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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    I did not have a drain and I didn't have a drain. I did use morphine to get me through the 2 night hospital stay. No big deal. I'd so it again the same way.
  2. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Congrats Georgia on reaching GOAL! You totally rock girl! GT hope u have a safe trip to Germany to have your hernia taken care of. I had a really good fast day yesterday and ended the day at a wee bit over 500 calories. I lost 1 lb. I had a slight HA yesterday and this morning but it has gone away now. After reevaluating my most recent eating habits I realize I can not eat anything with sugar. I just have to leave the whip cream a lone. Lol I hate that I can't eat like a normal person. I will always have to embrace clean eating with no sugar, corn products, or soy products. Am cooking more foods now and eating just what I need. More importantly NO MORE GRAZING! This is my world.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Do you tell your PCP ?

    I told my PCP I was going to Mexico for this surgery and he gave me a referral for Kaiser. Best thing I have ever done for myself. He was very supportive. If he wasn't I would have changed to a PCP that is supportive.
  4. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Today I'm fasting too. I was so hungry I had to eat at noon. I think it was mostly head hunger. I can't wait for dinner of crock pot chicken.....
  5. Gosh u have a lot of healthy support here. It is really hard to live with parents but ur there. U don't have to eat junk food laying around the house. Leave the house and only bath and sleep there. Pack healthy foods for the day and stay away from grazing. You have a choice of what kind of food to put in your mouth. No excuses just do it.
  6. I haven't read all the posts but I do know that you already know u can do this. My evidence is ur pants siE drastically changing. U are already a success. It will be hard but u will do it.
  7. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I wasn't able to fast yesterday weird things happening, but today is going to be a fast day. I'm getting myself back on track eating 3 meals a day without deviating and having snacks in btn meals. this is frustrating for me because I find myself eating when I'm not even hungry. Old habits come back fast......
  8. Ms skinniness

    CANCER? Prayers needed

    Mokee my thoughts are with you. I know how hard it is to have a love one with cancer. He had cancer 8 years ago and beat it, I'm praying that he will beat it this time too. My thoughts and prayers are with you. NAMASTE
  9. Ms skinniness

    GRRRRR - So frustrated!

    I was very fortunate that I started with liquids for 3 weeks, then pureeds for 3 weeks, soft foods for 3 weeks, then semi soft for 3 weeks, then whatever I could manage. You are only 4 weeks out so perhaps this is the time to be patient with your tummy and keep all foods in the pureed stage. Your tummy is swollen and in the healing process and it does get better. Perhaps focus on protein shakes if you drink them without getting nauseated. Also increase your water intake as much as possible so your not dehydrated. You have got this far so now it's the time to baby your tummy.
  10. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG this is horrible. To have been in that situation is very traumatizing. How are you doing? It's sad how in an instant our whole world can change around us.......Is there anything we can do to help you....? My prayers are with you and the others there.
  11. Ms skinniness

    In Your Face!

    I like to say that we all probably have someone we want to see us with the weight gone. My biggest one was family members that and others that think they know everything......but basically I refocused to me, because after all, "it's all about me." LOL
  12. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD you are going to have a fantastic time with your bro......The best time will be seeing your DD and grandbaby too....... Yayyyyyyyy LV I am so happy you didn't hurt yourself hitting that log......I love your energy and spunk..... All this talk about Mug cakes drives me to wanting some cake and ice cream....... Well I have been testing the Water here and not logging once again. I've been hitting the whipped cream again and it's not a pretty site. i've proved that I can gain with what I eat. Tomorrow is my fast day and getting back on track. Today I want to get out of this heat and go to the movies...
  13. Ms skinniness

    Bites per min?

    the doctor at Kaiser said it would take him 45 minutes to eat 1/2 a sandwich and I counted out that that is 5 bites. Go figure. LOL
  14. Ms skinniness

    Binge behavior

    I have times when I binge and it scares me. I do beat myself up and then I get back on track. I still try to eat proteins and some veggies. But I find it getting boring.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Bites per min?

    I was told to wait 10 minutes between bites. But I don't I just try to eat slow.
  16. I use to get really annoyed with my DH and a good friend of mine when eating. Gad they eat a lot of food and they just shovel the food into their mouths. I am totally aware that this is my problem so I have to use self talk and remind myself that I'm the one who is an anomaly here now......As far as popcorn, I might have a bite or two but that's it. I hate the chemical syrup they call butter, it gave me a horrible migraine once.
  17. Ms skinniness


    Aleve is an NSAID and can cause havic on your stomach. You HA may be a result of dehydration so perhaps drink as much fluid a you can today, especially Gatorade or any that has electrolytes in there.
  18. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thanks for the clouds, we can really use them here.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Long term prognosis

    The key word is people who have never had a problem with weight do. We are over weight because we can't do this. We are fooling ourselves if we believe we can eat high calorie foods in moderation. At least this holds true for me. One bite and I want more and it plagues my mind like a disease. The majority of us here are food addicts. we love food and for me, there is no moderation. Believe me, I have tried. So I chose to eat healthy and skip the unhealthy foods.....The OP is around a year out and if she can maintain her weight eating like she is, then I want to see pics of her at 2, 3, 5 and 10 years out. I'd be totally happy for her. But we all chose our foods and what we want in life. this is the hard part of the journey....
  20. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It is so frickin hot here! Our air conditioner broke down and it really sucks. I have lost all focus on eating. My DH and DIL were talking about the quality of Knott's Berry Farm's chicken and how it tastes like cr** now.......The cost is also 20 bucks. Never will buy that stuff again. But later had a break down bc my DH ate my Prime rib I had left over from the night before so I had a mental breakdown and went and bought some fried onion rings. My stomach did not like that. haven't had fried foods for a very long time..Don't plan on having any more..... You ladies amaze me with cooking and baking.....I have totally given up on that. I don't eat very much and my DH is doing the Paleo eating and his blood sugar is really under control. So his meals are very basic. My meals are pretty basic too. I am finding myself getting more energized in making my own foods from scratch due to the cr** they put in the premade condiments and other processed foods. I don't eat products with corn or high fructose in them now. The biggest thing I use is the crystal light and the stuff in there is starting to bother me too. So as of tuesday, I will be back to the basics as well and preparing my own foods. Tuesday will be a fast day for me.......Have a great day today and stay cool if possible......
  21. Ms skinniness

    Long term prognosis

    I love how you state things "right to the point ."
  22. Ms skinniness

    I'm alone: I hate this.

    It's frustrating to have this happen. It's been a long journey for you with this leak and all the pain meds. Now to get off will take a little bit of time. Hopefully the road to a full recovery is right at your doorstep. It will get better soon.....
  23. Ms skinniness

    Long term prognosis

    Look at your skinny body! Fantastic!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Twisted Intestines

    I think I would call my doctor if it was me. Pain correlates with problem in body. Plus you will feel better with a medical professional opinion.

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