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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT I think that 800 is still a fast no matter which way you look at it bc it's a lot less than you usually eat.... Hope your feeling better Georgia and you keep you loss tomorrow. Laura good job fighting the head hunger. Coops I am amazed you went all day without eating.... For me, I gave in due to a lot of stressors. I know it's a cope out but will do better on my next fast day. I'm still down to my high bounce which makes me happy. I will be getting in a lot of physical exercises this weekend....
  2. Ms skinniness

    One year Anniversary

    You look so skinny! Congrats
  3. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Doing the 5:2 fast day today. Had a quest bar for breakfast, went to my office and stopped and bought some chili flavored peanuts for my trip this weekend. I ate 1/2 a bag and logged it in MFP. I'm already at 315 calories. I almost gave myself permission to eat a normal day until I read Laura's post. Dammmmm, I was copping out. So decided to stay on track and start drinking a lot of fluids because I have been neglecting that for the past few days. Thanks laura for the reality check......I needed that.
  4. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I do have a bounce and it drives me crazy. I know that if I eat what i want and am not careful, i do gain weight. Somedays I get into a funk and graze all day. I realize I'm doing it when I do, and then later it hits me, I hadn't drank my required Water. So I work on eating Proteins. Lately I've been really enjoying salads a lot. I still watch what I eat and even have to cut back on the nuts too. I will always have to eat a certain # of calories. The bariatric team at Kaiser told me that I am an anormaly now and the rules for people with intact stomachs are different. I will always have to watch what I eat. Georgia, you are 100% correct....
  5. Ms skinniness

    Scewed Perceptions?

    Mindful, Congrats on being open and giving your opinion. I rather fall in the same opinion as you. I also know that a lot of the people that return to his/her old eating habits will gain his/her weight back too. So I choose to eat healthy 90% of the time. They will cause an uproar because they struggle with the choices they make. It is important that someone does challenge them because that gives them something to think about. If they get upset and attack you, remind yourself that you were honest and upfront and on the right page to getting a healthier you. So congrats on healthier thinking!
  6. Ms skinniness

    check up went very well

    Jane you have done a fantastic job! Congrats! I love that your surgeon gave you all the information you shared with us. The part about stretching our sleeves scare me. Sometimes I have over eaten and feel miserable. I do notice more restriction after a fast day too.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    This is so true or me too. My arms even look ropey! LOL. I do look at men my age and wonder what the he** happen. How come they are not taking care of themselves? Then again, it's "All about Me" again. Hehehehehe..... My face is more a drag for me right now. I do know that a lot of it is in my head! LOl I love this site, it makes me laugh.
  8. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD this is so encouraging. in some ways I'm finding myself just resigning to the fact that i won't weigh 145 lbs again. I know it's in my mind set and I need to refocus! Like today.....not tomorrow..... Anyhooooo, Congrats! When does your cast come off? You will be there before you know it!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    Actually my adopted mom is very short.....I'm 5'6". I do feel tall to a lot of others though.... LOL I really hate pictures of myself.......even being skinny like I am now.....
  10. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Since going on my trip to Oregon, I can't get back on track with logging on mfp. I am determined to log today and to measure my foods as well....Last night I ate a slice of pizza and wow did my stomach not like it at all. I have found myself eating a lot of nuts and will be stopping that today. I need to have 3 meals a day and stop this snacking in between. When I snack, my head tells me I haven't eaten so I think I eat more. So 3 meals it is and measure all nuts that I eat. I fear how many calories I am eating, they add up so quickly. Tomorrow is my fast day......I will have it planned out by tonight..... I'm still at my high bounce range too.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    I forgot to attach it, so here it is.....
  12. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    Lately I'm finding that I am really bothered about the loose skin on my face, arms, stomach, and thighs. I feel like my face looks older than ever these days. I recently had some pictures taken with my childhood friends and wow, we all look so old now. LOL I'm 57 years old. My one friend that is the same age as me looks younger to me bc she has less wrinkles on her face....She is working on losing 100 lbs right now by eating a 1500 calorie diet. She is doing really good with sticking with it too. Now I will go get a face lift after the 1st of the year. I wonder if I will ever be happy. I will be brave a post a pic of myself and my mother who is my adopted mom. She is an awesome woman that has been a great influence in my life......
  13. Gosh I totally missed it. I love Cheri's and Laura's response It is possible to get back down to maintainence by reducing calories. Several members on here are eating 500 calories 2 days per week and it had been very effective on weight loss. I hope the OP will consider trying this
  14. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I don't have younger children but I have a 25 year old daughter and and 31 year old son living here and my daughter has learned to eat smaller portions and my son fluctuates back and forth. But recently I find him telling his girl friend that she needs to cut her portion sizes down. So they are learning by watching their mom still. BTW, sons girl friend is addicted to food also and is putting on weight now. This really pushes my buttons too. Fear strikes it's ugly head.... I thought this too and then one day I was mindlessly eating and got a HA. I thought that I would take a tylenol with Cod to stop the HA with 2 bites of a Protein Bar. I had been so proud of myself for getting in more than 100 ozs of Fluid too. well, short story short, my stomach started spasm, my colon started spasm, I thought it was from the Tylenol with Cod and had the intention to go into the bathroom and throw it up. I got dizzy, passed out on the floor, woke up as my right leg was in mid air, started throwing up and had severe diarrhea at the same time. I was a total mess...... Looking back, I realized it was the first time I had ever slimmed too......It was totally gross........I still find myself eating mindlessly. I know that I need to measure my food out but am too lazy to do it. I need a swift kick in the behind to stop this........ so, remember, dumping can still happen this far out.... I'm holding stable at my highest bounce and will be fasting tuesday again. I really need to get back to 150 lbs. Today I will be preparing my foods for the weeks and not eating out. Premeasured foods to be thawed out on a daily basis...... Now all I need is the discipline to stick too it....
  15. Ms skinniness


