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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Today is going to be really hard. I am not in the frame of mind to diet right now. I hate that word. I am having moments where I just want to give up. I am in an emotional turmoil and having a lot of head hunger going on. I find myself eating when I'm not hungry too. Today I will be going through the refrigerator and cupboards and cleaning them out of all the crap. On my trip I allowed myself to have those stupid flamin hot cheetos and reese's peanut butter cup. Now I know I need to get back on track. No more head hunger is allowed......I really needed to vent today. My rational process is lacking and the emotional side is rearing it's ugly head. Oh well, need to snap out of this pity party and celebrate life and my skinniness. I will lose these 5 lbs. Going to the park to walk and the mall later on....
  2. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I love this town. I wish I could move there......I will be back to visit my adopted family in a couple of months and perhaps we can meet. It would be a lot of fun. I stayed at the Motel 6. What a small world.....
  3. Georgia you look so good!
  4. Ms skinniness

    All i want right now....

    Head hunger is the worst to fight. I can convince myself of anything. I am addicted to sugar and am detoxing from it right now. This is the time to take advantage of ur sleeve and u will burn fat quicker if u stay away from carbs. After the 6 month mark weight loss will slow down. It all about the choices that we make right now.
  5. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I don't see why they can't go in and remove the stretched out fundus these days........ At my surgeon's office they are looking into redoing the sleeve to tighten up the sleeve.....on the other hand, this doesn't make since to me because other surgeons say that sleeve's under a bougie of 40 and is cut in a straight line can not be stretched. Just got back from Coos Bay Oregon and my scale said I gained 5 ******* lbs! So tomorrow is my fasting day and getting back on track. this is going to be a life long thing. Got to get back down to 145 lbs.......
  6. Ms skinniness

    My review - 3 later! Sorry, it's a bit long!

    Just got back from a long trip and have not been able to check in on what's going on with everyone. Coops I am so pleased to here that you have come to loving who Coops is! You are totally awesome and I really appreciate your sharing. Tomorrow I get on the scale and I'm really nervous to see it. But I will. You ROCk girl!
  7. Ms skinniness


    I do hate the groggy feeling the next morning too. I am very fortunate that Sleep Aide doesn't affect me that way. However, tylenol with cod really does a number on me now.......
  8. Ms skinniness


    Hey Fiddle, I have had difficulties with sleep for quite a few years and have prescriptions from doctors to help with my sleeping and then a receptionist at the doctor's office mentioned Kirkland's Sleep Aide. I bought some when the doctor's prescription didn't help much and it was the best sleep aid I had tried. It's pretty inexpensive too....
  9. Ms skinniness

    The 5:2 diet

    It's interesting when I read that others are calling themselves a failure because they went over 500 calories on their fast days, I think "no that's not a failure, it's success..." But when I do it, "it's another failure!" I know that we are human and even when I ate over 500 calories on a fast day, I still dropped some weight. So even though I recognize this, I still beat myself up. I really need to love myself like I love everyone else on here.......That actually eating more than 500 calories on a fast day is what it is and it's a lot better than eating 1200 calories, plus I see the difference the next day.....I am working on loving myself more than I love food. These are my thoughts and we are all beautiful people working on the same goals. I'm just so afraid I will let my guard down and gain weight back. Such a fear to struggle with for the rest of my life........ Phew, I've got that off my chest. BTW I will be gone for 8 days too and most likely will not be fasting. If I get a chance I will be checking in to see how everyone's doing.
  10. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Today was such a failure for me. I have been so ready getting ready to go on my road trip tomorrow. So I just decided to postpone my fast to another day. Looking forward to traveling and getting away form Southern California for a while. I will be using the gyms at the hotels if they have any to burn calories and planning on eating high protein and little carbs..... I can do this....
  11. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Laura you absolutely fabulous and skinny too!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    I was thinking about how lucky I've been not having the slimes and throwing up and then I realized, I have experienced this one time and it was the most grossest thing I've ever experienced. I never want to push my limits again. I was so sick the rest of the night and I blamed it on my pain medication which wasn't the case at all.... Thanks everyone for helping me get this insight...
  13. Ms skinniness

