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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Great Recipe Attached! Pumpkin Banana Bread.doc
  2. Ms skinniness

    High Protein Pumpkin Banana Bread To Die For!

    Let me ask my son, and I will get back to you.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Will I Forget To Feed My Kid?

    Your DD is going to learn from you how to eat healthy and have healthier portion sizes. People these days eat way too much food! She will adjust and adapt more healthier eating habits by the choices that you make. I am in the process of giving my family less portion sizes with healthier food choices. I believe that it is time to be more conscious of chloresteral and the effects it has on our bodies. What better way to teach our children then by role modeling for them.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    BTW, I love your pic!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops ~ sorry your not feeling well. It isn't fair to have these struggles. I've been dealing with the death of my FIL and now SIL and BIL are acting as thieves. It's so stupid..... Anyhooo, after the funeral services on friday, went up the mountain for the weekend and I gained 3 lbs last week. I am still working on getting all my water in but do much better when using a straw. Let me know how your doing and what the culprit could be with yourself. Sending healing energy your way. You still ROCK in my book!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Will I Forget To Feed My Kid?

    At first you will be on a different diet. You will fix different foods for your kids but it will be no big deal. Later on you can eat what they eat but in smaller quanities. This is probable a great time to start making healthier meals for the whole family so that they can learn healthier eating habits now. That will make it a lot easier for you also. You will do fine. No worries.
  7. Ms skinniness


    I would cut back due to the possibility of HA and it being a diuretic. I really don't miss my caffeine.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Today - 5/14/12

    Good Luck Michelle! See you on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  9. Ms skinniness


    I would of looked into Rogaine if I thought it would help. But I have a thing about putting unnecessary chemicals into my body and Rogaine is one of them. I do take biotin and silica and my hair loss have stopped and my hair is about 2 inches long in new hair growth. I'm 7 months out. so the hair will grow back. If I was losing my hair because of a pattern of baldness in my family and I didn't have this surgery, I might consider taking it. But why spend the $ on Rogaine if the hair loss was due to surgery and will grow back? It's kind of like a waste of $. Just my opinion.
  10. Ms skinniness

    When Do You...

    It takes time. Sometimes, when I am really full, I can feel the left side of my stapleline against my abdominal wall. Your incision site is healing and it will take time to heal and then you will forget it's even there. No problems and no, your not crazy. LOL
  11. Ms skinniness

    Not Exercising Yet....

    My struggle is getting in enough fluids. When I was getting dehydrated, I got really dizzy. When I get up in the AM, I get a little dizzy. Can you be somewhat dehydrated? Trying uping your water intake. You might be surprised. I struggle everyday with fluid intake. But I have to do it, or else suffer the consequences.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Sleeve Success

    Isn't this amazing? So happy and proud for you! Keep it up. I love my sleeve and my skinniness.....
  13. Ms skinniness

    In The 150's

    Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! CONGRATS!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Confused With My Approval....

    Don't stress about it. Have your doctor take care of the small details. They will talk with Cigna and change the date. If we stop and think about it, it's basically all about money with the Doc's and the insurance company. The doc will fight for you because he needs the $$$$$. It won't be a problem, and of course, Cigna does give extensions.
  15. Ms skinniness

    I Rather Fat Than Skin

    I would just like to say that everyone's excess skin is not the same. I started my journey at 223 and have minimal skin excess. You are very young and your skin has a lot more elasticity to it. And, even if you have a lot of loose skin, there is plastic surgery to correct. Perhaps someday, we can have our loose skin removed to help people that have burns and need skin grafts. I love my skinny body now and have so much more energy than before. I look really hot in my cloths and love it. I also have a friend that is over weight and wears jackets all the time to cover her arms due to being embarrassed by them. So big or skinny we all have areas of our body that we are not proud of. Now you have the surgery, you will get skinny, and you will be able to handle the loose skin. Don't stress on it, live for today, not for tomorrow. Enjoy what you have. This is an amazing journey that we choose. We will all have some excess skin but do have choices in what to do with the excess skin later on. Oh, BTW, are you exercising? That helps tighten up your skin also. You are beautiful and let go of your anxiety so that you can live in the present moment!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    I am so frustrated right now! One weekend of bad eating and my weight bounced up by 3 lbs! Urgggggggggggggggg! My hubby and his stupid cookies! What the f*** was I thinking. Going to get back on track now and do a simple eating schedule of protein, protein, protein, veggies, and no sugary foods! Today is the day! I don't think I will be seeing the 140's by memorial day.
  17. Ms skinniness


    It is typical but mac n cheese have a lot of fat and carbs so it's best to avoid them. Eat mostly protein, protein, and protein, then veggies. Dense proteins will have the tendency to fill you up quicker. I try to think healthy but this weekend I had a struggle with my husband's impulse buying of Pepperidge Farm's cookies. Now my sugar monster is awake and I will have to tame it again. LOL
  18. Ms skinniness

    I Messed Up

    I have totally messed up. I am craving sweets so bad! I have a ton of head hunger going on. And I have been eating a little more than usual. Fearful of getting on the scale tomorrow morning. But will get back on track first thing in the AM. Oh, my hubby bought a bag of Pepperidge Farm Cookies and I ate them so he wouldn't. Also ate a stupid cupcake my kids left on the counter. So BADDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
  19. For the first time in 7 months I have really messed up my diet. I have so much head hunger and it's killing me. I am so freaking out that I have actually gained weight. Oh well, I will be good tomorrow.

  20. Ms skinniness

    Cant Stop Obsessing!

    I love this kind of obsessing ! It is such a great journey to better health!
  21. Ms skinniness

    I Have Made It To One-Derland!

    Fantastic! You rock!
  22. My FIL is in a critical condition at the hospital. Could you all say a prayer for him. He's 92 years young and just had second surgery for neck fracture. Please help by saying a few prayers. Thank you
  23. Ms skinniness


  24. It's really important to make sure your eating at least 3 meals a day to keep you metabolic rate up. Eat protein, protein, protein, and veggies. Keep the carbs low and get some exercise. You will do just fine. It might take you a little longer, and maybe not. At least your skin will have more time to adjust!
  25. Ms skinniness

    Why Do We Lose Our Hair?

    Seven months out and I have stopped losing my hair finally! Yayyyyyyyyyyy! I started taking biotin and silica and have hair growing where I don't want it to grow. LOL But I have a bristle head where my new hairs are growing back in. Their about 1 inch in length. Love it! So happy to grow hair!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
