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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    I Feel So Weak

    Happy B-day! I have trouble drinking water so I mix half low calorie G2 Gatorade with some water and it is a lot easier to drink. In fact, I was about to get more fluids down and it gave me more energy.
  2. I had a lot of head hunger for Taco Bell. But when I broke down and bought a taco, it was the most disappointing taco I had ever had. I found it to be repulsing and have no desire to eat there again. Oh, I couldn't believe their taco's were 99cents. So over priced for nothing. Hummmmm. I use to eat these all the time. Could they contribute to weight gain? TACO BELL bad food! No Taco Bell for me. LOL
  3. Going to a funeral, went shopping at Nordstrum, looked at a skirt and thought, that's really tiny, it won't fit. I tried it on and wow, it fit. It was a medium. Northface jacket arrived, tried it on, sleeves were toooo short, checked the label, it was a SP. It fit except for the length of the sleeves. I had ordered a Medium. LOL :)

  4. Pdxman hit it right on the nail! I only put the most nutritious food in my stomach. I eat protein first, protein second, veggies, and maybe a bit of potato if I have room. I can barely get a few bites in at 7 months post op. Oh and I love my Premier protein drink. It's so easy on my stomach and when I'm full, I'm full. My whole family drinks them including my extended family. Stay with the basics.
  5. Ms skinniness

    When Can I Ride My Motorcycle?

    Remember, you can't lift anything over 10 lbs. So if you have to lift her, then please wait. Hate to see you hurt yourself.
  6. Ms skinniness

    I Miss My Motorcycle!

    Soon! Let your incisions heal and take it slowly. No driving when on medications for pain. Enjoy your new sleeve. Welcome!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Ok..going Back To The Straw Issue..

    The straw makes it easier for me to get more fluids down in a shorter period of time. I have no discomfort. Maybe the no straw is slanted towards the RnY procedure. LOL
  8. Ms skinniness

    So Very Annoyed! Not Losing

    You really need to get more protein in. Have you tried the Premier Shakes? They are delicious. Look on youtube.com and they have recipes using protein powders that are delicious! Protein is a vital must to help your body maintain muscle and for cell repair. You eat more protein and you will lose more weight. I know it's hard but this is for the rest of your life. You can do this!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Relationship Troubles

    In my professional opinion, it is time to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with him. On of the issues that is on the table right now is that if your not physically attracted to him, meaning you get get aroused by looking, that's a complete deficit. If when you first met and you experienced that arousal, then that's a plus. If you have never had that arousal by sight in the beginning, you will not experience that now. However, I do hear that you are kind of repulsed by his inability to take care of himself. Tell him that this is a deal breaker for you. See if he gets motivated and starts to take better care of himself. I get repulsed by my hubby's eating large quantities of food which affects his diabetes. I keep telling him to eat less and I bug him about his blood sugar levels. I even have him go walking with me when he can. One of the things I highly recommend is that you talk with him about going to some kind of counseling to help address these issues. They will not disappear on there own. This is a tough decision to make, but without the proper help, your relationship with him will end. If you have any questions you are welcome to PM me and I will do my best to answer them. Relationships are the most difficult to keep going. Hang in there, you have done a great job taking care of yourself.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Will Your Sleeve Hold More Liquids Than Solid Food?

    Anakin, why would you do that? Drink while eating and have the food pushed through your stomach? I avoid this at all cost.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Exercise Nsv

    You rock! This is totally inspiring me also! Thank you so much.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Being Real 9 Weeks

    You guys will be really close to goal by Xmas! No worries. Just follow the sleeve rules and keep all carbs really low. Eat a lot of proteins and omega 3 rich foods. Drink a lot of water too.
  13. Ms skinniness


    I was totally constipated. My stools were really hard so I started using fiber supplements. They helped somewhat so I switched to Colace at night. That really helped. I even started eating some foods with fibers and that was beneficial. Its getting a lot better now.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Weight Loss

    Wow! you lost 27 lbs! That is fantastic! Congrats and have enjoyed you input. Thank you for being there for me in my rough times.
  15. This is a fabulous roller coaster and very expensive toooooooo! All good! CONGRATS!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Is This Working ?

    We all lose at aur own pace! You are a success and yes, it's working!
  17. Ms skinniness

    Small Nsv's

    OMG! This is a really big NSV! You look awesome! Keep Rockin that Sleeve!
  18. Ms skinniness

    Why We Eat

    This is a turn around. How ever, many many individuals end up with an eating disorder like anorexia because the only control that they have in his/her life is what they put into his/her mouths. It is such a dauble wammy. How about controlling the healthy foods you put in your mouth. Like no sugars, low fat, high protein foods. I have been really good at this until yesterday. My FIL passed away and we are getting things ready for his funeral. The only thing at their house was high carb foods (comfort foods). So I ate it bc I had to go see a client at my office. So frustrated with myself. Today is a new day and I will eat healthy. Meaning, I am only going to put protein in my mouth. No to little carbs. This is how I will correct my inbalance.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Should I Be Worried?

    I would definitely call the DOCTOR!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Not Loosing Weight In Pre Op Diet!

    This is probably a plateau. Like Cookies said, you are shrinking your liver. You are also helping your body get healthier.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Riding Roller Coaster

    sounds like a lot of fun!
  22. Ms skinniness

    Will Your Sleeve Hold More Liquids Than Solid Food?

    Yes, your stomach can take more fluids than solid foods. As you drink fluids, the fluid can go through the pyloric valve into the lower intestine. Food has a tendency to remain in the stomach until digested. I can drink 11oz of protein shake but only eat about 2 to 4oz of dense protein. There are times when the food can be pushed through the pyloric valve by drinking fluids.
  23. Ms skinniness

    I'm Married! Best Nsv Of My Life...

    Congrats! U look beautiful!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Mocktail Mangorita

    Enjoy! This is very low carb. Mocktail Mangorita Fri May 04 | Proteins 0 Fats 2 Carbs Submitted by: pineapple 2 whole fresh limes peeled and quartered 2 mangos cut up 2 frozen bananas dash of cayenne pepper pinch of sea salt 1 cup ice (or more, depending on desired consistency) 1/2 cup Water Directions Put all ingredients in blender (I used a Ninja). Blend until smooth. Serve in cocktail glasses (with salted rims if you like).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
