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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Sleeved 4/11---Back To Work Today

    I went to work about a week after my surgery. It wasn't easy driving to and from and being able to focus an my clients at first, but very doable. CONGRATS! Take care of yourself.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Strength Finally Back! :)

    Fantastic! CONGRATS! Keep up the weight lifting.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Water Pill

    This would be a great time to call your doc's office and check it out with them. Taking a diuretic could cause dehydration and that is not a fun thing to deal with. Never hurts to check with the doc. That is their expertise, so why not use them. Hang in there!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Stand Up Straight!

    I do slouch too! I know that in the beginning it was a way to protect my stomach. But I have no reason to protect my stomach anymore, but I always find myself slouching when at the computer and sitting. As I was reading your post, I was slouching. I really need to work on strengthening my core and that means I need to exercise. So after my dehydration gets straighten out, I will hit the gym and hire a personal trainer again.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Listening To My Husband :)

    This is awesome insight! Yes, do listen to your husband. It's natural to see yourself as the bigger you, but reality is knocking at your door! Let reality in and readjust your picture of yourself as a slimmer, yes smaller, you. CONGRATS! This is an awesome NSV!
  6. Ms skinniness

    I've Failed.

    failure? There's no such thing as failure. Failure is a choice and you have come too far to make this choice. Stand up, brush yourself off, pat yourself on the back for losing 92 lbs and go to myfitnesspal.com and utilize the tool of logging everything that goes into your body. That will help you see your calorie intake, and break down proteins, fats, sugars, carbs, etc. Make the choice to continue your journey with weight loss and drink a lot of water to keep things moving. You can do this, it is a choice. CONGRATS on your 92 lb weight loss, that's like another person!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Meggspeggs~You've been stuck at the 8 month post op mark. Have you tried switching things up like eating more then eating less, varying exercise routines? Drinking more water? This can help alleviate a stall. Keep up the hard work and eat by sleever's rules. Flush your body with a lot of water. You can do this and will my dear. This is called determination. You've got, let's keep going.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    GT ~ You are doing ok if you are only eating 1088 calories. NUT has told me that I need to eat 1200 cal to up my weight loss. I'm so afraid that I'll gain weight that I cringe when I get over 900. Then the guilt sets in. Hummm, this is a vicious cycle. There's really no pleasing me. So I am trying to relax about it. I am working more on eating Protein, protein, protein, low sugar (natural), and working on veggies. I am also focusing more on drinking fluids all day long. This is such a chore for me, but I feel better on a daily basis. Instead of focusing on food and grazing, focus on drinking your Water. Drink more and more and eat on a schedule. I eat in the am, noon, and evening. I sometimes will have a snack and that's fruit. Like yesterday I had a part of a banana. That was completely satisfying. Now I need to work on staying hydrated and exercising. You can do this, you will start losing weight again. Refocus yourself, you can do this. I got your back! Coops ~ I love that your able to sweat. I have never been a very good sweater. Maybe just a little. But have noticed that when I was dehydrated, I wasn't sweating at all, even when in a heated room that was way toooooo hot for me. I will keep drinking fluids every day, all day long and take in fluids in the night too. This is my war now, on dehydration. I want to start exercising as soon as I feel better too. I will do this, I am woman! LOL
  9. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Meg ~ your not lazy. however, I have been struggling with exercising. I think it's because I haven't felt as good as before and just found out that I was dehydrated. So I'm trying to rehydrate myself. I am getting a little sad at my spongy skin, so I am working on just walking more, drinking lots of fluids, and keeping all the sugar out of my diet. I need to eat Protein first, veggies, and cut back on my starches. sorry I got off track. You have done a great job!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Drinking Enough Water Everyday

    Has anyone experience waking up feeling dehydrated? I drink a lot of fluids in the day and when I wake up I'm dehydrated. I would really like to get past this dehydration. I don't drink caffeine drinks or eat candy. This is really frustrating for me. I am totally open to any feedback.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Obesity: The Next Protected Class

    If you are a thick skinned person. Then why all this stress about legisytation? It won't change how people think about obese individuals. I don't want or need any laws saying obese people are handicapped. There not and should be treated as equals. I day let it go.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Am I The Only One That Is Never Sure If I Am Full?

    Hey. It's a lot easier to eat yogurt and can get more in. The time u will feel ur restriction with more dense things like protein. Mushies and stuff are easier to eat more. You all are doing just fine. Keep it up and enjoy ur new journey.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Nsv's I Love My Sleeve!

    Yayyyy! To,e to start celebrating! CONGRATS!
  14. Today I had a Poblano burrito from El Pollo Loco. It was delicious but was too spicy for my stomach. Oh, and I could only eat a couple of bites. ;)

  15. Ms skinniness


    It would be a really great ideal to call your surgeon's office and run it by them. In addition, force yourself to drink more fluids. Let us know how your doing.
  16. cataracks ~ Ouch! Uncle Fester with Hair. Hilarious.... Actually we are our own worst enemies. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You are doing great.....
  17. Ms skinniness

    My Sleeve Is Saving Me

    that Dad has stage 4 cancer. This is going to be am emotional roller coaster for you and your family and will pull at you in all different directions. Take 1 day at a time and pre pack your meals if you can. Glad to hear your not tempted by the junk food places. I'm lucky I worked through that a couple years back.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Not Loosing/ Or High Expectations

    Don't give up hope. My pre-surgery weight was 209 and it came off rather quickly. It all depends on your metabolism. If you think your metabolic rate is slow, then do what you have to do to speed it up. Search the internet for solutions. Plus, the slower it comes off, the better off you skin will be. Your skin will have more time to adapt and will create less hanging skin. That is a big plus! Your doing just fine. Try not to worry or compare yourself to others losses.
  19. Wowwwww~these are all great. so happy to rock my sleeve!
  20. Ms skinniness

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    Sorry, didn't get to finish. I hate feeding the beast. It's the most effective way to stop a behavior is to ignore it. Yep, ignore it. So funny.... LOL
  21. Ms skinniness

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    I love this GT! i HATE
  22. Ms skinniness

    Male Nsv

    Wow! This is fantastic. It usually takes a 30 minute refractory period! You go! LOL
  23. Ms skinniness

    Top 3 Tips For Success

    Yep! Lissa has said it all. Make sure you drink a lot of fluids. Focus on Proteins first, then veggies, and little starch. Walk, walk, walk, and sip, sip, sip. Exercise now to get prepared by developing healthy habits. Enjoy the ride, it is a roller coaster! All good!
  24. Gosh, I am feeling a little bit embarrassed right now, I can't figure out how to reply to people's updates on notification page. Can someone tell me how to do this? I would really appreciate it. Keep ROCKING everyone!
  25. Congrats! I think that you are perfectly just where you are. I would focus on maintenance and healthy eating habits. If you loose more, then that's great, if not, it's no big deal. It's time to be ok with yourself. You look fantastic BTW!

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