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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Dibetes May Return Post-Op

    What i do know is that when I was having some mini chocolate bars my A1C increased from 6.0 to 6.3. That was a big wake up call. I no longer eat candy and stick to high protein, low carb with some veggies. My PCP did say that diabetes can come back in 10 to 20 years, especially if eating the wrong foods. So my surgery was to treat my diabetes just like insulin does.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Bummed Beond Beleif . . .

    This is really sad. It has me crying and I am trying not to let my tears out. The loss of a loved one brings back many of our losses that we haven't healed from. There are 10 stages that flow in different orders. Hang in there and please share with your wife how you feel about her making that decision without giving you a chance to say goodbye to those loved ones. She meant well but was beside herself making those decisions.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Bummed Beond Beleif . . .

    wow! This is a double whammy for you and your lovely wife. Having to let go of our critters are one of the hardest things to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please use the forum to share instead of going into the food issues. We are hear for you.
  4. Ms skinniness

    2 Days Till "rebirth"

    Taking your iphone and laptop is such a great idea. I didn't have a locker and was fearful someone might take it, i shared a room.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Poverty, Bad Heath And No Aide!

    LiLu: there was a program on last night called 48 hours where they had 3 different families on that had lost jobs and were now below the poverty line. See if you can go to there website and view the elpisode over the internet. There was a company there that specialized in helping families in these crisis situations that might benefit you as well. Just thoughts that might help you.
  6. I really like the ideal of fresh produce, especially organic! I am going to cut my protein to 2 ozs and have a salad and fresh veggies with it too. Yummy! Thanks Meg!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Poverty, Bad Heath And No Aide!

    If you are not taking care of yourself, how are you going to take care of your babies? I know that you have so many stressors going on that it's hard to see on day after the other, but you still have to look at other options. What about food banks? have you looked into those? What about moving in with family? You really haven't given much information, but I know that your scared about your future. This is a really hard economical time for you, but if you don't take care of yourself, you will not be here to take care of your children! Good luck and make sure you eat healthy as possible.
  8. Ms skinniness

    2 Days Till "rebirth"

    I took nothing to the hospital also. It made it a lot easier to come home. I just had the few things they had given me. I was very comfortable. heck, I didn't even take my cell phone. I was naked of everything! LOL
  9. Ms skinniness

    Messed Up...again

    Sounds like you were having a food funeral! Yep, that's it. now it's time to get back on track. Talk to your NUT about this and that your back on track now. Talk about your fears so that you can work through them, and not sabotage yourself anymore. You can do this, it's not the end of the world. Look at your pattern of self sabotage and learn from it. You couldn't change this pattern unless you seen it in action. So let's move forward and i really don't think this is going to stop you from having your procedure. Keep moving forward and forgive yourself for this mistake.
  10. Ms skinniness

    From Ks..

    OMG! It's right around the corner! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Can't wait! You will do fine.
  11. Ms skinniness

    One Month Out Drinking Any Fluids

    I started taking bigger drinks about 2 months out. I would fill my mouth with fluid and swallow the fluid a couple of times. Now I have very little trouble drinking a couple of ozs at a time. This is trial and error. But it does get a lot better.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Frustrated! Busting My Hump... No Weight Loss

    I have not been losing weight for quite a while and I'm really close to goal (personal goal) and have passed my surgeon's goal. This is a time when your body is resting and restoring it's glycogen stores for the next round of weight loss. If you are keeping your body at high proteins and veggies, then there is no other recourse but to drop more weight. It will happen. Meanwhile, you might switch up your exercise routine and eating routine. Get out of the habits you have developed so far so that you can keep your body guessing to promote more weight loss. Keep it up, it will come off.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Going Out To Eat

    I really want to split meals with my husband but he refuses. He knows that my left overs usually go to him. Now I'm really getting worried about his eating. He eats a ton of food. He see's it, he eats it. On the Saturday morning I made 8 sausage, 4 for that day, and 4 for sunday. I had 1 sausage and my friend had 1 sausage. I went to put the other left over sausage and was so he had ate 6 sausage and 2 eggs. This has always occurred in the past when I made extra for a meal on other days so I wouldn't have to cook. He would eat everything he seen! So frustrating! Now he has diabetes and his blood sugar is way out of control. I know that I can not control the decisions he makes or change his belief system that everything has to be eaten and that it's a sin to waste food. So the only option I have is to limit the amount of food put on the table. I'm so sad about this. Now I realize where some of my eating got out of control. When I go out to breakfast, I usually order a side of an egg. and if I want, I would get a sausage or something and I have never been questioned by the wait staff. If so, then they will get less tip. that's the way it works for me. I'm there to get what I want, and if not, then no to less of a tip. Sorry for the rant.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Today Is My Do-Over

    Sending healing energy your way! Can't wait to hear about your experiences.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Today Is The Big Day...

    By now you have probably already had the surgery and are recovering. Welcome to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! This is a fantastic journey to be on, it's life changing!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Eating Out

    This weekend we ate out and I ordered the regular size antipasta salad, ate 3/4th of the meat a a bite of salad and was totally full. Took the remainder of the salad home and ate the rest of the meat the next day, and had to throw the rest of it away. It was a waste of food and that sadden me. Next time I will order just the meat and just leave the rest.
  17. Ms skinniness

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Yep, we can gain weight by eating the wrong foods even in small amounts. I just gained 5 lbs in the past few days. I allowed myself to eat doritos and a 1/2 scoop of ice cream because my head hunger was out of control. I have noticed that I can eat more now and that is really scaring the pants off me. I do keep my diet high protein. But have gained weight. Today is the day that I am going to get back on track. So mad at myself But I also know that this is just a learning curve. It is important for me to look at all my head hunger and to learn to recognize when my body is thirsty instead of thinking that I'm hungry all the time.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Need To Know...

    I also allowed myself to have some carbs over the weekend. I ate Doritos Chips and I gained a couple of pounds also. I fluctuate in weight by a bounce of a couple of lbs and it does get frustrating. So I just go back to basics of protein and veggies and the bounce goes down. It is frustrating for me. A lot of the info about calories in/calories out is confusing because there's no way I could get 3500 calories in within a weeks period of time to gain a pound. I went up from 146.2 lbs to 151.2 lbs, so that's a 5 lb bounce. today I will get back on track and lower my calories down.
  19. This is so frustrating to have to go through! Hang in there and it will get done.
  20. Ms skinniness


    From the album: before and after

  21. Ms skinniness

    before and after

  22. Ms skinniness

    Hawaii 034

    From the album: before and after

  23. Ms skinniness

    Hawaii 050

    From the album: before and after

  24. Ms skinniness


    Ditto all the above! Best to take precautions and see your doc! We have major changes happening in our bodies as we're morphing to skinniness!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
