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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    This is so funny! Love it!
  2. Ms skinniness

    3Weeks Out

    I wouldn't wait until tomorrow, I'd go get some IV fluid ASAP! If not, try popsiscles, ice chips, gatorade, anything to get some fluid in. Maybe some warm both. Let us know what happens. I personally hope you get an IV really quick. Dehydration is nothing to sneeze at.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Best Nsv Ever - Made My Day!

    It's so true! You are SKINNY! Do you love your skinniness? I do!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Not Sure What Is Okay To Post

    I hope your feeling somewhat better. Are you drinking gatorade? That could help you with your potassium. Also drink as much as you can get in. I love all the responses you got from everyone. Keep asking away and make sure that the medical professionals do something to help you with you HBP. If you haven't heard from them. I might consider going to the ER to bring HBP down.
  5. Just to let you know. If you lose weight under the acceptable BMI, the insurance company can still deny you. I have Kaiser and I did lose weight as required and then the referred surgeon's office said I was under the allowed BMI and wouldn't be able to do the surgery. Then I reminded the Doc that I had a dx of diabetes but choose not to take any meds, but was taking Lisnipril. It was a battle. I won, and here I am, 8 months later, lost 74 lbs.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Not Sure What Is Okay To Post

    You can post anything you want. Please don't worry about how another person on the forum will respond. This forum has the most carrying, thoughtful people out there and are on here because they want to support others with their experiences. Very few get on here and are argumentative etc. I pretty much ignore them because they're in a bad spot for the moment. They are responsible for their thoughts and behaviors and I have a choice not to respond or take action. they are writing words that are meaningless to me if they're negative words. All and all,, post any questions and thought you may have, or you can PM someone. Enjoy your skinniness everyday, because everyday you will get even more skinnier! congrats!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Pray For Me

    I think it's just swelling. Praying for the best for you.
  8. Ms skinniness

    What Workout Attire

    I hate my jiggle, I hesitate to run because of my jiggle. LOL I really need to kick up the exericise. I need to get my PT back ASAP and get back to the gym.
  9. Please don't give up. This is just another 3 months to get your body prepared for the beautiful transformation that will be happening. It's worth an extra 3 month wait. Put your head up and keep going forward. yes, it is totally frustrating all the hoops the insurance company is making you jump through. I had to do the six months also, but took it one day at at time. Even up to the OR room, I couldn't believe it was actually going to happen. I woke up and it was reality. Keep on going, it will happen.
  10. I hope you will consider the gastric bypass as a last result. There are people I know who have done really well with it. But I am hoping that they can move whatever is blocking it! Having an IV for now on would totally suck! My prayers are with you. Please keep us updated.
  11. Ms skinniness

    July 4Th Challenge

  12. Ms skinniness

    July 4Th Challenge

    Patrick: You are a very determined person and I love your persistence! You will succeed and just keep walking and stick to your liquid diet even though it is the hardest thing you will do! you can do this! I really admire all your hard work.....
  13. Ms skinniness

    Fitness Nsv For Me! :)

    Congrats! You are my hero! I need to go to the Mall today to get in my exercise.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Need Stall Help

    Here it is: The BASICS BOOTCAMP: For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only... Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter. Veggies: Green only. Fruits: None. Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None. Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein drinks. Avoid: Sugar and Sodium Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.
  15. Pdxman: You always put a smile on my face!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Laughing Pains!

    The binder or wrap will help a lot. The PA at the surgeon's office told me to wear it when I had pain in my left side. It helped a lot.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Anyone Get/consider A "neck Lift"?

    A friend of mine went to life lift that's advertised on TV. She had it a 3 weeks ago and said she had a lot of discomfort. She didn't return to work for at least 2 weeks. I plan on having this procedure done in about 1 year. I have a turkey neck and jowls. LOL
  18. Ms skinniness

    Best Nsv Ever - Made My Day!

    I loved hearing my girl friend's external voice as she was walking out of my house. She had her head down and stated, "I can't handle you skinniness!." This just made me smile. And yes, I do love my skinniness.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Medical Assistant Course

    Why not focus yourself on getting your RN license. But mean while, working as a medical assistant would help get you through.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Not Sure I Can Do This

    I understand that you feel that if you can't do the pre-opt diet without cheating, than you might have the same trouble after the surgery. In some ways your right, but 99% of us have made bad choices. The preopt diet is the hardest. Do the best you can and don't worry about the procedure It will happen and you will adjust. I promise you. You will learn to eat healthier smaller portions and you will love your weight loss! It's totally amazing. Don't give up, you can do this, you've come this far already.
  21. So happy your feeling better. I got dehydrated and now I mix gatorade with water and drink it constantly. I keep a bottle with me at all times. So far, so good. When I notice my stomach is feeling dry, I get somewhat panicky. I don't want to ever experience dehydration again.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Bad Pain

    Yes, especially when drinking liquids, cold or warm.
  23. Ms skinniness


    you will be able to sit down and have meals with your family soon. In fact, you can sit with them and have your liquids as well. Be proud and keep up the good work!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Sleeve March 26Th

    Now that's what I call Rockin that Sleeve! Great job!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
