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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    5:2 Folks!

    absolutely fascinating! I will be fasting for the benefits of cognition functioning as well. I am not sure about cutting back on my proteins though. What is your opinion on cutting back on proteins?
  2. Ms skinniness

    5:2 Folks!

    I just tried to watch it and it was not available for viewing. I will have to try it again.
  3. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Did you ask them how much your new cast weighs? sorry it's so tight..... This sounds like a wonderful vacay. Enjoy, the excess will fall off when you get back on track. I will have to go watch the video on the 5:2 diet but dread the hour to watch it. LOL
  4. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Have a wonderful trip my dear! You so deserve it.... Hope you hear more about your adventure on vacay.....
  5. Ms skinniness

    Why maintenance is so hard...

    Cheri I really love how you process your thoughts on here...very well said and so many of us have the same struggles too. I can't do moderation so I do try and stay away from junk foods. But I do go out an get some every now and then. It has gotten me in trouble but i did reduce 1/2 of the weight gain. I know I need to increase my exercise more to burn more calories. I have just begun my maintenance phase and look forward to hearing more experiences with maintenance too.
  6. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    These are a lot of stressors and I love how you look at the positive too. this is life, the good and the bad. Happy to hear your DH has beat his cancer....my DH had cancer in 93 and has been clear of it ever since..... Yayyyyy.....Now the step kids mom has diagnosis of cancer is sad. More drama to come. you have done really really good handling all the roller coasters you had coming your way. CONGRATS!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Stress cravings

    Yesturday my client was boiling some eggs and forgot about them. I swear it smelt like toast to me.... It smelt pretty good too....I wasn't even stressed that I recall. I do know that when I smell something cooking, I still want to eat even when I'm not hungry...When I am stressed, look out, because I will try an eat the kitchen, if at a restaurant and I'm really hungry, I will still order the biggest meal and can only take a couple of bites......
  8. Ms skinniness

    heartburn after two years?

    I have noticed that I get hungrier more often these days and I think it's because of my stomach acid. When I take my omeprazole I feel a whole lot better. So I put it with my assortment of multivitamins I take everyday. When I do have spaghetti sauce, I do get a lot of heart burn happening.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Interesting data on protein and yoyo dieting

    I have read articles about yo yo diets ruining our metabolism and articles that dispute that. Muscle does burn fat as stated. I do know that I do not want to yo yo diet anymore, I'm so tired of it. I want a healthy eating style/habits that will help me maintain where I'm at today. i know that I need to exercise to get things moving. So I'm going to go get dressed and take a walk in the park.
  10. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am never in the 500 range. it's mostly in the 600 and it works....... I do get hungry and then I will eat some protein...
  11. Ms skinniness

    Depressed, disappointed, regretful...

    I only had a moment of regret and realized I couldn't change anything, it was done so I worked on getting my fluids in and did have an episode of dehydration. I learned to obsess on getting my fluids in for the past 2 years. Would I Change my decision today? NO. I love my good health and skinny body. It rocks. So it will get better soon. Hang on there and think how good it will be when you feel lighter
  12. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I would have done the same thing probably. Time to give yourself a break, you can always fast on a day with less stressors. You have your plateful right now. The thought of having a surgery on your goiter is terrifying in it's self. Time to take a very deep cleansing breath and tell yourself that "I am doing good with all the chaos. I know that you will handle the stressors better than you would have before wls.. Now it's time to be compassionate with your self and give some space. I trying to do this with myself too.....)
  13. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So how did you do holding off on the foie gras and other goodies? Perhaps you could have them today? This is a hard delimma for me I have little will power at times. LOL I do know that I have lost a total of 2 lbs and is holding steady. Tomorrow is another fast day and the remainder of the weight gained on vacay will likely drop off.....meanwhile I'm just eating proteins.......and veggies.................. Oh I love hearing that others eat pizza like me, the toppings and not the bready part......
  14. Ms skinniness

    Why maintenance is so hard...

