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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Eating Is No Fun

    Doing great~ Just take it 1 day at a time. This is a major adjustment and will get rather boring and mundane. But the bright side is, pretty soon your cloths will be falling off your butt and you will be shopping. LOL Hang in here.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Night Shift

    Being tired also increases your hunger. Maybe it just that you need to kick up the exercise in your job. Switch it up to keep your body guessing.
  3. After surgery, I was hungry too. It took me a little while to get adjusted, but I did. Does your doctor have you on a PPI for the acid and gas in your stomach? PPI is nexium, omeprazole, etc. That is a great help. If you not on that, please call your doctor and have them clear it for you. Both of you ladies are doing great! Let's Rock the Sleeve's and shed those ugly pounds and enjoy our rides. It gets easier from here on end.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Ok sleeve 4 me! Great job with your weight loss! Love it, and I want to be just like you! Hehehehehe. Today I weighed in at 152.8 and had lost 4 lbs since thursday! I am really having a hard time getting into the 140's but I'm going to do it.
  5. Men are such quick loser's. I wish my metabolism was like my husband's. Let's celebrate your 59 weigh loss! That is monumental. Love it! Cheers!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Easy Way To Increase Veggie/fruit Intake

    This is a really healthy smoothie. Most have high sugar content. Thank you for sharing.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Back In Hospital Again

    Hope things go well for you! Hang in here! Healing energy coming your way.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Wow It Just Really Hit Me Today

    Isn't this journey amazing? There are so many ups and downs both physically and emotionally. I for one, love how much my body has changed. I might not be losing lbs right now, but I am looking really good. Capt Derel, if the USCG doesn't want you, then that's their stupidity. It's their loss. Keep up your journey and look forward to future post! Coops ~ you are looking good! Love your pic, I need to get one of me posted. How much more weight do you want to loose? Oh I mean, inches. LOL I do wonder if I will ever be happy where I land because I use to have the tendency to want whatever was on the other side of the fence. LOL I know that there's no difference though, so I hope to just be happy where I am when I get there. Let's keep Rocking our Sleeves!
  9. Met up with a friend and her external voice told me she couldn't handle my skinniness which was suppose to be her internal voice! It is a struggle for the people that love us. They then have to look at how unhappy they are with themselves. I feel really good about my skinniness! ;)

  10. Ms skinniness

    It's Sad...

    Yesturday I met with a friend and we had breakfast, and she said, OMG, you eat so little. My reply was, I don't need any more any ways. She told me that I need to stop losing weight, I'm too skinny, my scale is incorrect. I told her that I don't care about the scale, I care about inches. She just kept telling me how my scale was wrong! I'm like aren't you hearing me, I'm not going by the scale. Afterwards we went to the mall and did some shopping. SHe kept talking about her fatness. to hear her that way. Then when she was leaving her external voice (should have been internal) said, "I can't handle your skinniness." I recognize that this is her issue and that I was patient by not reacting to her sh$$ and was just enjoying my time. It is quite amazing to watch her little dance and to know that that's her sh$$ and I don't need to buy into that stuff. I love being skinny, and no, I'm not too skinny either. I'm just about the right size (not weight)! And that's what matters to me. When you have friends or family that are struggling with your changes, step back, and watch their little dance they do! It is trully entertaining.
  11. Ms skinniness

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Nortstrums's had some really cute black skirts and blouses.
  12. Blackberry, you have a lot of knowledge in this area. Is it possible that post sleeve the stomach has been irritating the abdominal wall, which could result in a hernia? Just curious. AJguWu I hope things get better for you.
  13. Today I gained 3 lbs since a couple of days ago! I expect to fluctuate at lease 1 to 2 lbs, but 3? Shocked.....

  14. Ms skinniness

    Dr. Aceves

    Wow, Dr Aceves did a great job! Congrats! I love your six pack.. LOL Keep it up.
  15. OMG! I went shopping today with a friend and wow was it nice to buy new cloths! Love it!

  16. Ms skinniness

    Time To Exercise!

    It could take anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks. It would be beneficial if you could not lift any heavy weights.
  17. Ms skinniness


    If that doesn't help then please call you doctor! It's not worth being in pain and fearful there's something really wrong. Let us know how your doing.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Not Enough Protein!

    Well, I hate to tell you this, but you do not have a pouch! You still have approximately 25% of your stomach left. It may stretch some in time, but not all that much. You just have to follow the rules of the sleeve and you will be fine. Under eat your sleeve, don't drink 30 minutes before your meal, or 30 minutes after your meal. Eat/drink your protein first, veggies, some starches and drink a lot of fluids to stay hydrated. This is an amazing journey we are on so sit back, follow the rules, and enjoy the ride. CONGRATS! _
  19. Ms skinniness

    Gallstones?surgery Again?

    I am so sorry you have to have all these complications from wls. Best wishes!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Totally Struggling

    It is really hard to be on shakes with nothing else can u have soups yogurt or pudding?
  21. Ms skinniness

    Drinking After Eating

    It causes your food to pass through your pyloric valve to empty your stomach out and could cause you to throw up. However, I have accidently taken a sip and nothing happen but I don't drink before the meal or after the meal for at least 30 minutes.
  22. I can't believe that biotin and silica are really working! I have hair growing where it's hasn't grown before! LOL

  23. Congrats! As far as supplements, I was told not to take they until about 2 weeks out and then I took pill form with pudding or yogurt. I love the Premier chocolate high Protein drinks that I buy from costco and Sam's Club. You will be anxious right up until the OR procedure and this is normal. This is a fantastic journey so please hang in there. Congrats! on your recovery, it has been a quick procedure for you.... So happy your here!
  24. Ms skinniness

    How Fast Did You Drop Sizes?

    Around month 4 I had to buy new cloths. All my cloths were way to baggy. I started in a size 18 and skipped 16's and went to a size 14. It was a rapid change. I wish I would have gone to the Goodwill but instead went to Macy's and bought a couple of items. Now I wear a size 6/8 pants, Medium blouse. Oh I have bought a lot of bras.
  25. Take it 1 step at a time. Work on getting the 1st meal in which when you have breakfast, as soon as you get up then go from there. It's not going to be perfect, but it will do. It's just changing the old dysfunctional behaviors of eating to new more effective ones. It will take approximately 28 days to ease into this change. But it is highly beneficial to feed and nourish your body in small increments to help speed up your sluggish metabolism. Take your day in small chunks and structure your day around your nourishing meals. It gets easier as you practice this. In fact, even the drinking gets easier. This is going to be for the rest of your life, so today is a great day to commit to this new way of life. Congrats! This journey is worth it!

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