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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Congrats! You won't be disappointed with this procedure. God speed!
  2. I can't think of anything worst with my sleeve! It saves me every time!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Craving Chocolate ...help

    Chocolate is suppose to have some healthy attributes to it. However, this has sugar and sugar is addictive. Just learned this from 60 minutes so I am trying to avoid sugar. Anyways, try a piece of fruit for the sweetness.
  4. It feels so good to be home. Just got back from the mountain and got a lot accomplished! My goal is to stop eating sugar! I watched 60 minutes and there was a commentary on the toxicity of sugar and how it is similar to Cocaine in addiction. This contributes to obesitty, heart disease, and diabetes. I am vowing to live a healthy new life style that doesn't include sugar. This will be a cballenge, so let's bringit on! Let's rock!

  5. Ms skinniness

    Saving My Own Life

    Way to go. Now you can live a healthier life and enjoy those grandchildren! Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
  6. Ms skinniness

    My 1St Nsv!

    Yayyyyyyyy! Party time!
  7. Love this! Can u give it wife a handicap bc of female fluctuations? I have to bet on good health and a fantastic relationship with u and ur wife! Enjoy and rock that sleeve!
  8. You look so SEXY! Keep Rockin tour sleeve!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Weight Loss Slow

    U will loose it weight. Like others have said, this is not a race It us a marathon. Sit back and take a deep breath and be thankful for receiving this wonderful tool. U will be getting compliments from people about ur weight loss because ur losing inches.... This is a time to celebrate healthy eating and better health! Rock that sleeve!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Not Eating

    My surgeon told me that for the first three weeks after surgery w/o Protein we burn fat. But after w/o protein we lose muscle mask. I know that since being here in the mountains and I had forgot to bring my protein drinks, I have felt drained of energy. I hope u start practicing eating healthy now because u won't develop these new habits w/o beginning today. It takes 28 days to change a habit. This is the first day of the rest of ur life
  11. Ms skinniness

    Not Eating

    My surgeon told me that for the first three weeks after surgery w/o Protein we burn fat. But after w/o protein we lose muscle mask. I know that since being here in the mountains and I had forgot to bring my Protein drinks, I have felt drained of energy. I hope u start practicing eating healthy now because u won't develop these new habits w/o beginning today. It takes 28 days to change a habit. This is the first day of the rest of ur life
  12. Ms skinniness

    Two Nsv's In One Weekend....wow!

    I love these NSV's! Keep Rockin!
  13. Ms skinniness

    I Overcame And I Did It :)

    U look great! CONGRATs
  14. Ms skinniness

    7 Months Post-Op With Pics! :

    Lissa u have really rocked ur sleeve. U look great! Can't wait to see it loss in a couple of months. I really enjoy reading ur posts!
  15. Ms skinniness

    The Secret Of My Success

    I always look forward to ur posts Irene. U have a really good heart. I like ur P's and C's. Your feedback to others are from the heart. Keep up the wonderful things u do. U bring smiles to everyone including me!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Halfway To Goal!

    Keybold I love that your rockin your own boat! Congrats on your successful weight loss! Do you have any secrets for your successful weight loss? Please do share, we'd all love to hear them. LOL
  17. Hi Melanie: So glad that your back! Please accept my condolescents for your family. It takes us to looking into our own life and how we really need to live one day a time and enjoy the precious moments we have with our loved ones. I am so proud of your accomplishments with losing weight. Keep up the good work! Your sister is very proud of you and will always be in your heart.
  18. I went to my surgeon yesterday and she told me I needed to loose 1 to 2 lbs and that I looked really good. But when I look at the BMI chart and lbs. It doesn't correlate with my height. I'm 5'6" and for a big boned person, my weight should be 140ish. But I weigh 154 right now. So I hate to quit and just go on maintenance, So I am really starting to kick up the exercise and start doing some toning and keep doing what I've been doing Oh she also said to increase my water intake and calorie intake. The calorie intake kinda scares me so I will keep a close eye on the weight loss. What do you guys think. Am I at goal, or do I strive for my goal weight of 140?
  19. Coops A 1 o 2 lb loss will bring me to my surgeon's goal, but my goal was 130 lbs. But I realize that I am big bone and then some people who have had plastics report 10 lbs of excess skin, so I am realistically looking at 140 lbs. I know that it is so easy to revert back to old habits. In fact today, I went and had Mexican food and I ate chips & salsa, and a couple bites of my meal. My thinking was like, I down so I can eat this. Thank God for my sleeve, it did provide restriction. But my old thinking was there. This is so scary so I need to just stay focus an see what happens with my weight. thanks
  20. Coops ~ here it is! Hope you get this.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Hey Coops: I am 5'6" and am over weight on the BMI chart. I just started a new topic on it. We are going to kick a$$ and Rock these Sleeves. You look really good in your pic, I need to get one up of myself.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Calling All Experienced Sleevers

    Don't stress about it, just try to work up to 1/4c. Don't push it. Drink as much as your protein drink as you can. As time goes by, you will be able to get more in your tummy. As for your hair, I wouldn't stress on that either, because it is normal to loose some hair after surgery anyways and it will grow back in time. You are doing great! Keep up the hard work!
  23. Ms skinniness

    It's Friday Confession Time!

    Opppppps I've been eating miniature hersey candy bars! I just can't help myself. Oh, and I got a new puppy that is 6 weeks and he's a golden retriever. We named him Monty. I forgot how much work a 6 week old puppy is.... Kinda sad, he's missing his litter mates, mom and dad. Our dogs are like, WTH, get him away from me. LOL
  24. Ms skinniness

    Silly But Awesome Nsv

    I love reading about all these NSV's! They are so fun and inspiring! We are all doing so great! This is the smell of success!
  25. CONGRATS! This is a success! I didn't feel like I had really lost weight until the wind started blowing me around. Also I started doing weird things like walking like I was a little intoxicated because I hadn't adjusted to the new body weight or being at work and the pants I wore that fit in the am was so baggy they would almost fall off. I love these NSV's! There are a lot more to come for you guys! It's awesome. Time to dance the happy dance! Where are my banana's?

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