    Really upset

    This is normal. It's called the 3 week stall. Don't stress try and sit back and let it happen.
  14. Ms skinniness


    I didn't sleep for the first 3 days and went to urgent care and got some Tylenol with cod elixir. It helped me sleep thank god. Felt 100% better the next day after sleeping.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Georgia you look fabulous! Love the Yaya's!
  16. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    As I read this I started to get really emotional and tear up. These are sins of our parents and how they affect who we are today. I've been replaying some past scenes in my relationship with my parents and how I take something like "your too skinny" as a really young girl and all the neglect I had too. I learned to fill boredom with P&J sandwhiches at an early age. My parents were so toxic I had to just plain outright divorce them from my life. Thank God they moved to Ohio and the only contact I had was over the phone and a few horrible visits.....Well that's over and I am in such a better place today. I just wish i didn't have this addiction for sugar and foods...... Today I will be fasting with 500 calories. I ate some baked potato chips yesterday and gained about 2 lbs......I know it's Water weight because of the salt. But I'm not too concerned about it bc i actually didn't have any throbbing in my calves last night and now I believe the throbbing was because my body does not hang on to fluids unless I increase my salt intake....Yayyyy no restless leg syndrome. I am focusing on shifting from Protein Drinks to cooking and preparing real foods. After all, at least I can control what's in my food and eliminate all the sugar that's added to improve taste of processed foods. Oh and calories also.....Time to get unlost in my food habits....... FYE, careful with those Mars bars I don't know if I could resist them. LOL
  17. Ms skinniness

    Small servings?

    No I use small dessert plates or a dessert bowl and it still fills me up.
  18. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cheri it makes me sad that your DH might be deployed. I'm going on a road trip for a week and I will miss my husband real bad. Ccngrats on your 3 year anniversary too. You have done really well especially having a baby too boot. I am amazed on how much you as far as baking and cooking. I can hardly get myself to plan. I need to be eat home cooked meals and stop the processed premier shake and protein bars . Anyways tomorrow is my fast day and the next week I will not even attempt to fast being on the road and visiting friends
  19. Ms skinniness

    Vets: Calling all consistent loggers on MFP!

    I'm dorrierobles2003@yahoo.com I have gotten lazy but need to start up again.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Full fat, low-fat, or fat-free?

    I don't really do sf or lf anymore. I eat so little that i don't think it really matters. I do try to stay with things from the earth and will eat cheese. I read all the labels and buy products with no added sugar. Sugar is toxic it for me so i work at avoiding it. The only exception I have is the whipped cream. I crave that stuff too....LOL
  21. Ms skinniness

    Shoe size?

    I lost in shoe width and now I'm losing 1/2 a size, my 8 1/2 shoe keeps slippin off my feet......
  22. Ms skinniness

    WLS People Problems

    My slacks at work were fitting really good in the am and then by the afternoon they were falling off and extremely baggy standing in the hallway..... Oh an I have FUPA that hangs over my pants too.....Oh an having a doctor look at a subaceous cyst and seeing my muffin top. LOL Poor urgent care doctor....
  23. Ms skinniness

    8wks post-op, down 33lbs but hubby hasnt noticed!

    My husband doesn't say anything to me about stuff like this.... I have to drag it out of him, and then I'm like really, and then I let him know how it affects me. He's like hummmmm? They are clueless when it comes to this....So I am very forward and direct with him and my children which really bothers them a lot.....But I'm am ok with that, how else will they learn.....I love my man, he is extremely intelligent with a very high IQ, but lacks IQ in most areas.....go figure. So that's where we come in and fill that void for them....where would they be with out us women! Sorry guys, I know that not all you guys fit into this category. I know Fiddle doesn't from his postings...
  24. Ms skinniness


    Soup and maybe some beans........
  25. Ms skinniness

    Bypass vs Sleeve?

    I choose the sleeve because it was less invasive and the thought of malabsorption is really horrible. I also know that you can stretch the pouch. But over all, you can gain weight back with the bypass or the sleeve. It depends on what you chose to eat. The surgery is on the stomach and not the brain. I am diabetic and my blood sugars are within normal ranges too.......

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