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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    New Member

    Try not to think about. Live today and keep your self very busy. You will be nervous and scared and that's so normal. You will excel on this phase of the diet and it is the hardest part. I went all the way not believing I was going to have the surgery until waking up after the surgery. You will Rock!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Biggest Loser Winner Is Raven8888

    I'm confused. Where we having a contest or is this the BIGGEST LOSER Game on TV? I must have missed the boat! LOL
  3. Ms skinniness

    I Got A "no" From My Insurance Company

    Can your surgeon write an appeal letter? Sometimes insurance companies play games by dening procedures at first. Don't give up hope, there's always self pay. i know a lot of people who chose to go to Mexico and have had no complications. These are options. Let us know how your doing.
  4. Ms skinniness

    199 At Last!

    You are doing great! CONGRATS! Enjoy the new you and all the compliments your getting from friends and family!
  5. This is absolutely amazing! CONGRATS! Keep Rockin that Sleeve!
  6. Are you wearing your binder? I had stopped wearing my binder and my stomach where it was taken out would get a horrible pain. When I put the binder on ond wore it, my left side started feeling a lot better. It's worth a try. Good luck and hope it's simple? Do you have any medical insurance through your spouse's work? If so, you could go to the ER or urgent care and see a doc there. Check it out if you do. That would take a lot of the stress off.
  7. Ms skinniness

    3 Month Out Stall

    Wow, you've loss 47 lbs! That's great! So happy for you! And yes, you have a stall and this is normal for everyone. and we do fluctuate on the scale going up a couple of lbs and then all of a sudden, bam, it's gone down again. You are not done losing weight, your body is adjusting in inches right now and getting ready for the next round of weight loss. You are doing great and weight loss will not happen over night. But it would be nice if it did! hang in there and keep up the good work.
  8. Kiloalphatango do you use your legs to scoot yourself in bed? the nurse at the hospital taught me this the last day I was there and it helps a lot. I was able to sleep on my side when I got home with no problems.
  9. Ms skinniness

    My Burper Is Broken….

    I can still burp, but I always have gas! So disturbing. Now I take gas x, beano, omeprazole and still have some gas. I really hate having to take these meds!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Acid Reflux After Surgery?

    I do take a PPI (omeprazole) 2 times a day for acid reflux and gas. For the first 6 weeks after surgery, I was alway's hungry and that's when I realized that I had acid relux. I started taking omeprazole and the hunger went away. Now when I feel hungry, I know that it's time to drink some water. I can't distinguish when I'm hungry or thristy now. . But I am getting better at it, and I totally love my Sleeve!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Worried About My Daughter

    I really like that your concerned for your daughter's weight. I believe in teaching our children about healthy portion sizes and eating more healthy meals with more veggies. I also know that it's really hard for our children considering all the fast food places out there that are calling our names. It is really hard to control what goes in our children's mouth when we are not there, especially at school. So the best place for her to learn is at home. She will learn from watching your new eating habits, and if you don't have any carbs or junk food, then she will adapt to eating more healthy. You little girl is watching everything you and her daddy do and will encorporate a healthier eating habit if she's watching you eat healthy. I love the ideal of doing physical activities together. Are you using my fitness pal? I would also teach her how to use this program so that she can learn about eating healthier. Have everyone in your house learn this because it's important. My husband is starting to eat more like me. He doesn't eat breads, pastas, potatos, or rice now. He does struggle with eating smaller portions though, but he's trying. I have adult children living here and my son is fluctuating in weght also. So he needs to work on this also. Remember to keep it simple and not about her, she's a member of a team and in our houses, we need team work! Yep, this is our new healthy living stuff. LOL
  12. It's fantastic that your having no pain! CONGRATS! I know it's kinda scary and your wondering if this is for real, but it is and you are doing great! I have only had tenderness at my incision sites and when they were healed, only discomfort when I over do it. I have had no complications from my surgery or slimes, vomiting, etc. I consider myself lucky but wish that on the occasional times that I eat to much that I would have it be painful so that I will learn my lesson and not over eat. I am a little concerned about stretching my sleeve and want to keep from stretching it. I am working on practicing mindfulness. Today I am starting to weigh my foods and keep my dense Proteins between 2 to 3 ozs and incorporate more veggies. BTW: My surgeon took out 85% of my stomach. Did your surgeon explain why he only took out 75%? Just curious, you will have the same results with weight loss I'm sure.
  13. Ms skinniness

    4 Weeks Out And Need Advice

    I would definitely talk with your nut. I would also try to increase your protein a little a this point and read the label of your protein to check on carbs. You are losing and that's great so keep it up, it will get better for you. I take colace a couple times a week and it's more effective for me than fiber.
  14. Ms skinniness


    This is so frustrating. I was lucky that I was the first scheduled for the day, but I was late, I went to the wrong hospital. LOL It will happen if it hasn't already. Let me be second to welcome you to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Week 4-Help Needed!

    Your stomach might be healing a little slower and that's ok. Try eating the mushies with less consistency and gradualy make it less consistency. Make sure your getting in all you water because if you get dehydrated, your stomach may get a little swollen . Talk with your surgeon about it too. It will get better but it does take time to heal.
  16. I really pretty much slowed to a snail's pace at 6 months. I have struggled for the last 2 months with little weight loss. I do basically eat protein, protein, and protein and have recently started eating veggies and some fruit. Recently I discovered I had lost 5 more lbs. Yayyyy! I would like to lose 3 more lbs. And then it's maintenance and the scares me.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Learning The Hard Way

    I hate it when I have to learn things the hard way. I haven't had times where I've thrown up just feeling stuffed. When eating and I'm full I get a cloudy visual sensation in my brain and I know I'm done so o stop. Today I ate pastrami and some onion rings and I was full. I am going to start measuring my food starting tomorrow morning. I would hate to stretch my sleeve and gain weight.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Eating More Than Before Surgery

    Are u talking about liquid stage of diet, soft mushy or regular food. These are really important questions to answer.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Size 20

    I are on ur way. Can't wait for u to get there.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Very Tired

    At 4 weeks out it's normal to feel fatigued. It wouldn't hurt to take B-12 sublinqually every day. Not only that, I really like the ideal of getting a B-12 injection. I will be checking in with my PCP this coming sweek for a Vitamin B-12 injection. Thanks you guys! Your all awesome.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Ok To Drink Liquid Along With A Protein Shake?

    I usually try to wait 30 minutes but have on occasion with no ill effect, drank water after drinking a protein shake.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Don't Hate

    People have different perceptions of Mexico. Most are uninformed. I know several people who have gone to Mexico and had this surgery with no complications. I in fact, will most likely go to Mexico for plastic surgery because it's not covered by my insurance. I don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spend, so I have to make choices that fit my budget. The surgery will go fine and you will be ecstatic when the weight is disappearing and you have you good health back with a healthy skinny body to boot!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Not Having A Last Supper

    Martymcskinnystein ~ you are thinking of your food funeral which is alright. Once your sleeved you will be eating a lot less and will be so excited about all the physical changes that's taking place with your body, you will only want to eat healthy food for hear on out. This is an awesome procedure that helps us with losing the weight. It is going to be a great time to applying healthy eating habits and exercise.
  24. Ms skinniness

    What Are You Guying Eating At 2 Months

    Eat yogurts, sf pudding, sf jellos, Soups, go to emilybites and check out her lasagna cupcakes, etc. She has some really tasty stuff you can use for your self. My family loves them too.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Blood Clot In Leg!

    Having a blood clot is pretty scary! I'm glad you caught it in time and it's being treated. Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER's BENCH!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
