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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Post Op Wow

    After the surgery, I didn't have a BM for about 2 weeks. I didn't need to have a BM because I wasn't consuming any solid foods. I used very little pain medication once out of the hospital but was worried and for a couple of days I took some miralax. Not much happened and I just realized that my consumption of food was low.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Lasagna Cupcakes!

    This is a great recipe. My son used some pesto in our Lasagna cupcakes and we only used 2 wontons. It was delicious. He needed a visual so he went to youtube and found some videos on it. I want him to make some really soon. Like today.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    It is a very slow process in losing the last few lbs. My weigh in on Saturday was 150 lbs. My challenge is to get to 146 lbs. So I only have 4 more lbs to go. So what do you all think? Should I increase my calories and keep them in the 1000 to 1200 range, or should I decrease the calories to jolt my system? What works for you? It would be a blessing to be in the 140's. MDGW 146 lbs
  4. I joined a gym and started off slowly. I used a personal trainer to help with core strengthening.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Updated Photos Before And After

    Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! You are really Rockin that Sleeve! You look great!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Question For Sleevers

    Everyone is different. I just take 1 day at a time and I don't ever want to eat 1/2 an omelette. I tried eating 2 eggs the other day and I failed miserably. But was very happy! At seven months out, I eat 1 egg with some cheese and before that I will drink a Premier protein drink.
  7. Ms skinniness

    3 Month Sleeve Anniversary Today!

    I find myself getting repulsed by the way my husband eats. He eats a lot of food and he's diabetic with his blood sugar way out of control. He is always hungry... So I really dislike eating with him now and that makes me really sad. He is a wonderful, supportive hubby who would do anything for me. He is even trying to eat less which is difficult for him. He has the belief that he has to eat everything on his plate and he eats what's left over on mine. So I am taking a lot less food now. Anyways, congrats on losing and thanks for sharing.
  8. Ms skinniness


    So happy for you. CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! We will keep your seat warm. CHEERS!
  9. Ms skinniness

    I'm 1/2Way To Goal. Where Are You?

    I have about 10 lbs towards my own goal. That's 10 lbs if I'm big boned, or 20 lbs if not. However, I have far exceeded my surgeon's goal and I am at a normal BMI. If I didn't loose any weight, I would not be crying over it. I am looking great and getting a lot of compliments. I love it.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Halfway To Goal!

    Isn't it a good feeling to be halfway to goal! Cheers to your success! and many more to come.
  11. Ms skinniness


    I notice that I can drink more when using a straw. I do have to not rush it though. It does get better.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Hip Pain?

    I don't have much flesh on my arse, and it does get really uncomfortable sitting for over a short period of time. I like getting up and stretching, walking to the restroom at 30 minute intervals. Helps relieve the pressure on our bottoms and hips. The stretching is extremely important right now to help strengthen your core muscles.
  13. Ms skinniness

    &@$? What Is Up With My Scale

    I am still losing weight in little increments according to the scales. But I feel totally great. I got a compliment from my niece telling me that she didn't recognize me and she had to ask her dad who I was. Totally amazing and such a great feeling. I work on not weighing myself everyday but will 2 times a week and I don't get stressed when my weight has gone up. I'm so happy with my new cloths and they are so cute. I am still losing inches in some places and that's great. So overall, I guess I'm really beginning to enjoy my journey now and strut my stuff. The lbs will come off and you will loose inches. Just drink as much fluids as you can to assist in flushing it out. CONGRATS!
  14. I had an awesome NSV today! My nephew's 22 year old daughter told me how great I was looking. She told me that she didn't recognize me at first and had to ask her dad who I was. So happy! :)

  15. Ms skinniness

    My Journey So Far With Kaiser

    I had my surgery by Dr Kelly Francis. I have lost about 73 lbs and have had no complications. Congrats! Wow your surgery was scheduled really quick.
  16. Millisecond had posted her Basic Boot Camp
  17. Ms skinniness

    **please Help With Protein Question**

    Yes,it's isopure vanilla powder. It tastes really good too. I get my recipes from eggface and youtube. They are delicious.....
  18. Ms skinniness

    So...am I The Only One..?

    Why do we cheat? I know that I made a choice to have this procedure with all the risks so that I can have a healthy body with no commodities. Now that I'm under a lot of stress since this morning, I have a lot of head hunger and I just talked myself into eating some stupid do-nut holes. Yep, stupid do-nut holes with sugar! Yikes......I really want to stop this stupid cheating. I just want to eat normal! Sorry for the confession. I posted earlier that I have stayed clear from all sugar, but then had a weak moment. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So angry and yet forgiving of myself. I need to stop these stupid behaviors.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Fyi, A Pound Of Muscle.....

    A lb is a lb. I really like to get rid of by excess lbs.
  20. Ms skinniness

    **please Help With Protein Question**

    I use isopure vanilla for baking breaks and protein pancakes. It taste really good.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Husband's Sweet Words

    My DH doesn't use many words but his actions are even better. He has changed his eating habits as well and eats more healthy. But he still eats way toooooo much! I still get kinda grossed out by how much he eats so I just tell him that it freaks me out. Poor guy! But at least he's willing to make some changes. I love a man with words like "your getting skinny!" That's enduring.
  22. Ms skinniness

    25 Pounds Down, 75 To Go - Picture

    Hey you are really rockin that sleeve! Congrats! Can't wait to see more!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    You might be getting a but. Are you getting enough protein and fluids? Eat clean, meaning more organic, bright colorful veggies and meats that are more lean. Keep it simple and see if this boosts your energy level. When I don't get enough fluids, I start getting light headed, head aches, and my stomach has a tight feeling to it. Then I get confused not knowing if I'm hungry or thirsty. And then sometimes, we are just tired.
  24. Ms skinniness


    I am a horrible diet coke, diet pepsi addict and I am not even going to try it. I drink G2 gatorade low cal mixed half and half with water. Or I use mio drops to flavor my water. Will be using lemon juice now for flavor. I like the all natural.
  25. Ms skinniness

    So...am I The Only One..?

    I cheated with a little bit of candy and then got scared. I also started eating mini hershey bars and my A1C spiked from 6.0 to 6.3 in a short time. So I no longer cheat. I don't eat sugar anymore because I'm afraid it will trigger more of an increase in my A1C. I don't cheat anymore because it's not productive. I stay with the rules of eating protein, protein, protein, veggies, etc. Now I find myself wanting more colorful veggies and loving them. I was only cheating myself. Oh, don't get me wrong, my FIL is dying in the hospital and I have had terrible head hunger for candy and pizza. I did go buy some sugar free See's Peanut Brittle and sf dark chocolate with walnuts and almonds. It kinda hurt my stomach though. Right now my kids have donut holes sitting on the counter and I looked at them and told myself, "I'm diabetic, can't eat them." I haven't. Feeling proud, and when my son gets home, he will have to get them out of the house before I give in. LOL Anyhoo that's my story.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
