It's time to get off the pitty wagon. Time to do a reality check. How long did it take you to put on all that excess weight you have? Is it really possible to loose all that weight like over night? And WOW, you just said you had lost 50 lbs! That is fantastic. When you fell off the wagon, you reverted to past behaviors that sabotaged your weight lost. Now get back on the wagon, recognize how you sabotaged your diet, be kind to your self and your body, and choose to make healthier choices. You can do this, after all, you have lost 50 lbs and look fantastic! This is the hardest journey you will ever take, so sit back, read more posts on stalls, and perhaps find yourself a therapist that can help you stay on course. You can do this, you've already done quite a lot to begin with. You have what it takes to make healthier choices. BIG CYBER HUGS!