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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops ~ I did buy a new scale and brought it home bc I thought my scale was malfunctioning! Well I step on both scales at different times and the new one was just 1 lb less that my old scale. So that means I can actually keep subtracting 1 lb from my current weight in but I don't. So I took the new scale back and got my money back. There are days when I weight fluctuates and I'm not getting down very quickly. I don't really care any more because I'm liking my skinniness now. But I am going to take this all the way to the bank. I want at lease 10 more lbs at least.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Week 4 Stall?

    Working in the ER is really a hard job emotionally at times. But just keep walking past the scale and tell yourself it's broken. LOL Your diet seems fine. It is hard to get additional calories in when your stomach is most likely a bit swollen still. Let us know what your NUT says and enjoy today. You are fine.
  3. Ms skinniness

    I Love My Kitchen Ninja !

    This sounds so good right now...... Yum!
  4. It was extremely hard for me at first. Now it's a piece of cake. I don't always make the 30 minute mark, more like 20 minutes, but it's never bothered me before. I just do it now and I have never had any trouble throwing up.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Medical Alert Bracelet

    This is where I sometimes struggle. What I have noticed is that Kaiser educates on diet and not taking any NSAIDS, but their educational process is geared towards the gastric bypass. All the medical personal is also slanting toward the GBS too. If I need an NSAID, then my PCP is not going to give it to me because of what they have been educated on about the GBS. Even the nutritionist automatically go to the thought process of the GBS. So I'm stuck. I might look into getting a medical bracelet, but will I wear it? Anyways, I love where I'm at today and will just relax a bit.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Week 4 Stall?

    Can you put the scale out of sight at your work? That way if you don't see it, you might forget about it. Or, you need to train yourself not to act on the impulse of weighing yourself. Try measuring yourself instead. That is the true tool to show weight loss. How many calories are you eating? Do you have a dietician you can contact? It is really too soon to be panicking about your weight loss. This is the typical time that people go into a stall. No big deal. Just smile and know that it's temporary and that you body is just adjusting in inches. Sit back and enjoy the ride. When you get your "skinniness" back, you will be so proud. But this is a journey and your weight will fluctuate some due to fluids.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Questions For Doc

    I had no questions for my doc. I had no complications and I had realized that the doc's all had different opinion's on diet and transitioning to different stages in our diet. So I basically wanted to know if I was doing what I was suppose to. oh I didn't follow the rule on waiting 10 minutes between each bite. I still don't.
  8. Eating lemon drop candies is not creating a healthy eating habit. How about drinking water or eating a piece of fruit? Sugar is totAlly addicting for me and I don't stop at 1 piece. Minimalize all sugars and focus on healthier foods. Now is the time to start. Hang in there and keep us posted.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Just Bought Biotin

    This is kinda soon to see results in a week. I loose hair at different rates on a daily basis. I'm not trying to discourage you. It can happen. Actually, biotin assists in hair regrowth, not stopping it from falling out. Hang in there, no matter how much hair falls out, it will grow back. CONGRATS and welcome to VST.
  10. I take my omprezale daily because if I don't, I start feeling hungry! So it's no big deal to take my PPI. It's more of a safety precaution. It's really no big deal to add it to my supplements.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Ok Time To Be Real With Me..

    Lisa and Cherrybomb has said it all. I for one, have had no pain since the surgery. I have only been dehydrated 1 time and that was my fault for not drinking enough fluids. But overall, I have lost a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time and am estatic about my process. I love my new skinniness. Hang in there, this is a permanent way to manage your new to come skinniness but first the procedure is needed to give you the tool for permanent weight loss to occur.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Hey There Gents!

    CONGRATS! Some people have complications from this surgery but most don't. I have not had any complications except for dehydration 1 time. If you follow your doctor's directions and know that the sleeve is a tool to help you over come a life threatening disease like diabetes, HBP, chloresterol, and other diseases, then you will be just fine. You will love your sleeve. No lies, you will never be able to eat the large amounts you have up to now, but you will eat healthier and smaller portions if you choose to. I chose this procedure because I had diabetes and high chloresterol and history of heart disease in my family. I have lost weight, put weight back on and have always reverted to bad eating habits. Now I'm loving my skinniness and want to keep it. My blood sugar is down to normal. Hawever, my A1C in 6.0 and when my thoughts were telling me that just a couple of mini heresys bars were ok, my A1C jumped up to .3. Yes, I am addicted to sugar, I can't stop at just 1 so now i don't touch them because of my addiction to sugar. That has been life changing for me in many ways. It is normal to have thoughts about "What am I doing to my self," before and after wls. Hang in there. this is an awesome ride and worth it.
  13. Ms skinniness

    So Excited!

    I love that your recognizing that it's the inches that really matter. Don't get me wrong, you have lost 78 lbs and have really lost a lot of weight! CONGRATS! Has your hubby started eating less foods and changed his food choices?
  14. Ms skinniness


    What is you doc's plan? Are you able to eat pureed or mushies? I know that I have eaten yagurt with banana in it and it was delicious with no side effects. You could smash them up and they will be delicious.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Stomach Size 1 Year Out..

    This is a great question. Can anyone tell us his/her experiences? Thanks
  16. Ms skinniness

    Hi Folks

    Kelli ~ fantastic job done! So happy for you. Can you give us some tips on how you've succeeded in losing weight? Love to hear.
  17. Ms skinniness

    The Thought Of Some Food Making Me Sick

    Early on I struggled with my taste buds changing. Now at 6 3/4 th months out, I don't have those experiences any more.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Once Upon A Time...

    CONGRATS! This is an awesome journey with so many life changing events in our lives. Keep it up....
  19. You are in the right place! They will give you TPN if you can't eat. Take little sips at a time and let us know what's going on with you.
  20. Ms skinniness

    4-Days Post Op - Dizzy!

    My PCP told me that being dehydrated thickens our blood and causes very low blood pressure. Getting dizzy is not fun.
  21. I know a few people with gastric bypass that didn't follow there diet, grazing all day long, eating a ton of sugar, and non-compliant with doc's orders. One gained 100 lbs back and the other about 40 lbs. I did give one a copy of the Basic Bootcamp diet from LilMiss Diva. I will have to call her to check up on how she's doing today. Great job on your WLS! I know you will Rock it! please let us know how your hubby's surgery go. Maybe he can also join our little club here.
  22. I don't have any of my old cloths anymore but I caught myself driving home to thinking, what if I gain my weight back? Then I decided, well I can't let that happen so I just have to follow the rules of the sleeve. Eat protein, protein, protein, veggies and no candy. I find myself really wanting candy really bad. I'm so addicted to sugar. Been really good with not eating sugars thank god. We just have to focus on healthy eating and exercise.
  23. It is really hot today or I'm having Hot Flashes from that chili dog I just ate. Hummmmmm?

  24. Ms skinniness


    It could last at least 6 weeks. I went to the ER bc I thought I had a blood clot but didn't, and the ER doc told me I was gassy (listening through stethoscope) and may have a leak. I though WTH? It wasn't he just didn't have any experience with bariatric surgery.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Nsv - I Got A Job! Multiple Offers!

    This is truly an NSV! Congrats on your new found confidence and your new job!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
