel weak and dehydrated and a little bit dizzy. I drink everything I wake up and that seems to help.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    I do see my face as deflated. Lol I don't like it and i am contemplating a face lift but not sure if I want to put out all the money for it. I am at an age where I too am almost 60. Such tough decisions to make. Lol. My stomach looks like a deflated muffin, skin on my thighs is loose. And I can reach back and grab a big fold of skin. but I look really good in cloths.
  12. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when your eyes off the goal. Hannah More

  13. Thank you for these articles.....it's interesting how fatty foods sooth are sad emotions and it was a coping skill that helped me get fat. now it's time to incorporate more healthier coping skills to self soothe and to stay away from the fatty foods. Also mindful eating is also interesting. It hit a spot. I realized that I have basically slipped back into habitual eating habits that need to changed. I am mindful of eating Protein first but not really enjoying the food. Just became automatic......So back on the boat to better mindful eating habits.....Starting this moment.....
  14. Ms skinniness

    Random question >.<

    I love this journey. You are doing really well so keep it up and each day will get better and you will be getting skinnier and healthier tooooooo! CONGRATS!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Surgery in 2 hours

    This is the scariest part of your new journey. CONGRATS! I can't wait for you to sit next to us on The Big Loser's Bench!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Resistence Flexibility

    Interesting read. I will definitely have to get the book. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Ms skinniness

    3 weeks post op excercise experiences?

    My doctor said to just walk and no lifting or other exercises for at least 8 weeks post op....
  18. Ms skinniness


    I have just noticed the other day that I have lost some weight down there an am a little boney. I do have some loose skin hanging in the pubic area though. But if I got a tummy tuck, I'd be just perfect down there. LOL
  19. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I so need some crystal light energy, I'm always forgetting to take my Vitamin B12 Sl tablet. Now I can drink it everyday......YAYYYYYYYYY
  20. Ms skinniness

    Dumping Syndrome Horror Story

    I was walking through Costco today to do a little bit of shopping and I was reflecting on this website. My earlier post talked about eating a lot (more than normal) and taking a Tylenol with cod. That was such a horrible experience and I never want to experience that again. so as of today, I am going to start being hypervigilant that I don't eat to much in addition to not taking the Tylenol with Cod #4. Now I know that my stomach won't stretch, it will just make me horribly sick and I will pass out too.... This episode has not happened to me under after a 1 1/2 years post op. Kind of scary.
  21. Ms skinniness


    I would go ahead and do the diet because if worst case scenario, then at least you will be sure your liver has shrunk which is safer for surgery.
  22. Proud Grammy I'm so sorry to had to experience an unprofessional ignorant person. I believe KARMA will take care of you while you continue to be skinny and proving her wrong! You rock that sleeve and that beautiful body of yours......
  23. Swizzly I love this about you. Very positive and proactive. Maintenance is something I need to learn and to stay in the moment of today. Today I had a stressful person that put me over the top and I found myself eating when I wasn't hungry.... so now I'm reigning in that monster and recognizing it. This is such a process....this veteran site really motivates me and keeps me focused. Can't let those old emotional reactions take over either. I am the master of skinniness and I pray that I can keep it......
  24. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    OMG goal pics? I've been thinking about it and will just do it next week sometime. i will be leaving socal on Wednesday morning and driving the coast line to San Francisco and then to Oregon for a couple of days. Will have a friend take pics of me then. BTW Laura don't you live along the Coast? Maybe we might be able to do a meet up. I really want to see your skinniness too. Everyone here has a skinniness to them.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Dumping Syndrome Horror Story

    So what did the hospital say it was.....I had this reaction after taking a tylenol with cod #4. But i passed out also. The one think I noticed is that you are not mindful of what you are eating...... This is the time you need to take advantage of the sleeve and eat high protein with no junk food. Lucky Charms is junk food and it has no nutritional value. Pop corn can get stuck in your staple line because your still healing. Carbonation is really hard on your stomach. Give your stomach a rest today by drinking protein shakes and eating soup if you can. This is a whole new life style and it's hard to make all the changes needed to be successful. This is JMO and I have no judgements here. These are your choices and I hope you make better ones in the future.

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