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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    What I Just Realized

    I hope that people change the way that they eat and the foods we give to our children as they are growing up. I know that we want to make our kids happy by giving them what they want, but it's better not to have unhealthy foods in the house. I know that my adult kids bring home junk food and I have found myself going into my daughter's room and eating some chips. I even went in there and caught myself mindlessly reaching for candy. I was previously tested my A1C level and discovered that my A1C had increased from 6.0 to 6.3 which scared the sh$$ out of me. Yes, I am still diabetic and no, I can't eat junk food. So now I stay out of their rooms, and don't even entertain the thought of eating unhealthy foods. I know that just because I can eat small portions doesn't mean I can eat junk. So everything that's going into my mouth has to be protein, veggie, and little bit of starches. That's what's going to keep my at a healthy weight.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Just Bought Biotin

    t hair loss is a side effect of our surgery and Biotin will help with hair regrowth. The good news is that the hair will grow out with or without biotin. I take biotin and silica and just read something by Dr Weil about eating foods high in Omega 3's and taking a GLA supplement (primrose). This was not anything related to wls, but for both men and women. I noticed that with me, I am growing a loof hair in private places that I prefer it wouldn't grow. hehe
  3. Ms skinniness


    I was dehydrated and it was scarey as all He$$. I drink G2 Gatorade diluted with water and am able to drink alot more H2O. This really helps. your going to see your Doc today! Sending you healing energy.
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOPS! Today is a day to Celebrate your successes! Yep. I am so lucky to have your caring and support in my journey. Keep it up and have a wonderful day! I thought you might enjoy this!
  5. Ms skinniness


    You've lost 41 lbs. I don't call that slow. That's fantastic! I can tell that your comparing yourself to others. Not everyone is the same and this is not a race. It's a miracle that you have lost 41 lbs in 10 weeks. It does feel like a large amount of time, but it's basically 2.5 months. I'm dancing for you.... Keep it up, you will have stalls, but you will be loosing inches instead.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Sleeves Of Steel

    The Post Op diet is lean proteins, veggies, little bit of starches, and plenty of exercise. I eat: Chicken, beef, pork, protein shakes, eggs, cheese, sf puddings, cottage cheese, cheeses, ham, steak, beans. Dark green veggies and colorful veggies as well, and part of fruits.
  7. Yep, denial is a defense mechanism that protects us from being hurt. It's not exactly healthy, but we all do it. It is really hard for us to look at ourselves, but on this journey, it is extremely important to look at ourselves and face the perils of ourselves. The sleeve is just a tool and can not change our thoughts. Only we can challenge our thoughts by becoming consiously aware of them. This is painful at time, but well worth it if we want to remain healthy and stay slender. It's one person at a time.
  8. Ms skinniness

    My Post Op Pic 4Am Before Sleeve

    Wow you look really good! CONGRATS'
  9. I am so happy you are doing this on ur own. I wish ur dad would have told u no instead of stringing u along. U are woman and will do just fine. So excited for u.
  10. Ms skinniness

    I Was Sleeved Yesterday... Ughhh!

    This is the hardest period of time. But it does get better. CONGRATS!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Insurance Gurus...please Help

    So if u can get approval. Can.u select the 2 step procedure and get the sleeve, then stop there. They can't force u to get an RnY. I like to think out of the box when possible. ;$
  12. Ms skinniness

    Well, I Did It!

    Congrats! I love that ur exercising.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Not Wls Related But I Need Opinions...

    Why not bring gifts for the house warming party. She can still register if so desired.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Day 42,-55Lbs

    Right on! You are really Rockin that Sleeve.
  15. We all struggle with stalls. So I'm pretty much not going to focus on the scales and eat healthy. My weight has really slowed down according to the scale but I'm noticing by stomach has more loose skin as well as my thighs. I've gone down to a size 6 pants . So there's no way your not going to lose weight. Eat protein, protein, proteinn, and if able eat veggies. Eat to live andexercise. Oh it's important to drink a lot of water.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Before It's Too Late

    OMG this is from your heart.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Cross Your Fingers For Me!

    I've for my fingers crossed!
  18. Ms skinniness

    Confession Time

    I am so tortured by fluid intake. It is so hard to consume alot. Ughggggg!
  19. Ms skinniness

    Eating Myself To Death

    This is a food funeral happening. Once u get sleeved, no worries bc the weight will come off. You food tastes will change. U will be ok. Thank u for sharing.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Heart Rate Increase

    I agree with Lissa. This is not something I would worry about but keep a close eye on it. Congrats on your journey.
  21. Ms skinniness

    How Much Can You Eat?

    Soft foods can be eaten in larger guanities than semi salad or solid foods. This is normal. Try not to worry about it. Your sleeve is fine. Follow mindful eating habits. Is the weight coming off? I suspect it is. Hang in there. Contests on your journey.
  22. Ms skinniness


    This is just a bump in the road. I had a BMI like IRS and had similar experiences. I 6.5 months post op and have lost 70lbs. I could not have done this myself with out my sleeve.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Discouraged! :(

    When we stop and think about how long it took to gain the weight. Then it is possible to loose it over night. Your body has it's own rythum and will shed the weight in time. I think u arevdoing great with your weight loss and is right on track. Love ur body an enjoy ur jorney!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Half Way To Goal!

    You are a total winner in this journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