    I've heard of the ketogenic diet and know that it's very affective. You have worked very hard to lose your weight and I know you will Rock the Sleeve when the time comes......you are determined....that equates to success!
  16. Ms skinniness


    What I find interesting is when I share with people that I have this surgery, people instantly report to me how much weight they've lost. I congratulate them and tell them how happy I am for them. I keep a positive outlook on it. I do want to ask them how often have they lost that 40 lbs and did it stay off......my sil told me she didn't gain her 70lbs because she was drinking some kind of mexican tea......?????? She has had a problem with me ever since I married her bil. It's her insecurity as well. Sorry for the rant............ I love my sleeve...
  17. Ms skinniness


    Same thing here. My husband was eating my leftovers but was gaining weight so now I won't let him eat off my plate. I take it home and he takes it to work the next day.....this is basically his decision...perhaps he's learning from me for the past 2 years.
  18. Ms skinniness


    Congrats on your ditching your addiction for food. I know that I am addicted to food and that it still hinders me. I am a therapist and even with all my coping skills to deal with the addiction, it is still there. I have to resist anything that has sugar in it because my brain wants more. In the first 6 to 7 months, this wasn't a problem for me. Now I do struggle with it a lot. Once again congrats on your success of kicking your addiction........
  19. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow, you are in a small! That's fantastic! That is really tiny....I know it doesn't feel that way in our heads, I still look at my body and see a big body too........hmmmm I'm beginning to have issues with my body image now....lol.....I love that your wearing a small now! CONGRATS! the weight is dwindling down now from my vacay......whew......I'm at my high bounce and tomorrow I will do nothing but Protein and monday is my fast day.....I do struggle with keeping it at 500, those Protein Drinks pack a lot of calories in them.
  20. Totally awesome Ms Kathy! You are totally Rockin that Sleeve!
  21. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    FYE I'm so happy u have lost 10 lbs! That's fantastic.
  22. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I wasn't able to follow through with fasting yesterday but did drop 2 lbs so now I'm at 148.2 lbs........My carb demon is so bad that I decided to just do an all protein day with protein shakes and cheese..... laura I remembered you saying that it took you 2 weeks to get your carb monster under control after your vacation and I was having a lot of head hunger too. SO the protein day was really good for me. I'm sure it was over 600 calories though........ Cheri i love your thought processes and it's really hard to keep on track with being up in the air about the possibility of your DH being deployed and step kids along with ex wife issues too.....I love how you do have things under control when making your wonderful baked goods..... Swizzly I do understand the bounce so we are all in the same row boat together......you will get to the 160's with your determination..... Coops you've lost 7lbs and that's fantastic! you are looking fantastic too......Rock on! Georgia you have done exceptionally well toooooo! Keep it up! Everyone else on here is doing really well also! Keep Rockin it!
  23. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    i will stick around, I do not want to give up right now but it would be so easy. I want my 5 lbs off even if it takes me a few months. I have to get the sugar demon out of me. I allowed myself to eat candy and cheetos and I know they're just plain evil.....today I am eating Protein Shakes and a small bag of peanuts. Now I will focus on getting in veggies and some salami. I do need to exercise and am going to go check to see how much paint I have so I can finish painting the bedroom my nephew hasn't finished. Gotta keep busy. Hope your baby is feeling better after his immunizations..... Thank you everyone for your encouragement, it puts me back where I need to be......this is a great support group! Dorrie
  24. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It would be awesome to meet you Oregondaisy........ Will be back in a few months and will get in touch then.....

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