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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Anyone Done A Vo2 Test

    What is this test? and what is it for? Just curious.
  2. Ms skinniness

    2 Months Post Op Pics!

    I love your transformation!
  3. I love the transformation! You are doing a great job on keeping on track. I am really going to get myself in gear and post a pic really soon. I am just about 8 months post op so that's 1 month behind you.
  4. Ms skinniness

    2 Weeks Out And Cheating With Solids

    What if you cause a leak in your staple line from eating solids? Would it be worth cheating? Please take better care of yourself and not eat solids until later when your stapleline is healed.
  5. Numbers are nice, but the inches are more important to me! I love my skinniness!
  6. Went to see my PCP today and discussed diabetes. My diabetes is under control but still need to watch what I eat bc I can get it back even if I maintain my weight right now. Hummmmm, there is no cure just healthy eating habits! So healthy eating it is! :)

  7. Ms skinniness


    If you have to have the bread, then toast it first. Otherwise bread will expand in your stomach and take up valuable space for more nutritional foods. My stomach doesn't like bread anymore. I avoid it as much as possible.
  8. I'm all for doing everything surgically at one time. Put's less stress on our body and it's done and over with at once! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Photos Of Your Removed Stomach

    I didn't get this option. Dam it, I would have really wanted to see my stomach! Thanks for sharing.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Weight Loss Surgery Stigma

    I AM DONE MOOING: We are also your chosen family now and we support you 100%.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Lumpy Thighs And Massage

    It could be worth a try. But I don't see it happening if it hasn't happened already. You have lost a significant amount of weight! Great job! Keep it up.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Todays The Day

    Let the Roller Coaster Ride begin! You will do great! Healing thoughts to you!
  13. Kathy ~ This is old habits coming back to bit you in the A$$. Now is the time to change those habits by doing what your doing. Getting rid of all the junk food in your cubboards and keeping nothing but healthy stuff in there. This is not an easy journey, but it is doable. I am 7.5 months out and I wasn't eating the best. I've noticed on MFP that I have easily reached the 1200 calorie mark with food where before I struggled with getting in 900. I haven't been losing weight, my weight has been fluctuating. So now I am re-evaluating my food intake and getting rid of the snacking habits I have gotten into, throwing away the junk, and making my adult children get their junk out of my kitchen and chosing more healthier foods. This we can do. You are now reckoning the bad habits creeping back in and you can make the changes now. You hadn't really changed that behavior before now. And once you change a behavior like snacking, it is really important to replace the habit with something healthy. Maybe take a walk instead, call a friend or loved one. You can make this change just like I am revamping my diet. THROW ALL THE JUNK CALORIES IN THE TRASH AND GET OFF THE SUGAR, IT IS ADDICTING. We can do this!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Weight Loss Surgery Stigma

    I can't wait to hear more! LOL Can I help?
  15. Ms skinniness

    Had To Go To Er, Surgery Is In 6 Days!

    That shouldn't stop you from having the surgery.
  16. Ms skinniness

    My Self-Imposed Preop Diet.

    I was on an eating less diet for about 12 weeks and did 1 day of liquid the day before my surgery.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Laughing Pains!

    When I over due it, my left side gets really sore all the time.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Let's Talk Leftovers...

    my family eat my left overs. I'm learning to cook less and also when going out to eat with friends or family, I am just going to take bites from theirs. They all smiled when I told them anyways. they also share with each other and gives us a bigger variety to sample. Love it!
  19. Ms skinniness


    There are absolutely no guarantees in life. However, your sleep apnea can kill you with or without the surgery. This surgery is a cure for your sleep apnea. Everyone is scare when going in for surgery. For me, I was so scare I really wanted to run away and almost did. But it was like a deep sleep and before I knew it, it was over and I was in recovery. So happy I did it. It would be a great idea to talk with the doc about your experience and the anesthesiologist to make the best decision for the surgery.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Just Got The Call.

    Dancing for you! CONGRATS!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Omg! The Changes Are Really Happening!

    Fantastic! I love these NSV'S!
  22. Ms skinniness

    Weaning Off Caffeine...

    I use to be addicted to diet Pepsi. I haven't had any since last november and will not even take a sip because I know I will get addicted again. I don't want it to do anything to my stomach's staple line or cause any other complications.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Feeling Good

    Let the roller coaster ride begin! Welcome!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