    This is hard but in reality, I will have to not lose my focus on this. I need to focus on proteins and eating small portions. I noticed today after fasting yesterday I have more restriction. I really need to focus on eating proteins and veggies. I can eat a ton of candy without any struggles. This is life and I will need to focus on healthy eating habits. I am an abnormally and the rules for me are different than others without wls.
  15. Have u tried Quest protein bars? They feel me up and stick for quite a while.
  16. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Today is such a beautiful day. It feels good when we are getting something accomplished... I weighed in today at at 149.2 lbs. So I need to get 4.2 lbs off to be at my happy weight. Today I am fasting and will try not to eat until lunch time...... Cheri I'm glad to hear your house guest are going, it will be nice to get back into a regular routine and not have to cook so many large meals. You've done a great job too..... Coops keep up the good work and we do store estrogen in our stomach fat when we are in perimenopause, but as we lose weight the estrogen is released into our bodies. Perhaps that's a reason for having a meno. I do have a mireno IUD and I know that that helps with my progesterone levels. Haven't had a period since the surgery, very thankful tooooooooooo.. Laura ad Coops thank you for the encouragement and support, I am really about to just give up and get derailed, but I won't, I'm on trak right now with maintenance.Have a wonderful day everyone.......
  17. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It is so good to read how everyone is doing. I just got back from my mini vacay and am scared to death to step on the scale tomorrow morning. I have been eating everything and it feels like a lot of food. Tomorrow the truth will be known and I will be fasting. I get hungry an hour after I eat and then I eat more.....I started taking my PPI again and i hope it's acid in my stomach causing the hunger and will need to work on the head hunger too. i am working on making food a nonpriority too. Any advice is welcome.........
  18. Ms skinniness

    Psych Eval Gone Wrong

    I know it is devastating to get the news but as a therapist and a person that has had VSG I concur with the psychologist. This is not an easy lifestyle and with all the hormonal fluctuations a person needs to be stable. It doesn't mean you can't have the surgery it means partaking in therapy to develop coping skills to deal with the challenges of what's to come in all aspects of our life. You will have the surgery but will be more prepared. It's also a food thing too.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    Hummmm, perhaps we could get a discount rate for a group of us? LOL
  20. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    this is on my bucket list for sure. Mexico here I come.
  21. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hey, don't worry about the haters! It's their problem, not yours....Time for some TLC for yourself. Let the haters be haters and you keep on movin forward! I think your awesome!
  22. I wish that this was available when i was a newbie.....maybe this can be pinned for easy access....
  23. Ms skinniness

    Wearing clothes...

    I love wearing skinny clothes. I hope I don't ever just settle for anything that fits again. I want to buy the clothes that really touch me and I feel comfortable in.
  24. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OOPS you got side swiped! Yesturday I went to my daughter's work and she was having lunch, she gave me a chocolate chip cookie from subway! I ate it and then bought a chamolian (lizard). I'm like WTH? My punishment was the lizard, then I ate a Protein Bar later. My fast day was a total failure so I will wait until monday. I will be working hard this weekend scrubbine and painting some rooms in the Mountains though......
  25. Ms skinniness

    Looking deflated!

    Thank you everyone.......I know that I am my worst critic and when it's someone else, I believe how wonderful it is have made such accomplishmentments. But when it comes to me, I don't see it. I see myself with different lens. But i am going to be changing this due to all the reality checks I have received here. I have a lot of adjusting to do also. I am thankful for my sleeve and extremely happy that I have accomplished my weight loss. I feel so much better. Paul you look really young to me! Where's the old? I think we both have difficulties with seeing the real picture of us. Yes we will always have loose skin unless we do plastics. and I will have a face and neck lift when I convince myself it's ok to spend the money. I keep thinking about my stomach now too......But will wait until I get more stabilized with my weight and use to doing the 5:2 program. we are all successful on here and look really hot in our clothing. Underneath may not look so hot, but it's better than having the excess fat to carry around with us. IMO.........

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